Title: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
1Energy Employees Occupational Illness
Compensation Program
May, 2007
2Administration of the EEOICPA
- Part B
- Administered by DOL continues operation
- Over 1.8 billion in compensation paid to date
- Part E
- Replaced Part D all 25,000 cases transferred to
DOL - System of federal payments
- Administered by DOL
3Part B Benefits Overview
- Whos eligible Current and Former employees of
- DOE Contractors/Subcontractors
- Atomic Weapons Employers (AWE)
- Beryllium Vendors (BV)
- Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters who
worked at facilities covered by Section 5 of RECA - Certain family members of deceased workers
4Part B Benefits Overview, contd
- When eligible
- Worker made sick as a result of exposure to
radiation or developed beryllium sensitivity,
chronic beryllium disease, or silicosis. - What benefits are provided under Part B
- 150,000 maximum compensation (radiogenic cancer,
chronic beryllium disease, chronic silicosis) - Medical benefits are available in addition to
compensation - No monetary compensation for beryllium
sensitivity, medical monitoring only
5Part B Benefits Overview, contd
- RECA under Part B
- If an employee or survivor received an award
under RECA Section 5, DOL pays 50,000 maximum
compensation. - Medical benefits are available in addition to
6Part E Benefits Overview
- Whos eligible
- Contractor and subcontractor employees of covered
DOE facilities - Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters who
worked at facilities covered by Section 5 of RECA - Certain RECA Section 4 Awardees
- Certain family members of deceased workers
- When eligible
- Worker made sick as result of exposure to toxic
substance - What benefits are provided under Part E
- 250,000 maximum compensation
- Medical bills for accepted illnesses
7Basic Part B Claim Criteria
- Employment proof of contractor or subcontractor
employment at a qualifying DOE, AWE, BV or RECA
facility exposure to radiation, beryllium or
silica. - Medical Diagnosed Illness
- e.g. radiogenic cancer, chronic beryllium disease
or sensitivity, or chronic silicosis. - Burden of Proof
- DOL will assist in collection of evidence i.e.
employment exposure records - medical
documentation - Ultimate responsibility for claim rests with
8Basic Part E Claim Criteria
- Employment proof of contractor or subcontractor
employment at a qualifying DOE or RECA facility
exposure to toxic substance - Medical Diagnosed Illness
- e.g. asbestosis, cancer, chronic beryllium
disease, dermatitis, asthma, etc. - Burden of Proof
- DOL will assist in collection of evidence i.e.
employment exposure records - medical
documentation - Ultimate responsibility for claim rests with
9Proving Causation
- Automatic approval for some cases living
employees - Part D condition accepted by DOE
- Part B condition accepted by DOL
- RECA Section 5 condition accepted by DOJ
- At least as likely as not (50 or greater) that
exposure to a toxic substance (including
radiation) was a significant factor in
aggravating, causing or contributing to illness
or death of the employee
10Cancer Solely Caused by Radiation
- Dose Reconstruction NIOSH
- Analysis of historical radiation dose
- Employee favorable dose estimate
- Probability of Causation (POC) Calculation for
both Parts B and E - Approved with POC of at least 50
- NIOSH model includes causation contribution
11Cancer Caused by Radiation and Other Toxic
- Dose reconstruction outcome?
- Effect of toxic substance
- DOL will evaluate via qualitative medical
evidence - Synergistic or additive effect (radiation
exposure from toxin)
12Causation Toxic ExposuresWhat DOL Will Do to
- Covered Illness Matrices
- Toxin potential to cause, aggravate, or
contribute to covered illness - death - Medical analysis conducted by specialists
toxicology, occupational medicine, etc. - Site Exposure Matrices (SEM)
- Based on documents obtained from DOE former
worker programs - Other sources i.e. unions, worker groups, etc.
