DOSH (Dept. of Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DOSH (Dept. of Safety


Outdoor Heat Exposure ... outdoor heat exposure and on the company policies to prevent heat-related illness. When new employees are hired before Summer ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DOSH (Dept. of Safety

DOSH (Dept. of Safety Health) Safety Program
Development Training for Written Program
  • Welcome, Introductions, find your seat
  • Housekeeping
  • Accident Prevention Plan (APP)(APP Manual
  • Accident Prevention Plan (training PP)
  • Break
  • WRITTEN Accident Prevention Plan (APP)
  • Working Lunch (brought in)
  • Continue working on WRITTEN APP
  • Hazard Communication/Lock-out Tag-Out Trainings
  • Break
  • Ladder Safety Training
  • Q A/Survey

  • North Central Washington Workers Compensation

NCWWCT, administered by NCESD, provides
industrial injury accident insurance coverage
(Workers Compensation) and loss control services
for its member districts. As a loss control
service, we are providing training to assist our
member districts in their compliance with DOSH
Goals of this training
  • Inform school districts of the specifics of DOSH
    safety requirements as they apply to schools.
  • Provide sample written plans and assistance in
    making them school district specific.

What Will Be Covered
  • Why have an accident prevention program
  • Legal requirements for accident prevention
  • Elements of a written program
  • Where to get help

What is an APP?
  • A plan of action to
  • Involve workers and management in workplace
    safety and health
  • Identify and control safety hazards
  • Handle emergencies
  • Give new employees job safety orientation
  • Provide for personal protective equipment as

Core Elements of an APP
  • Management Responsibilities
  • Employee Responsibilities
  • Safety Committee
  • Safety Bulletin Board
  • Reporting Hazards
  • Reporting Injury/Illness
  • Accident Investigation
  • Hazard Identification and Control
  • Employee Safety Orientation and Training

Accident Prevention Program (APP)
  • WAC 296-800

To assist you in developing and implementing a
written Accident Prevention Program which is
tailored to the needs and potential hazards
associated at your school district.
Safety Policy
Management safety statements are not required,
but are recommended. Management support is
vital for success of the program, so supervisors
and employees will take it seriously.
A message from the Superintendent
Sample statements We care about your
safety We will provide a safe
workplace Employees are expected to work
safely and communicate safety issues
Why have an Accident Prevention Program (APP)?
  • ? It can help to prevent employee injuries on the
  • ? It can create a system to help you find hazards
    before they cause accidents.

APPManagement Responsibilities
  • Develop written Accident Prevention Plan and
    Safety and Health Policy
  • Support injury and illness prevention efforts
  • Conduct safety audits and correct deficiencies
  • Investigate all incidents
  • Provide effective training
  • Enforce safety rules and procedures
  • Maintain compliance with DOSH requirements
  • Encourage employee involvement

Why have an Accident Prevention Program (APP)?
  • WAC 296-800-140 Its required by DOSH Rules.

Safety Health Core Rules WAC 296-800-14005
Develop a formal, written accident prevention
A written APP must
  • WAC 296-800-14005
  • Be tailored to the worksite
  • Cover all the regular and
    predictable hazards of the worksite
  • Must include the work of all employees
  • Include employee input to identify
    new hazards not in outline

What is required for all employers?
  • WAC 296-800-14020
  • You must develop, supervise and enforce a
    safety training program. YOU are responsible
    to provide ALL necessary training whether
    DOSH/WISHA has specifically legislated it or not.
  • For exampleif someone hurts themselves with a
    chainsaw, they will be asked if he/she has been
    trained on how to use the tool safety. If not,
    DOSH will issue a citation.
  • If you feel training is not needed, DOSH will
    enforce the lack of a specific training
    requirement with WAC 296-800-11005 and 11010.
    (Summary Requirements Section, Page 1)
  • WAC 296-800-14025
  • You must make sure your APP is effective in

When is an APP effective in practice ?
  • When It Works!!
  • ? Serious or frequent injuries are not occurring.
  • ? Identified hazards are addressed.
  • ? Safety goals are met.
  • ? Safety rules are enforced.

