Title: DMEAN Operational Improvements 20062007 Action Plan
1DMEAN Operational Improvements 2006-2007 Action
- Deploying short term solutions to the most
pressing capacity problems faced by stakeholders
Derek Hodge - DMEAN
2Operational Improvements 2006/7 Action Plan
- Agency, airlines ANSP representatives reviewed
the DMEAN Work Packages and identified
operational improvements that could be
implemented in 2006 and 2007. -
- Action plan covers development and implementation
tasks to be performed, timescales, costs, and
roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. - Increase effective network capacity over and
above what was foreseen in the network capacity
plans - Deploy short term solutions for providers to
meet most pressing capacity problems e.g. choke
points. - Bring early benefits to stakeholders from DMEAN
- Action Plan endorsed by PC/24 11Nov 05, cost and
benefit assessment summary was noted
3DMEAN Development Implementation Phases
Deploying Operational Improvements in 2006/7
DMEAN Master Plan
Detailed Requirements Definition Phase 1
High Level Requirements
Technical Proposals Phase 2
Define Requirements for each Deliverable
Consolidate Requirements
Development Phase 3
Assess Current / Planned
Systems Tools
Implementation Phase 4
Produce Proposals for
Data Architecture
Repositories Tools
Perform Detailed CBA
Improved Demand Data Improved Capacity Data
Review Related ECIP/ LCIP Objectives
Approval of Requirements by DSC
Improved Capacity Planning Collaborative Airspace
Flow Capacity Mgt European Airspace Structure
DMEAN Master Schedule for Phases 3 4
Decision by PC for Phases 1 2
Sharing of Best Practices Single Flight Plan
Incorporating Updates Before EOBT Pan European
Network Situation
Go / No Go Decision by PC25 (Apr06)
Flight Data Updates Dissemination After Off
Blocks Airspace Users Selecting Preferred Route
Options European Airspace Structure
Approval of Action Plan 2006/7 24th PC Meeting
25th PC Meeting
September 2005
4Towards a DMEAN Concept of Operations in 2009
Component parts implemented to deliver a dynamic
pan-European ATM network
- Short Term Improvements
- quick wins driven by operational requirements in
the field and - pragmatic incremental implementation steps
derived from WP deliverables
Phases III and IV will drive incremental steps
towards the CONOPS
OI ..
OI 2
OI 1
Phase II establishes how, when and cost for a
consolidated CONOPS deployment
Short Term Improvements
5Operational Improvements 2006/2007
- To increase effective network capacity over and
above what was foreseen in the network capacity
plans - Targeted collaborative effort (Agency Units
Stakeholders) to resolve expected capacity
bottlenecks in next 12 month period - Improved utilisation of non-permanent
routes/airspace to address day-of-ops capacity
and military requirements - Initial network information exchange, incl. more
accurate timely information on demand/capacity
(for planning resolution) - Automatic identification of flight plans which
when updated would exploit new routes
availability - Specific initiatives to exploit best practices at
ACCs and airports - Alignment of airspace design, ASM ATFCM
62006/2007 Action Plan Contents
- Consolidated Planning Process (preparation for
Summer 2006 ATM Ops plan) - Airspace Design Improvements
- Collaborative development activation
pre-determined scenarios - FUA operational improvements (CDRs)
- Improvements of ATFCM/ASM ASD (trial)
- Airports Network Interface ( Airports best
practice) - FPL handling
- Network Information Sharing (NOP/Summer ATM Ops
Plan) - Information Management Task Force
- Improvements in real-time traffic management
(ETFMS best practice)
- Need for operational improvements to meet 2006/7
traffic growth and capacity shortfall identified
by stakeholders - Action Plan endorsed by DSC PC/24
- Consists of realistic achievable options
- Success, however, is dependent upon the
commitment and participation of Agency and