- A portion of the SEM database is available to the
public on the DEEOIC website at
13Radiation Exposure CompensationAct (RECA) Part
- Part E eligibility added for uranium workers
employed at facilities covered by RECA Section 5
- who were awarded benefits - RECA administered by DOJ
- Other illnesses due to exposure to toxic
substances at a Section 5 mine or mill
14RECA Coverage
- - Who -
- Miners, millers, ore transporters
- - Where -
- Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming,
North/South Dakota, Washington, Utah, Idaho,
Oregon, and Texas - - When -
- January 1, 1942 through December 31, 1971
15Adjudication of RECA Claim
- Section 5 award accept under Part E
- No Section 5 award development for causation
- Different criteria for employment and covered
illnesses compared to DOJ program - Same benefits as other Part E awards
16SEM Roundtable Meetings
- Workers invited to provide firsthand toxic
exposure knowledge - Information gathered, evaluated, and verified for
possible inclusion in database - An abridged version of the SEM database available
at http//www.sem.dol.gov/
17Claimant Responsibilities - Causation
- Provide pertinent medical evidence listing
diagnosis/treatment of occupational illness - List job titles, known exposures, period of
employment - EE-3 Employment History Form
- Occupational History Interview
- Respond to DOL requests for information
18Benefit Process
- Maximum Employee/Survivor Payment - 250,000
- impairment wage loss survivor benefit
- Medical benefits not counted against 250,000 cap
- Does not count award received under Part B
- Offsets
- Coordinate with state workers compensation to
determine possible offset of state award - No offset for payments under Part B
- Tort Claims DOL offsets net payment from tort
19Impairment Award
- Determination of permanent impairment due to
covered illness - Standard Applied AMAs Guides to the Evaluation
of Permanent Impairment - Decreased function in a body part or organ
established by medical evidence - whole person - Claimant may request re-evaluation every two
years or upon acceptance of new illness that
increases impairment - 2500 for each of impairment
20Impairment Rating Procedures
- Criteria for physician selection
- Board-certified in relevant medical specialty
- Knowledge and experience in performing impairment
ratings - Options for getting rating
- Claimant submits tests-DOL reviews for impairment
- Claimant physician meeting criteria completes
impairment - DOL refers for testing and impairment to
21Maximum Medical Improvement
- Impairment rating performed at maximum medical
improvement (MMI) - Well-stabilized and unlikely to improve with
medical treatment - Covered illness in terminal stage prior to MMI -
DOL to proceed immediately to determine
impairment rating and issue compensation
22(No Transcript)
23Establishing Wage Loss Due to Accepted Illness
- Medical evidence must show decreased capacity to
work - Medical reports describing history, diagnostic
tests, diagnosis, treatment plan, doctor opinion,
etc. - Physician notes, statements, narratives
24Wage Loss Award
- Calculations are based on evidence from multiple
sources - SSA earnings, tax documents, wage
earning records - Earnings are adjusted for inflation to determine
years qualifying for a wage loss award - Payments for additional qualifying years of wage
loss after initial payment - if claimed proven
by claimant
25Survivor Claims
- Eligible Survivors (at time of employees
death) - Living spouse married to covered employee for
at least one year immediately prior to death - Covered child, if no surviving spouse
- Under the age of 18 years
- Under the age of 23 years and full time student
- Any age and incapable of self-support
- Statutorily defined DOL has no authority to
modify Congressional definition
26Survivor Compensation Categories
- Category 1 employee death was caused,
contributed to, or aggravated by toxic exposure - Category 2 Category 1 plus employee had 10
years or more wage loss due to covered illness - Category 3 Category 1 plus employee had 20
years or more wage loss due to covered illness
27Computation of Wage-Loss Years Survivors
- Same as with living employees
- Exception counts years following death as wage
loss up to SSA retirement age - Maximizes years of wage loss
28Decision Making
- District Office manages case and issues decision
- All claims (Part B E) combined into one file
- Includes any documentation collected by DOE
during administration of Part D - Handling Objections
- Review of the Written Record
- Request for Hearing
- Federal District Court
29Filing Claims
- 4 District Offices
- 11 Resource Centers
- Website http//www.dol.gov/esa/regs/compliance/o