APP Management Responsibilities/WACs (continued)
  • WAC 296-800-11005
  • You must provide your employees a workplace
    free from recognized hazards that are causing, or
    are likely to cause, serious injury or death.
  • WAC 296-800-11010
  • Provide and use means to make your workplace
  • WAC 296-800-11030
  • Prohibit employees from using tools and
    equipment that are not safe all equipment or
    tools whether owned by the employer or not.
  • WAC 296-800-11035
  • Establish, supervise, and enforce rules that
    lead to a safe and healthy work environment that
    are effective in practice.

APPEmployee Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-800-120
  • To play an active role in creating a safe and
    healthy workplace and comply with all applicable
    safety and health rules.
  • Follow safety rules
  • Cooperate with others and eliminate on-the-job
    injuries and illnesses
  • Take care of all PPE properly
  • Do not wear any torn or loose clothing while
    working around machinery
  • Report work-related injuries or illnesses
  • Do not remove, displace, damage or destroy, carry
    off or interfere with any safeguard, notice or
    warning provided to make the workplace safe.
  • Report unsafe conditions or work practices


Hazard Communication Employer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-800-170
  • Provide employees with effective information on
    hazardous chemicals in their work place
  • Whenever a new physical or health hazard is
    introduced, information must be provided
  • Inform employees about any operations in their
    work area where hazardous chemicals are present
  • Where MSDS are located/details of communication
    program Explanation of labeling system and MSDS

Hazard Communication Employer Responsibilities
  • Employee training must include
  • Methods used to detect presence or release of a
    hazardous chemical in work area which may
  • Monitoring by Supervisor
  • Continuous monitoring devices
  • Visual appearance or odor when released
  • Physical and health hazards of the
    chemicals/physical symptoms/effects of
  • Steps employees can take to protect themselves,
    example PPE
  • Training tailored to types of hazards in which
    employees will be exposed.

Respiratory Protection
  • WAC 296-842
  • PurposeIn any workplace where respirators are
    necessary to protect the health of the employee,
    or if you REQUIRE use, you must develop and
    implement a written respiratory protection
    program and properly train employees

Respiratory Protection Employer Responsibilities
  • Make sure employees who are REQUIRED to use
    respirators understand and can demonstrate proper
    respirator use and maintenance
  • This ALSO applies to VOLUNTARY users IF that use
    may create a hazard (skin irritation, dermatitis
    or other health effects or illness)

Employer ResponsibilitiesNOTE RESPIRATOR USE
  • Employer must pay for medical evaluations,
    training, travel related costs and wages. You do
    NOT need to pay for respirators employees use
    ONLY voluntarily.
  • EXEMPTION if employees use only filtering-face
    piece respirators voluntarily, you do not need to
    develop and maintain a written program

Respiratory Protection Required UseEmployer
Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-842-16005
  • Requires Employer to
  • Make sure employees can demonstrate knowledge or
    skills as required by their duties.
  • Make sure a qualified instructor performs
    training, at no cost to employee, at these times
  • Initially, before work begins
  • Periodically, within 12 months of previous
  • Additionally, when the employee hasnt retained
    knowledge or there are changes in the worksite,
    or type of respirator make previous training
  • Train employees in an effective and understanding
    way, based on duties, if they
  • Use respirators
  • Supervise respirator use
  • Issue, repair or adjust respirators

Respiratory Protection Required Use Employer
Responsibilities (continued)
  • Train employees why the respirator is necessary,
    extent of employees exposure, and potential
    health effects and symptoms.
  • Train the employees the respirators capabilities
    and limitations (how the respirator provides
  • Train employees how improper fit, use or
    maintenance can compromise the respirators
    effectiveness and reliability.
  • Train employee how to properly inspect, put on,
    seal check, use and remove the respirator
  • Train on how to clean, disinfect, repair, store
    the respirator or have this done by someone else
  • Train on using respirator effectively including
    what to do in emergencies or when respirator
  • Make sure employees are aware of medical signs
    and symptoms that may limit or prevent effective
    use of respirators/short of breath/dizzy

Respiratory Protection Required UseEmployer
Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-842-11010
  • Keep voluntary use program records
  • if employee only uses filtering-face piece
    respirator voluntarily, you do not need to follow
    these requirements on recordkeeping
  • Keep copies of current written program and
    written recommendations for LHCP (licensed health
    care provider)
  • Allow records to be examined and copied by
    affected employees

