Title: A Nation Torn Apart
1A Nation Torn Apart
- Civil War
- Social and Political History of Civil War
- Wars effect on South
- Wars effect on North
- Emancipation
- Disunity and Tensions
2Early part of Civil War
- Beginning of war in society
- Time of optimism on both sides
- Patriotic sentiments on both sides
- Celebrations
- Rush to volunteer
- Eager to fight
- Romantic notions of war in 1861
- Why this optimism?
- Why early support for war on both sides?
3Military Battles 1861-62
- July 21, 1861 First Battle of Bull Run
victory for Confederacy - Union learned lesson from this battle
- Not as easy to win as they fought
- Foreshadowed tough battles ahead
- Advantage in resources but England also had
advantage in resources at start of Revolutionary
4Military Battles 1861-62
- Both sides stressed importance of the West
attacks on Indians (fiercer than before and this
would continue for decades after) - Coastal war by Union naval forces
- Union remained in control of New Mexico
- 1862 Tennessee victories for Union (Grant)
- Battle of Shiloh no clear victor but both sides
suffered tremendous losses 24,000 total killed
out of 100,000 total - Robert E. Lee in Virginia to counter McClellans
Union forces - Lees victories in Virginia after McClellan
withdrew - Jefferson Davis wanted to get European
recognition of Confederacy - Tried to force war into the north, into Maryland
and Kentucky - Offensive failed
5Military Battles 1861-63
- Between 1861 and 1863, the Confederacy won a
number of important Civil War battles, including
the war's first major engagement, the First
Battle of Bull Run. - Lee did not always succeed, however. His two
attempted invasions of the North were stopped at
Antietam and Gettysburg. - 1863 Grant moved down the Mississippi River and
took the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg on
July 4, 1863, an action that effectively cut the
Confederacy in half. Another victory at Port
Hudson on July 9 gave the Union control of the
Mississippi River from Illinois to the Gulf of
Mexico. - These victories, combined with the Confederate
defeat at Gettysburg, seemed to foreshadow the
Union's ultimate victory, but the South was not
ready to surrender. The Confederates won a
desperate victory in the swamps of Chickamauga in
September 1863, then laid siege to Chattanooga in
November. - After three separate attacks, Grant broke the
siege on November 25, paving the way for William
T. Sherman's devastating March to the Sea in
1864, a campaign that left much of Georgia in
6Major Battles 1861-1863
- We will be learning about Gettysburg from final
projects of a few students.
8(No Transcript)
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10Military Battles 1864-65
- The last year of the Civil War was marked by
devastating losses on both sides as the contest
dragged on to its bloody end. - General Ulysses S. Grant, supreme commander of
all Union armies by late 1863, decided to engage
his Confederate counterpart, General Robert E.
Lee, in a direct challenge in Virginia. - Grant assigned General William T. Sherman the
task of subduing the Deep South by destroying
Confederate general Joseph E. Johnston's
Tennessee Army and capturing the industrial
stronghold of Atlanta. Sherman and Johnston first
clashed at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain on
June 27, 1864. Despite losing 3,000 troops to
Johnston, Sherman continued to push toward
Atlanta. By late August, the Confederates were
cornered in Atlanta, and on September 2, the
mayor surrendered the city. - In November, Sherman began his March to the Sea,
devastating huge portions of Georgia before
taking Savannah on December 21. Sherman's troops
marched through South Carolina and captured the
ruined city of Charlestonalready evacuated and
burned in anticipation of the Union advanceon
February 18, 1865. - Near the end of 1864, Confederate commander John
Bell Hood attempted to distract Sherman by
attacking Union forces in Tennessee. Hood won a
victory in Franklin on November 30, but was
crushed when he tried to take the heavily
fortified Union position at Nashville in December.
11Military history 1864-65
- In Virginia, Grant began his Overland campaign
(MayJune, 1864) to capture Richmond, the capital
of the Confederacy. - Unlike previous Union generals, Grant never
backed away from Confederate commander Robert E.
