Title: Welcome to Central Christian Church
1Welcome! to Central Christian Church
- First-time guests - Please stop by the Guest
Services table on the patio as you leave and
pick up a information packet - Everyone - Please fill out a Connecting Card
and place it in the offering plate later in
the service.
2Video Clip Here 130
- The Walk That Touches Eternity
3Week 1
4Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
5Video Clip Here 110
6Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
- If we would all do just
- the small thing that we can do,
- we would touch a lot more lives!
- Bill Hybels
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8Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
- The single greatest gift you can give is to
introduce someone to Jesus - introduce them to the God who
- created them, who loves them, and
- who has a purpose for their life.
THIS is what evangelism isconstantly watching
for ways to give that gift to someone living far
from God.
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10Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Are you ready to give the single greatest gift
to someone today?
1. Enter the Zone of the Unknown
111. Enter the Zone of the Unknown
12Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Are you ready to give the single greatest gift
to someone today?
- 1. Enter the Zone of the Unknown
- Break out of your circles of comfort
- Take intentional steps
- Crank up your boldness meter
13Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Stretch out your hand to heal and perform
miraculous signs and wonders through the name of
your holy servant Jesus. After they prayed, the
place where they were meeting was shaken. And
they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 429-31
14Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Are you ready to give the
single greatest gift to someone today?
1. Be willing to enter the Zone of the Unknown
2. Listen for the Spirits promptings
15Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
16Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt
loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty
again? It is no longer good for anything, except
to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are
the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot
be hidden.
Matthew 513-14, TNIV
17Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make
you fishers of men. Matthew 419
18Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Are you ready to give the single greatest gift
to someone today?
1. Be willing to enter the Zone of the Unknown
2. Listen for the Spirits promptings
3. Just walk!
19Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider
equality with God something to be used his own
advantage rather, he made himself nothing by
taking the very nature of a servant, being made
in human likeness. And being found in appearance
as a human being, he humbled himself by becoming
obedient to deatheven death on a
cross! Philippians 25b-8, TNIV
20Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
Ready to give the single greatest gift to
someone today?
1. Be willing to enter the Zone of the Unknown
2. Listen for the Spirits promptings
3. Just walk! a. Jesus took the supreme
walk b. Let God lead you how to talk
c. Walking improves your spiritual health
21Week 1 The Single Greatest Gift
- If we would all do just
- the small thing that we can do,
- we would touch a lot more lives!
- Bill Hybels
22Week 1
23- This is your opportunity to have a
- prayer team member pray for you
- Share briefly any prayer need or praise
- Share your decision to follow Jesus
- Share your decision to return to Jesus
- Share your decision to be a part of
this fellowship
24We share communion each Sunday as an important
part of our worship together. Bread and grape
juice remind us of Jesus love in dying on the
cross for us. The bread represents the body of
Christ the juice represents the blood of
25All who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior are
welcome to participate. Please place your
empty cup in the pew rack holder. If you prefer
not to participate, please pass the trays to the
next person.
26Offering is one way to worship God. Trays are
passed for your giving convenience. Guests please
feel no obligation to give.
Everyone, please place your Connecting card in
the tray
Each man should give what he has decided in his
heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 97 see that you also
excel in this grace of giving. 2
Corinthians 87 Whoever sows sparingly will
also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously
will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 96
27Bring your boxes to the front
Thank you for sharing the love of God with a
child this Christmas!
28Puppets I Will Not Be Not Afraid
30Community Gathering
Today after second service
1230 - 230 pm
Lunch will be served Life Path stories
shared Pastoral Search update
We hope youll join us!
31November 11-15 This one-hour spiritual
experience will help you relax, decompress, let
go, and rekindle your faith. Time slots vary
each day
Dont miss this opportunity to connect with God!
Appointments are required and can be made at the
Labyrinth table on the patio today
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33We hope youll make the time to experience the
PrayerLabyrinth for yourself.
34Thanksgiving Eve Service Wednesday, November 26,
7-8 pm Start your holiday off with a beautiful
Central tradition. Join us for a time of
music, sharing, and communion with your Central
37Growing to Serve
Begins Today
Room 12, 1045 am
Serving 101
Knowing Your SHAPE Taking the Step of
39 830 am 100 pm
Saturday November 22
At Gardner School
We will do several light duty jobs and hand out
food baskets to 35 families. Everyone will have
an opportunity to serve!
Sign up today and well make a difference in our