Respiratory Protection Voluntary UseEmployer
  • WAC 296-842-11005
  • Voluntary use is respirator use that is requested
    by the employee and permitted by the employer
    when NO respiratory hazard exists
  • Make sure use does not interfere with an ability
    to work safely, such as restricting vision or
    radio communication OR
  • Create health hazards (ex skin irritation,
    dermatitis, illness created by sharing
    respirators) or health effects caused by unsafe
    air supply

Respiratory Protection Voluntary UseEmployer
Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-842-11005
  • Provide all voluntary respirator users with the
    advisory information on Table 2 at NO cost to
  • Develop and maintain a written program that
  • Medical evaluation as specified in WAC
  • Procedures to properly clean and disinfect WAC
    296-842-22015 and make sure safe air supply WAC
  • How to store devices WAC 296-842-17010
  • Training to ensure there is no hazard created by
    use WAC 296-842-160

Bloodborne Pathogens
  • WAC 296-823
  • PurposeTo provide information and training to
    employees with occupational exposure to blood or
    other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)

Bloodborne PathogensEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-823-12005
  • Provide training to employees before assigning
    tasks where exposure may occur and
    annually/within one year of previous training
  • Make sure trainer is knowledgeable and training
    is understandable for audience
  • Make sure all affected employees participate in a
    program at no cost, conducted during work hours

Bloodborne PathogensEmployer Responsibilities
  • Make sure the training contains at least the
  • Accessible copy of explanation of contents
  • General explanation of symptoms
  • An explanation of how BBP are transmitted
  • An explanation of your exposure control plan and
    how employee can obtain a copy of written plan
  • How to recognize tasks and other activities that
    could involve exposure to blood and OPIM.
  • Appropriate work practices and PPE
  • Types of PPE/selection/location/handling/disposal
  • Information about Hep B vaccine, including
    effectiveness, safety, benefits,no cost

Bloodborne PathogensEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-823-12010
  • Explain what actions to take and who to contact
    if exposure occurs
  • Explain medical evaluation and follow-up
  • Explain post-exposure evaluation and follow up
  • Explain explanation of signs and labeling or
    color-coded required hazardous labels, red
    containers, etc.
  • Opportunity for questions and answers with
    trainer at time of training.
  • Provide additional training when adding or
    changing an employees tasks or procedures that
    may affect their occupational exposure to BBP
    WAC 296-823-12010.

Bloodborne PathogensEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-823-12015 Maintain training records
  • records maintained for 3 yrs
  • Dates of training/Contents/Name and
    qualifications of trainer/Names and job titles of
    all participants
  • Provide these records upon request to employees
    and their representatives.

Occupational Noise Exposure
  • WAC 296-817
  • Purpose
  • To prevent employee hearing loss by minimizing
    employee noise exposures and to make sure
    employees that are exposed to noise are protected

Occupational Noise Exposure Employer
  • WAC 296-817-20020
  • Make sure employees receive training about
    noise and hearing protection.
  • Train all employees whose noise exposure equals
    or exceeds 85 dba
  • Provide training upon hire if exposure is
  • Keep information updated, being consistent with
    changes in controls, hearing protectors, work
  • Make sure your noise and hearing protection
    training includes
  • noise controls used in workplace
  • purpose of hearing protectors
  • effects of noise on hearing
  • advantages and disadvantages of various types
    of protectors
  • employees right to access records
  • maintain a written program

Confined Spaces
  • WAC 296-809
  • Purpose Practices and procedures to protect
    employees from the hazards of entry and/or work
    in permit-required confined spaces

Confined Spaces
  • Permit Required Confined Space has one or more of
    these characteristics
  • Contains or has a potential to contain a
    hazardous atmosphere
  • Contains a material that has the potential for
    engulfing an entrant
  • Has an internal configuration such that an
    entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by
    inwardly converging walls or by a floor which
    slopes downward and tapers to a smaller
  • Contains any physical hazard. This includes any
    recognized health or safety hazards including
    engulfment in solid or liquid material,
    electrical shock, thermal hazards, chemical
    contact hazards or moving pars.
  • Contains any other recognized serious safety or
    health hazard that could either impair the
    ability to self-rescue or result in a situation
    that presents an immediate danger to life or