Lee, even when faced with compelling losses. - During the Overland campaign, the Union lost more
than 60,000 men at battles like the Wilderness
(May 56), Spotsylvania (May 1218), and Cold
Harbor (June 3), where 7,000 Union soldiers fell
in the space of half an hour. - Undaunted, Grant pushed on toward Richmond. He
led his army to Petersburg, 20 miles south of the
Confederate capital, and laid the groundwork for
a siege that would last almost a year. - Lee tried to draw Union troops away from the city
with a surprise attack at Cedar Creek in October,
but General Philip Sheridan launched a crushing
counterattack and held the field. Petersburg
collapsed in April 1865, and Richmond followed
soon after. - On April 9, 1865, Lee formally surrendered to
Grant at the Appomattox Court House, bringing the
four-year war to an end.
12Political, Social and Economic histories of the
Civil War
- Battles are taking place in the country, on
peoples property, on town streets - War disrupts everything in society social,
political and economic structures - Many ideologies are questioned or challenged
- Race, class and gender
- Role of African Americans during war
- Role of working class supplying the war effort
and begin to demand labor rights - Role of women new responsibilities and jobs
during war
13Black Troops Liberate North Carolina Slaves
Date 1864
14Black Children Entertain Union Troops Louisiana,
15War in the SouthSouth Transformed
- With the success of Union Navy in 1861, slave
society is greatly threatened - Approach of ships, many planters abandoned land
and fled - Confederate forces tried to round up slaves, but
it became impossible - Slaves thought the Union navy was there to rescue
them Runaway salves flocked to Union soldiers - Union army, in 1861, is not fighting a war on
slavery so there was confusion and debate about
what to do - Did not formally acknowledge slaves as free
- Began to enlist slaves into Union army
- Confusion over how to treat freedmen
- Finally, decided to treat them as contraband
thus, they did not have to be returned but they
were still viewed as property
16Southern society during war
- Disruptions in civilian life
- Challenged and changed long-held beliefs and
traditions - Preference for local and limited government
- States rights was a formative ideology of
Confederacy but soon realized that state
governments were weak and realized need for
strong, centralized government - Centralization under Jefferson Davis
- By 1862, spirit of volunteering had died down
- April 1862 first draft law in American history
enacted by Confederate government - Mandated switch from cash crops to food crops
drastic change in farmers lives - Compelled industry to work on government
contracts and supplying military
17Southern society during war
- Confederate nationalism
- Culture and ideology of nationalism in an area
strongly opposed to nationalism - Forge own symbols and identity to create their
own history - Flags, songs, language, seals, school readers
- George Washington as Confederate symbol
believed they were the side fighting for liberty
and freedom - Defense of slavery as benign, protective and idea
of faithful slave was at heart of nationalist
18Southern society during war
- Role of women during wartime
- Clerks and other Confederate officials in towns
and cities had always been males - Now, government girls staffed bureaucracy
- White women gained new public responsibilities
during war - Wives and mothers now headed households and
performed mens work, raising crops and
livestock - In cities, white women found jobs denied
previously - Female school teachers
- Nursing and other war-related duties
19Southern society during warLife on Homefront
- Cities, towns, factories large increase in
investment in infrastructure in South to supply
war - Mass poverty
- Farm families lost their breadwinner to the war
- Women demanded end to war
- Draft of one craftsman could disrupt entire town
sparsely populated blacksmiths, physicians,
wheelwrights in high demand - High inflation
- Inequities in the Confederate Draft
- Greater class divisions
- Could pay for substitutes if you were drafted
- Exempted from military duty anyone holding at
least twenty slaves - Why?
