Title: SudokuEHG
Senior Design Project
Winter 2006-2007
Rochester Institute of Technology Department
of Computer Engineering
Michelle Brown Matt Haggenmiller Thomas
User Interface
Technical Details
About SudokuEHG
How to Play Sudoku
MenusUsed for System Navigation
- System Components
- Input - Arrow and Number Keypads
- Output - VT100 Display via Computer Monitor
- Control - Microcontroller
SudokuEHG is an electronic handheld Sudoku game.
This device allows users to play different types
of Sudoku games with various difficulty levels.
Users can also save games and enjoy timed play.
Sudoku is a fun game that can be completed using
logic and reasoning. The object of the game is to
fill in the given puzzle such that each row,
column, and 3x3 square contain the digits 1 thru
9. A different version of Sudoku, namely Crazy
Sudoku, is played with the additional
restrictions that the shaded boxes must also
contain the digits 1 thru 9.
Normal Sudoku
Crazy Sudoku
SudokuEHG features 3 difficulty levels - Easy,
Medium, and Hard 2 types of games available -
Normal Sudoku and Crazy Sudoku Save and reopen
up to 5 games Auto saving for currently loaded
game Timer to keep track of players game time
for each puzzle
How to use SudokuEHG NOTE Press the Main Menu
button at any screen to return to the Main Menu.
If playing a game, the game will not be lost. To
play a new game1. Press the Main Menu button
to return to the Main Menu2. Press 3 on the
Number Keypad and press enter3. Choose game type
(Normal or Crazy) via corresponding number and
press enter4. Choose game difficulty level
(Easy, Medium, Hard) via corresponding number
and press enter 5. Start playing!! To
continue the most recently played game1. Press
1 on the Number Keypad and press enter4. Start
playing!!To save the most recently played
game1. Press the Main Menu button to return
to the Main Menu2. Press 4 on the Number Keypad
and press enter3. Choose which memory location
to store this game via corresponding number and
press enter NOTE If a game is already
stored there, it will be overridden.To open a
previously saved game1. Press the Main Menu
button to return to the Main Menu2. Press 2 on
the Number Keypad and press enter3. Choose which
game to be opened via corresponding number and
press enter
Inside of the Completed SudokuEHG system The
microcontroller, the serial connection to the
computer monitor, the power cord, and connections
between the two keypads and microcontroller are
stored inside the game container.
KeypadsUsed for System Interaction
Cost Analysis
Unit Market Cost Our Cost
LCD 120 120
Computer w/ Monitor and HyperTerminal software 700 0
Keypads 15 0
HCS12 Microcontroller 150 0
Connectors Cables 40 20
Container and internal serial cable 13 13
Total 1038 153 (51pp)
The SudokuEHG Design Team Matt Haggenmiller,
Thomas Troch, and Michelle Brown
Completed SudokuEHG system The game is displayed
on the computer monitor, the user input is taken
in by the keypads located on top of the black
game container, and the control logic is inside
the game container.
Arrow Keypad
Number Keypad
Arrow Keys use to navigate through the game.
NOTE given numbers within a puzzle will not be
Numbers use to fill in or replace numbers
within the game and to navigate through the
menus. Main Menu Button use to return to the
main menu at any time. Erase Button- use to clear
a number within the game. Enter Button use when
prompted and to finalize menu choices.