Confined SpacesEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-809-40002
  • Provide employee training to those involved in
    permit-required confined space activities, so
    they acquire the understanding, knowledge and
    skills necessary to safely perform assigned
  • Establish employee proficiency in duties by
    observing employee performance during training
    exercises or a written exam
  • Introduce new or revised procedures as necessary

Confined SpacesEmployer Responsibilities
  • Provide training
  • Before employee is first assigned to duties
  • Before there is a change in duties
  • When there is a permit-required confined space
    hazard for which employee hasnt already been
  • If you have reason to believe there are
    deviations from your procedures OR employee
    knowledge/use is inadequate.

Confined SpacesEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-8019-40004
  • Certify employee proficiency
  • You MUST
  • certify proficiency in their assigned duties
  • make sure certification contains name, trainers
    signature or initials/dates of training, is
    available for inspection by employees and reps

Confined SpacesEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-809-700
  • To make sure any space you classify as
    non-permit, doesnt have the potential to contain
    serious health or safety hazards -
  • You MUST
  • Make sure the confined space meets these
    conditions to be classified as a non-permit
    confined space
  • The confined space doesnt contain an actual or
    potential hazardous atmosphere.
  • The confined space doesnt contain hazards
    capable of causing death or serious physical
    harm. This includes any recognized health or
    safety hazards including engulfment in solid or
    liquid material, electrical shock, or moving
  • If you must enter or remove hazards, the space
    must be treated as a permit-required confined
    space until hazards have been eliminated.

Confined SpacesEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-809-70002
  • You must
  • Document how you determined the confined space
    contained no permit-required confined space
    hazards. Certify this documentation with the
  • Date
  • Location of the space
  • Signature of the person making the determination
  • Make the certification available to each entrant,
    or their authorized representative.
  • Note This certification must be completed every
    time a permit-required confined space is
    reclassified as a non-permit space.

Hazardous Chemicals in Labs (Chemical
Hygiene)Employer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-62
  • Employer shall provide employees with info and
    training to ensure they are apprised of the
    hazards of chemicals present.

Hazardous Chemicals in Labs (Chemical
Hygiene)Employer Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-62-40011
  • That info shall be provided at time of initial
    assignment and prior to assignments involving new
  • Location and availability of chem hygiene plan
  • Permissable exposure limits where there is no
  • Signs and symptoms associated with exposure
  • Location and availability of known reference
    material on hazards/handling/storage/disposal,
    not limited to MSDS sheets

Hazardous Chemicals in Labs (Chemical
Hygiene)Employer Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-62-40011
  • Training shall include
  • Methods and observations that may be used to
    detect presence or release of a haz chem such as
    monitoring, visual appearance, odor being
  • Physical and health hazards of chemicals in the
    work area
  • Measures employees can take to protect themselves
    from these hazards (ex PPE) or other measures
    employer has set in place work practices or
  • Applicable details of the employers written
    chemical hygiene plan.

First Aid Employer and Employee Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-800Purpose to ensure quick and
    effective first aid for all employees in case an
    injury or acute illness occurs on the job.
  • First aid trained staff
  • Location of first aid supplies
  • Kits checked regularly
  • Emergency washing facilities

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)Employer
  • WAC 296-800-16025
  • Train your employees to use PPE.
  • When necessary
  • What PPE is necessary
  • How to wear/take off/adjust
  • Limitations of PPE
  • Proper care/maintenance/disposal
  • Document each employee using PPE, that they have
    received and understand the required training.
    Include their name, date of training, and subject
    of training.
  • Can your employee demonstrate how to use and
    understand the training you gave?
  • DOCUMENT TRAINING WAC 296-800-16035

  • WAC 296-803
  • Purpose to cover the servicing and maintenance
    of machines and equipment in which the unexpected
    energization or start up of the machine or
    equipment or release of stored energy could cause
    injury to employees

Lockout/TagoutEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-803-60005
  • Provide training on energy control and
    prohibition against attempting to restart or
    reenergize a machine or equipment that is locked
    out or tagged out.
  • Document training- name/date