- First time poor whites and free blacks fought
issue together - Fear of class warfare
- War magnified existing social tensions in
20War in the NorthNorthern Economy and Society
- North disrupted as well
- Factories and social organizations rallied to
support war - Federal government gained more power
- Industrializing society in north
- War encourages even more industrialization
- High productivity
- Northern farms and factories benefited and
prospered during war (unlike south) - Idealism and greed
21Wars effect on Northern economy
- Northern firms lost southern business and
Southern debt became un-collectable - Shortage of labor due to army enlistment
- Textile mills, farms and other businesses vital
to governments war effort - Wartime partnership between business and
government - Iron and steel production greatly enhanced
- Complementary relationship between agriculture
and industry buy machines to do labor on farms - Northern farm families whose breadwinners went to
war did not suffer as much as southern families
22Northern society during war
- Economy is prosperous in North
- Not everyone benefited equally (is this any
surprise?) - Industrial workers
- Jobs plentiful but inflation high
- Not livable wages
- Decline in standard of living
- Lost job security
23Northern society during war
- Labor issues in North
- New union activism
- Unions formed by skilled craftsmen
- Unions also formed by unskilled workers and women
- High number of strikes
- Employers viewed this activity as a threat
blacklists of union activists - Strikebreakers hired from blacks, immigrants and
women who could not find jobs elsewhere - Despite labor activity and protests, businesses
in North profited considerably from war effort
24Northern society during war
- Lincoln and the expansion of Presidential power
during wartime - Far more than in the War of 1812, Lincoln
expanded Presidential power, often without
authority, and set precedence for increased power
of President during war - Examples suspended writ of habeas corpus in
Maryland, repeatedly invoked martial law, used
war department funds to fund political allies in
state elections
25Northern society during warLife on homefront
- Union Cause - Northern morale high for first 2
years of war - Support to preserve Union an abstract idea, but
at the time meant the preservation of a social
and political order that people cherished - Women took on new roles (as in the South)
- Middle and upper class women managed soldiers
aid societies - US Sanitary Commission nutritional and medical
aid to soldiers - Nurses
- Had to fight for position
- Clara Barton fired in 1863
- Professionalization of medicine and many male
physicians did not want womens aid - Civil War nurses left long legacy of supporting
the professionalization of nurses and established
nursing schools
- Varied, diverse group of Union supporters
- Contradictory - Materialism and greed alongside
idealism, religious conviction and self-sacrifice - Not all abolitionists Why did we end up with
emancipation during war? - Lacked clarity of purpose of war (on both sides)
- Not really sure why we were fighting
- Unsure of purpose, but needed to convince
citizens that war was necessary - Slavery issue avoided at first
- Davis wanted to unite south and feared that
slavery would ignite class conflicts and belief
that war only being fought for rich slaveholders - Lincoln did not want to antagonize border slave
states and he hoped that a pro-Union majority
would assert itself in south - Lincoln believed raising the slavery issue would
undermine a quick end to the war - Lincoln needed to keep new Republican party
together not all abolitionists - No northern consensus on slavery
- Personally, Lincoln believed slavery wrong but
politically not ready to enforce this - Attacked by many abolitionist groups for not
being a strong supporter - 1861 Lincoln proposed that states consider
emancipation and federal government would provide
monetary support
28Emancipation Proclamation
- Julian, Sumner and Stevens in House and Senate
strongly believed in emancipation - Passed Confiscation Acts whereby the Union could
confiscate property from the south - Used to capture slaves and set them free
- Lincoln opposed to act
- Lincolns first priority was to save the Union
slavery came second - September 22, 1862 Lincoln issued Emancipation
Proclamation - On Jan 1, 1863, all slaves in states in rebellion
would be emancipated - All areas under Union control or still part of
the Union were exempted from this slavery was
not outlawed everywhere in the nation
29Emancipation Proclamation
- On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the
Emancipation Proclamation, which effectively
freed slaves in the Confederate states and
allowed blacks to join the Union Army. - This popularized version of the document depicts
newly freed African Americans enjoying their
new-found freedom. They are shown entering public
schools, collecting wages, and waving goodbye to
slave masters.
30Emancipation and the Union
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Did not deal with status of freed blacks
- Only emancipated slaves where he had no power to
enforce it - Ambiguous document
- Legally ambiguous, but it was a powerful moral
and political document - Abolitionists thrilled war against slavery now
- Lincoln could perform a balancing act between
reformers and conservatives in support of Union - Slaves and newly freed slaves celebrated
- Symbolic measure redefined Civil War in public
opinion to be war against slavery - June 1864 Lincoln gave support to
constitutional ban on slavery - Thirteenth Amendment passed in 1865
- Who freed the slaves?
- Does Lincoln deserve title Great Emancipator?
