Title: 8 th NASA
EXCHANGE Data exchange and Virtual Environment
for the space domain
- CSTB, Sophia Antipolis, France
- 27 April 2006
CSTB welcome address by Patrick MORAND Head of
the Information Technologies Knowledge
Dissemination Department
- Some words on CSTB
- Information Technologies Knowledge
Dissemination department - Takeoff of the numerical model in the
Construction industry
3Some words on CSTB
4A mission
- Improvement of the wellbeing and safety
- in the buildings and their environment
Status industrial and commercial public body
5Major stakes
- Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions
- Search for improvements of the energy
performances for the existing park and the new
buildings - Environmental health
- Improvement of knowledge of the quality of the
interior air, installation of a procedure of
evaluation of the medical and environmental
impacts of the products of construction - New approach of engineering Fire protection
- Identification of scenarios of fire, evaluation
of the effects on the people, goods, structures
6Four complementary activities
- Applied research
- Including urban environment, health in the
building, sciences of the information and
communication, the economy and the social one - Innovating engineering
- Optimization of the buildings, in all their
physical and constructive dimensions - Evaluation of quality, certification
- Materials, products, buildings, compagnies
- Knowledge dissemination
2005 total operating income 69,6 million Euros
7A structuring set of themes
- Construction quality and optimising building
- Evaluation, tests, certification
- Technical experimental assessment for innovating
buildings - Sustainable development
- Energy, environmental quality (products,
buildings and districts), health - Safety and risks prevention
- Buildings and occupants
- Social and economic approach
- Urban sustainable development, governance, social
cohesion - Information and communication technologies
- Development of applications and uses
- Edition of products and services of information
in the technical fields and regulations
8A positioning in Europe and the international one
- Implication in European and international
research programs - Development of innovating engineering abroad at
the sides of architects and engineering and
design departments - Transfer on the Chinese marketof the French
approach of sustainabledevelopment in
construction - Presence in the international networks
9CSTB organisation and plants
- Eight departments five plants
- Marne La Vallée (head office) sustainable
development, thermal comfort, health in the
building, safety, structures and fire
performance, envelope and coatings, hydraulics
and sanitary equipment, knowledge dissemination - Paris economics and social sciences, continuous
training - Nantes climatology, aerodynamics, pollution and
sewage treatment, lighting - Grenoble acoustics, materials
- Sophia Antipolis information technologies,
renewable new energies - Four subsidiary companies
- ACOUSTB ? Aérodynamique Eiffel
750 people in all among which 50 engineers and
10Information Technologies Knowledge
Dissemination department
11Sets of themes of the department
- Improving applications and uses of IC
Technologies - By investigating and prototyping innovative tools
and ICT-based services in order to improve job
efficiency and increase company competitiveness - By developing and testing new ICT-based services
to the occupants, more particularly for the
maintenance in residence of the dependent people,
old and handicapped people - Through finalized research works and studies, at
the national and European level
- Informing professionals in the technical and
lawful fields applied to construction, housing
and towns - By publishing and marketing editorial products
and services books, software, electronic
products and Internet services, offer of
continuous training - Thanks to an integrated editorial organization
which ensures the design, the manufacture, the
promotion and the dissemination
About 65 people, based in Paris, Marne La Vallée
and Sophia Antipolis
12ICT fields of competences
- Concurrent engineering, collaborative work and
knowledge engineering - Facilities Management systems
- New Ambient technologies applications to active
building components and smart home - Modelling physical phenomena and numerical
simulation, dynamical simulation software - Numerical tools of design development and virtual
reality applied to construction and urban
development project - Document engineering and natural language
processing - Internet services and Multimedia applications