Lockout/TagoutEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-803-60010
  • Provide additional training if you use TAGOUT
  • Make sure employees are trained that
  • tags are warning devices and do not provide same
    level of physical restraint as a lock.
  • Tags are not to be removed, bypassed, ignored,
    etc without the approval of the authorized person
    responsible for it
  • Tags are to be legible
  • Tags are put on and secure
  • IF NECESSARY RETRAIN (new employees, revised
    methods, etc)
  • WAC 296-803-60015

Powered Industrial Trucks or Forklifts/Pallet
JacksEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-863Make sure Powered
    Industrial Truck operators are trained.
  • Make sure employees successfully complete an
    operator training program before operation which
    includes lecture/discussion/interactive computer
    learning/video tapes/written material/demonstrati
  • Make sure employees do not endanger themselves or
  • Evaluate trainee competence.
  • Pallet Jacks are considered other industrial

Powered Industrial Trucks or Forklifts/Pallet
JacksEmployer Responsibilities (continued)
  • Required Training Topics
  • Topics related to powered industrial truck
  • (such as warnings/precautions/differences
    between truck and regular automobile/controls and
    instrumentation/engine or motor
    operation/steering and maneuvering/visibility/fork

Powered Industrial Trucks or Forklifts/Pallet
JacksEmployer Responsibilities (continued)
  • Required Training Topics
  • Topics related to your workplace
  • (such as surface conditions where truck is
    operated/composition of loads carried/stacking/uns
    tacking/pedestrian traffic/narrow aisles/opening
    closing devices/hazardous locations of
    operation/ramps/slopes/closed environments/other
    unique hazardous environmental conditions)

Powered Industrial Trucks or Forklifts/Pallet
JacksEmployer Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-863-60010
  • Document training dates/names/evaluation/trainer
  • Retrain if operator is involved in ANY of the
  • Accident or near-miss incident
  • Operation in an unsafe manner
  • Unsafe evaluation
  • Job duties change
  • Conditions in work place change
  • (retraining only required in those topics where
    the operator has been found deficient)

Powered Industrial Trucks or Forklifts/Pallet
JacksEmployer Responsibilities (continued)
  • WAC 296-863-60015
  • Evaluate Powered Industrial Truck operators
    performance at each of these times
  • Initial training
  • After refresher training
  • At least once every three years

Powered Platforms
  • WAC 296-24 Part J-3
  • Only trained and authorized personnel must be
    permitted to operate the work platform.
  • Refer to above WAC or page 31 of Summary
    Requirements Section of this manual.

Emergency Action Plan
  • WAC 296-24
  • Purpose
  • The emergency action plan shall be in writing,
    and shall cover those designated actions
    employers and employees must take to ensure
    employee safety from fire and other emergencies.

Fire Prevention Plan Employer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-24-567
  • Purpose Employers will identify and apprise all
    employees of the fire hazard from materials and
    processes that they are exposed to at work

Emergency Action Plan Employer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-24-567
  • Initially, what employee needs to know in order
    to protect themselves/others in an emergency
  • Before implementation
  • Employer shall designate and train a sufficient
    number of people to assist in safe and orderly
  • Initially when plan is developed
  • Job duties change
  • Plan changes

Portable Fire ExtinguishersEmployer
  • WAC 296-800-300
  • Train your employees to use portable fire
  • Location
  • Hazards involved with early stage fire
  • General principals of use
  • Training initially and annually

Fall ProtectionEmployer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-155
  • Prior to permitting employees into areas where
    fall hazards of more than 10 feet or more exist,
    the employer shall ensure that the employees are
    trained and instructed in the following
  • All fall hazards in work area
  • Method of fall arrest or restraint to be provided
  • Correct procedures for assembly, maintenance,
    inspection, disassembly
  • Correct procedures for handling/storage/securing
    of tools and materials
  • Method of overhead protection
  • Method for prompt, safe removal of injured

Fall ProtectionEmployer Responsibility
  • Document Training and have available on the job
  • Retraining if
  • Changes in the workplace
  • Changes in types of fall protection systems or
  • Inadequacies in knowledge of employee

  • WAC 296-62
  • Purpose To protect employees from the health
    hazards associated with occupational exposure to
    asbestos. The level and degree of training
    required depends on the classification of the
    asbestos work (Class I,II,III, IV) being done
  • Refer to WAC 296-62-07722 or see page 24 in
    Summary Requirements section
  • (this is very detailed and we suggest you print
    information needed from here)

Asbestos (continued)
  • Most schools contract out their asbestos work and
    thus do not disturb any asbestos-containing
    material (ACM).