31Soldiers lives during war
- Experienced first war in modern sense
- New technology rifle, new type of bullet
- Higher death rate because of new weapons
- Soldiers
- Young, average between 18-21
- Small towns and farms
- Life in the military
- Benefit of new canned condensed milk
- Blankets, clothing and arms often poor quality
- Hospitals in poor condition at first remember
lack of sanitation - Many soldiers died from disease
- Extensive network of hospitals did come into
existence - White and black female volunteers
32Soldiers lives during war
- Learned war was not glorious
- Saw death and destruction for first time
- Violence, bloodshed, horrible conditions
- Yet, developed deep commitments to each other and
to their task - Developed deep bonds among soldiers
- Their fellow soldiers became their family
33African American Soldiers
- Union Army
- Racism strong within Union forces
- Refused to fight alongside black soldiers because
we are too superior a race for that - Given high death rate and need for troops, black
soldiers allowed to enlist - Experience of war also changed some minds about
racial ideology - Saw black soldiers fight nobly
- Elevated opinion of blacks abilities
- Officers stated I know that many of them are
vastly superior to those who would condemn them
to a life of brutal degradation - remarkable aptitude for military training
- Black troops crated this change in sentiment
through their own actions, dedication and strong
commitment to the Union cause - Sought to abolish slavery and demonstrate their
equality - 54th Massachusetts cavalry
34War and US SocietyDisunity, Tensions, Debates
- South, North and West
- 1864 and 1865
- Time of growing discontent on both sides
- Northerners and southerners opposing war
- Revealed social pressures in all areas of nation
- Why?
35Disunity, Tensions, DebatesSouth
- Southerners felt cost of war more directly than
northerners (economic costs resources,
industry, etc) - Southern class system threatened Confederate
cause - Remember past discussions class issues plays a
large role and after three years of poverty and
economic pressures, class issues come to forefront
36Disunity, Tensions, DebatesSouth
- Planters upset with government taxes, burning
of fields, talking slaves for the army - Centralizing policies unpopular
- Many southerners upset with conscription saw it
as illegal and unjust - Farmers upset being forced to switch from cotton
(cash crop) to food crops - Food Riots in South
- Desertions from Confederate Army
- Peace movements
- Active dissent and non-support of Confederate
government took over many towns in South - Did North win war or did Southerners stop
37Disunity, Tensions, DebatesNorth
- Peace movements developed in North as well
- Opposition to increasingly centralized and
powerful federal government - Desertion rate in army high
- Lincoln had more contact with citizens and sought
to reach out (Davis didnt) and helped to lessen
some dissent - Wartime protest largely political
- Democratic party as party of peace and blamed
Lincoln and Republicans for war
38Disunity, Tensions, DebatesNorth
- Draft Riots in North (especially in New York
City) - Draft became law in 1863
- Draftee could pay 300 or provide a substitute to
get out of serving - Who was forced to serve?
- Urban poor and immigrants
- Racial, ethnic and class tensions all contributed
to violent draft riots in July 1863 - Immigrants felt targeted
- Poor could not afford to avoid draft
- Workers afraid of inflow of black labor from South
39Disunity, Tensions, DebatesWest
- Civil War of a different kind on Great Plains and
in the Southwest - Full-scale war by union army against Indian
tribes to eliminate Indians from Colorado
(Colonel Chivington (Into the West we saw him
justify the attacks because his soldiers needed
to do something) - Sand Creek was supposed to be safe haven as told
by US government but Sand Creek was attacked
(this is where Margarets husband died) Sand
Creek Massacre - How did this connect to Civil War between North
and South? - No region of country left untouched by Civil War
40United States Civil War
- Surrender at Appomattox
- Financial Toll over 20 billion
- Death toll over 620,000
- Casualties on both sides over 1 million
- 360,000 Union soldiers died
- 260,000 Confederate soldiers died
- More soldiers died in Civil War than in all wars
combined until Vietnam - Human toll immeasurable
41Legacy of Civil War
- Fundamental battle over nature of the United
States and nature of liberty itself - Did liberty extend to all people? What was
liberty based on? What was personal liberty?
Race, class, political representation many
issues at stake - Altered Americans forever
- Changed Americans perception of themselves, of
war, of society, of the nation - What has been the legacy of the Civil War?
- Are we fighting any of the same battles today?
42End of Civil War
- With the end of the Civil War, what happens to
the country? - What happens to the hate, resentment, disunity,
labor issues, racism and various other tensions
within and among the North, South and West? - How does the country once again become a United
States of America? - How is the nation Reconstructed?