Title: Mosquitoes in Oklahoma
1Mosquitoes in Oklahoma
- Dr. Russell Wright, Prof. Emeritus
2General Biology of Mosquitoes
- Insects that belong to Order DIPTERA which
includes all the flies. - Have four life stages
- Egg -- laid on surface or edge of water.
- Larvae -- live only in water.
- Pupae -- live only in water.
- Adults
- Laid on singly on surface or edge of water.
- Some species lay eggs in rafts on surface of
water. - Some sp. hatch 24-36 hrs.
- Some hatch after one, two or three years.
- Over wintering stage for some species
- Four stages 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th instars.
- Called wrigglers, very active, come to surface
for air. - Total length 6-12 days. Some species even weeks.
- Stage that changes from larvae to adult.
- Called tumblers very active, come to surface
for air. - Stage lasts from 3-6 days.
6Adult (Male)
- Emerges first
- Feeds on nectar sources for energy.
- Mates within 3 to 7 days and dies
7Adult (Females)
- Emerges and feeds on nectar.
- Mates, usually only once.
- Searches for blood meal.
- Needs blood meal to develop eggs.
- 1-5 blood meals over life of 7 to 28 days.
8Mosquito Life Cycle
9Mosquito Species Present in Oklahoma
- Approximately 60 known species in Oklahoma. Over
230 species in U.S. - Usually only 6-8 species will be a nuisance pest
in any given area.
10Genus and species
- Every species is more different from each other
genetically than you and I are from any other
human on earth. - So I will need to use at least Genus names,
sometimes species as I refer to biology. - Think of these names as the folks you know as
Jane, Linda, Ann , Tom. Dick, Harry etc. - However if you think of any of your friends by
these names, dont tell them I told you to do so.
11Classification Based on Larval Habitat
- Flood Water Mosquitoes
- Permanent Water Mosquitoes
- Permanent Pool Group
- Transient Water Group
- Container Mosquitoes
12Larval Habitat
- Important to know which mosquitoes cause problems
and when. - Identify larval habitats based on adults present.
- Most effective to find and map larval habitats
and eliminate or treat in this stage.
13Flood Water Mosquitoes
- Mosquitoes in Genera Aedes, Ochlerotatus, and
Psorophora - Some species from these three genera are the most
important pest species. - Bite humans, livestock, pets. And can have very
large populations in spring and early summer. - Do not believe that most vector WNV
14Flood Water Mosquitoes (cont.)
- Eggs are laid on the soil surface at the edge of
standing pools of water that are left from heavy
rains or floods. - Often woodland pools roadside ditches or low
areas along creeks rivers that collect flood
water. - Eggs hatch when flooded by run off from heavy
rains or flood water.
15Flood Water Mosquitoes (cont.)
- Eggs are over wintering stage. In most cases must
spend winter in egg case, called diapause stage. - Can survive in egg stage for several years until
flooded. - However, can have different hatches within
several days if increased water levels hatch new
16Flood Water Mosquitoes (cont.)
- Adult populations peak in late April, May, and
June, some species hatch with late summer fall
rains . - Adults die quickly during hot weather.
- Any flooded pools usually dry up too fast to
support larvae in hot weather. - Females most active around sunset or in shady
areas when disturbed.
17Floodwater Pool Aedes vexans
18Floodwater Pool Aedes vexans
19Permanent Water MosquitoesPermanent Pool Group
- Genera Anopheles, Coquillettida, Mansonia some
Culex sp. - Found in quiet bodies of freshwater with
sunlight, much surface vegetation and very
little wave action. - Shallow edges of ponds, some lakes backwaters of
rivers even slow moving streams. - Never in main lake or pond areas with much wave
20Permanent Pool Group (cont.)
- Anopheles lay eggs singly on surface of water,
each egg with a float. - Eggs hatch in 24-36 hrs. Many generations a year
tend to peak mid late summer - Adults over winter triggered by photoperiod.
- Deep south perhaps cycle can go all year, slower
in winter.
21Permanent Pool Group (cont.)
- Genera Coquillettidia and Mansonia
- Mansonia mosquitoes lay eggs in groups attached
to plant stems underwater Coquillettidia in
rafts on water surface. - Larvae insert breathing siphon into plant and
takes oxygen directly from plant tissues.
Cattail marshes and similar type water. - Appear to have one prolonged generation per year
and at least in south over winter in larval
stage. - Not much of a nuisance pest.
22Permanent Water MosquitoesTransient Water Group
- Genera Culex and Culiseta
- Canals, long standing ground pools or roadside
ditches, catch basins, storm sewers , clogged
sewers long standing irrigation pools, water
often becomes very foul polluted for some species
others need fairly clean water. - These mosquitoes lay eggs in rafts on the surface
of the water. - Eggs hatch within 24-36 hours.
23Transient Water Group (cont.)
- These mosquitoes normally over winter in the
adult stage. - Adults emerging in late summer or fall do not
search for a blood meal, but mate and female
searches for sheltered areas to spend winter. - Caves, burrows, sewers, basements etc.
- Populations low in spring peak in mid to late
summer. Vary some with species.
24Culex spp. Laying Eggs
25Transient Water Group (cont.)
- Populations of these mosquitoes low in spring.
- Takes awhile to build large populations.
- Peak abundance July-October.
- Many species prefer birds as hosts.
- Are often best vectors of viruses.
- Bite more readily at night.
26Transient Water Mosquito Habitat
27Container Mosquitoes
- Certain species in 5-6 Genera
- In nature larvae live in tree holes, rock pools
even leaf axils. - Many species now associated with man made
containers or materials that hold water. - Tires, cans, buckets , birdbaths, gutters, pet
water dishes, plant container bottoms that catch
water, even cans, paper cups etc.
28Typical Container Mosquito Habitat
29Asian Tiger Mosquito
- Aedes albopictus
- Larvae in containers of any size.
30Aedes albopictus Eggs in Container
- Efficient container breeder utilizing available
sources. - Eggs laid on surface of water, on sides of
container, and on stick. - Immediate egg hatch of some eggs, delayed hatch
for others.
31Asian Tiger Mosquito
- First found in OK 1990-91, Tulsa, SE Counties.
- By 2000 was found in all counties we surveyed.
- Most important pest in most areas.
- Bites in mid to late afternoon.
- Abundant from mid June through Sept.
32Distribution of Asian Tiger Mosquito in Oklahoma
33Mosquito Species of Greatest Concern
- Belong to Genus Culex
- Include C. pipiens/quinquefasciatus, southern
house mosquito most likely vector - C. restuans, C. salinarius, C. tarsalis.
- Note all are permanent water mosquitoes,
populations peak in summer through fall at same
time virus activity peaks - All prefer to feed on birds.
34Possible WNV Vector Speciesin Oklahoma
- Bridge vectors to humans horses.
- Culex tarsalis Cx. salinarius Permanent
transient water but not very stagnant - Aedes vexans floodwater spring through mid
summer - Aedes albopictus
- Ochlerotatus triseriatus. Oc. hendersoni
- Container or tree hole species
- Knowledge of the mosquito species in a given area
and relative abundance is necessary in planning
control measures. - Some species do not vector WNV, control not as
important. - Accurate records must be kept of surveillance
locations. - Species I.D. is essential.
- Controlling mosquito larvae most effective
control measure because life stage is confined to
aquatic habitat. - Water management by drainage or source reduction.
- Larvicides can be used if drainage not available
or adequate. - Not as practical in Oklahoma until we have
identified larval sites.