  • WAC 296-62-07521 (13)
  • Purpose Employers will assess the hazards of
    lead in the work place and provide information to
    the employees about the hazards of the lead
    exposures to which they may be exposed.

LEADEmployer Responsibilities
  • WAC 296-62-07521 (13)
  • Training Program for all subject to exposure
  • Inform employees about exposure
  • Annual training
  • Specific nature of the operations which could
    result in exposure to lead above the action level
  • The purpose, proper use, limitations and other
    training requirements for respiratory protection
    as required by WAC 296-842.
  • Description and purpose of the medical
    surveillance program, information concerning the
    adverse health effects associated with exposure
  • Controls and work practices
  • Contents of any compliance plan in effect
  • Instructions to employee that chelating agents
    not used
  • Access to info and training materials
  • Copy of standard and appendices to all employees

TractorsEmployer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-307 You must ensure
    that every employee who operates an agricultural
    tractor is informed of the operating practices
    listed below and of any other practices dictated
    by the work environment. Provide info at time of
    initial assignment and annually thereafter.
  • Training including operation/topographical
    features of the land/safety/rollover safety

TractorsEmployee Responsibility (continued)
  • WAC 296-307-08018
  • Fasten seatbelt, if roll-over protection
  • Avoid operating tractor near ditches, embankments
    and holes,
  • Reduce speed when turning, crossing slopes and on
    rough, slick or muddy surfaces.
  • Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation.

TractorsEmployee Responsibility (continued)
  • WAC 296-307-08018
  • Watch where you are going, especially at row
    ends, on roads and around trees.
  • Passengers not permitted to ride unless passenger
    seat available or other protective device is
  • No jerky turns, starts or stops
  • Hitch only to the drawbar and hitch points
  • Set brakes securely when stopped, use park lock
    if available

Power Lawnmowers
  • WAC 296-807-160
  • Make sure operator understands all instructions
    for operating the mower that are in the
    manufacturers instructions and on the machine.
  • Make sure operator is thoroughly familiar with
    controls/proper use
  • Make sure the proper guards, plates, grass
    catcher or other safety devices are in place
    before starting the mower.

  • WAC 296-874
  • Train employees who work on a scaffold
  • Refer to above wac or page 30 of summary
    requirements section
  • WAC 296-874-20074
  • Train employees who erect, dismantle, operate or
    maintain scaffolds.
  • WAC 296-874-20076
  • Retrain employees when necessary

Outdoor Heat Exposure
  • WAC 296-62
  • Purpose The purpose is to ensure compliance
    with the Outdoor Heat Exposure rule, WAC
    296-62-095, for employees who are exposed to
    temperatures at or above Table 1 of the
    regulation. Employees with only incidental
    exposure as defined in the rule are not covered.

Outdoor Heat Exposure
  • WAC 296-62-095
  • Effect May September each year for job
    categories or positions having outdoor heat
  • WAC rules address drinking water, first aid,
    accident prevention programs and training
    requirements for other months of the year and for
    employees who are not at the action temperatures
    May through Sept.

Outdoor Heat ExposureEmployer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-62-095
  • Annually Train
  • Each year prior to May, all employees working in
    exposure will be provided training on signs and
    symptoms of outdoor heat exposure and on the
    company policies to prevent heat-related illness.
    When new employees are hired before Summer
    months, training will be provided prior to the
    new employee working in the outdoor environment.

Outdoor Heat ExposureEmployer Responsibility
  • WAC 296-62-095
  • Training Content
  • Provided for Custodians, Landscape/Grounds/Mainten
    ance, Maintenance staff/plumbers, electricians,
    carpenters, HVAC, welders, mechanics/paraprofessio
    nals on grounds or playground/coaches

Outdoor Heat Exposure
  • WAC 296-62-095
  • Training Content to include
  • Environmental factors contributing
  • Awareness of personal factors (age, medications,
    acclimation, etc)
  • Removing PPE during breaks
  • Importance of drinking water
  • Importance of acclimatization
  • Different types of heat-related illness
  • Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness
  • Importance of immediately reporting signs or

Safety Committees
  • WAC 296-800
  • This rule requires you to have a method of
    communicating and evaluating safety and health
    issues brought up by you or your employees in
    your workplace. Larger employers must establish
    a safety committee. Smaller employers have the
    choice of either establishing a safety committee
    or holding safety meetings with a management
    representative present.
  • There is a difference between a safety committee
    and a safety meeting.
  • A safety committee is an organizational structure
    where members represent a group. This gives
    everyone a voice but keeps the meeting size to an
    effective number of participants.
  • A safety meeting includes all employees and a
    management person is there to ensure that issues
    are addressed. Typically, the safety committee
    is an effective safety management tool for a
    larger employer and safety meetings are more
    effective for a smaller employer.

Safety Committees
  • WAC 296-800
  • You employee 11 or more employees on the same
    shift at the same location you must
    establish a safety committee
  • At least as many elected employees as
    management-selected members
  • The term of the employee-elected members must be
    a maximum of one year. (There is no limit to the
    number of terms a representative can serve.)
  • Elected chairperson
  • Committee determines meeting schedules

Safety Committees
  • WAC 296-800
  • Meetings should be less than 1 hour
  • Keep meeting minutes and attendance (save these
  • Cover specific topics
  • Review safety and health inspections
  • Evaluate the accident investigations
  • Write down subjects discussed

Safety Bulletin Board
  • WAC 296-800-190
  • In every workplace with 8 or more employees
  • Safety bulletins
  • Safety newsletters
  • Safety posters
  • Accident statistics
  • Other safety educational material

DOSH Posters
  • WAC 296-800-200
  • Post where they can easily be seen by employees
  • Job Safety and Health Protection
  • Notice to Employees Self Insured
  • Your Rights as a nonagricultural worker
  • http//

Reporting Hazards
  • Employees are a valuable resource in
    identifying/controlling workplace hazards
  • To supervisor or safety committee member
  • Provide a Record of Hazard Observed form
  • Discuss safety suggestions at all Safety
    Committee meetings
  • Review and follow up on hazard reports and

Reporting Injury/Illness
  • District to provide Workers Compensation Filing
    Information Booklet
  • Establish Procedure
  • Report to Supervisor
  • Major Injuries/Hospitalization/Death
  • WAC 296-800-32005
  • Report to LI within eight hours of accident
  • Do not move any equipment involved in an
  • Assign someone to assist LI
  • Investigate and document findings

Employee Orientation and Training
  • WAC 296-800-140
  • Safety plan
  • Initial job orientation
  • How/when to report injuries
  • How to report unsafe conditions and practices
  • Location of first aid supplies
  • Emergency procedures, including how to exit
  • Use and care of PPE
  • Chemical hazard training - location of MSDS and
    how to use
  • Job-specific hazards

Accident Investigation
  • Investigate immediately, including near misses
  • Look for fact, not fault
  • Include management and employees
  • Look for all possible causes
  • Develop and implement corrective actions

Hazard Identification and Control
  • General Safety Rules
  • Observe employees (Hazard Analysis)
  • Develop safe work practices for each job
  • Evaluate equipment, materials, and processes
  • List required PPE
  • Reference other hazard control programs

Safety Training
  • Safety orientation for all new employees
  • General and site specific
  • When new processes, procedures or job duties are
  • As required by DOSH regulations
  • Following an injury accident or increase in rate
    of injury/accidents
  • To keep employee safety awareness at a high level

Addition Information
  • More information on APP is available at
  • http//
  • NCESD Workers Compensation Program,
  • Suzanne Reister or Paula Vanderpool
  • 509-667-7100 or 509-667-7110
  • http//

  • Contact Info
  • Suzanne Reister
  • Program Manager
  • Workers Compensation/Unemployment Cooperative
  • North Central ESD
  • 509-667-7100
  • Paula Vanderpool
  • Program Assistant
  • Workers Compensation/Unemployment Cooperative
  • North Central ESD
  • 509-667-7110
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