Title: COS 444 Internet Auctions: Theory and Practice
1COS 444 Internet AuctionsTheory and Practice
Spring 2009 Ken Steiglitz
2(No Transcript)
3Field Experiment
- Public Versus Secret Reserve Prices in eBay
Auctions Results from a Pokémon Field
Experiment, R. Katkar D. Lucking-Reiley, 1
December 5, 2000. - We find that secret reserve prices make us
worse off as sellers, by reducing the probability
of the auction resulting in a sale, deterring
serious bidders from entering the auction, and
lowering the expected transaction price of the
auction. We also present evidence that some
sellers choose to use secret reserve prices for
reasons other than increasing their expected
auction prices.
4Pros and cons of secret reserve
- Pros
- By comparison with equal open reserve, attracts
bidding activity, which is generally good because
1) more bidding attracts more bidders, 2)
bidders fear winners curse less with more
revealed information (more later, Milgrom Weber
82), - and so bid higher
- Cons
- Sends signal that price will be high, discourages
entry - Extra fee on eBay
5Field Experiment Katkar L-R 00
- 50 matched pairs of Pokémon cards
- 30 book value, open secret reserve
- Open reserve increased prob. sale 72 vs. 52
- Open reserve yielded 8.5 more revenue
- Caution these are low-priced items!
- Caution is it reasonable to match equal secret
and open reserves? Is this the right question?
Use low opening? Risk on high-value items ? - Evidence of illicit transactions around eBay
6Field Experiment Katkar L-R 00
- Notice that they concluded with a notice that
we intended to use data on bids for academic
research, and provided contact information for
questions or concerns. - Do you think this affected results?
7All-Pay auction
- Heres a different kind of auction
- High bidder wins the item
- All bidders pay their bids!
- the All-Pay Auction
- Models political campaigning, lobbying, bribery,
evolution of offensive weapons like antlers,
etc. - Whats your intuiton? How do you bid? Is this
better or worse for the seller than first-price?
8All-pay equilibrium
- Start with your value v
- Esurplus pr1 wins v b ( v )
- pay in
any event - In value space, bid as if your value z
- Esurplus vF(z)n-1 b(z)
- And set derivative to zero at zv.
9All-pay equilbrium, cont
- Differentiating and setting zv
- Integrating and using b(0)0
Note once again, b? 0, verifying monotonicity.
10Expected rev. for uniform vs of all-pay FP
- In all-pay auction, Epay bid
- Averaging over v for each bidder
- Times n bidders
- Same as SP, FP! More revenue equiv.!
11Related to all-pay War of Attrition
- Suppose two animals are willing to fight for a
time (b1, b2). One gives up, the other wins. The
price paid by the winner is - min (b1, b2).
- Essentially a second-price all-pay the winner
pays second-highest bid, losers pay their bids.
12Rev. equiv. FPSP for general distributions
- In SP auctions,
- expected revenue
- expected price paid
- expected value of second-highest bid in
equil. -
In equil. means truthful bidding in SP auctions,
of course.
13Rev. equiv. FPSP for general distributions
- In FP auctions,
- expected revenue
- n E payment of bidder 1 in equil.
- n E bfp(v1 ) pr1 wins
Now just plug in the known equil. bidding
14Rev. equiv. FPSP for general distributions
- and use integration by parts mercilessly,
yielding -
15- Notice that this is also the revenue for general
distributions in the all-pay auction -
16Back to eBay timing of bids
- Pro sniping (strategic)
- Avoids bidding wars
- Avoids revealing expert information
- (if you are an expert) Roth Ockenfels
02, Wilcox 00 - Avoids being shadowed (possible?)
- Possibly conceals your interest entirely
- Ockenfels Roth 06 suggest implicit collusion
(a weak version of the prisoners dilemma)
17Roth Ockenfels 02, Wilcox 00 Evidence from
the field
- Roth Ockenfels Computers vs. antiques
- Wilcox Power drills, etc. vs. pottery
- Bidding on collectibles later than bidding on
commodities - eBay bidding later than on Amazon (where deadline
is extensible) - Bidders with high feedback later than those with
low feedback on eBay
18Ockenfels Roth 06 Argument pro sniping
- Suppose there is a significant chance of a snipe
missing the deadline - Then sniping can amount to implicit collusion,
similar to an iterated prisoners dilemma - ? Depends on assumption of unreliable
sniping (?, see eSnipe, eg)
19Ockenfels Roth 06 Argument pro sniping
- Suppose two bidders, each misses deadline with
prob. ½ - Each decides to bid truthfully
- Each decides to bid exactly once, either early or
late (snipe) - Each has private value 21
- Starting bid 1
20Ockenfels Roth 06 Argument pro sniping
- Game matrix, expected payoffs
Defect ?
Cooperate ?
21Ockenfels Roth 06 Argument pro sniping
- Game matrix, expected payoffs
See Axelrod, Evolution Of Cooperation,
Basic Books, NY, 1984
An iterated Prisoners Dilemma! Actually, Friend
or Foe game show because 0/0 is a weak
22Back to eBay timing of bids
- Pro sniping (nonstrategic)
- Delays commitment
- Or just procrastination
- Soon-to-expire may be displayed first in search
- Willingness to pay increases with time
- --- endowment effect Knetsch Sniden 84,
Kahneman, Knetsch, Thaler 90, Thaler 94
23Back to eBay timing of bids
- Anti sniping (strategic early bidding)
- Scares away competition
- Raising ones own bid even scarier
- Rasmusen 06 suggests cost of discovery leads to
a collusive equilibrium
24Rasmusen 06Argument pro early bidding
- Bidder 1 is uncertain of her value, can pay cost
c to discover bidder 2 is certain of his value - 1 starts with low bid
- 2 bids early to signal if his value is high
- 1 pays to discover her value on signal
- With carefully chosen c this is mutually
beneficial - --- an asymmetric equilibrium
- Do you believe this?
25Back to eBay timing of bids
- Anti sniping (nonstrategic early bidding)
- Allows you to sleep, eat, etc. (But sniping
services and software solve this problem.) - Psychological reward for being listed as high
bidder - Sniping may be perceived as underhanded,
cowardly, unethical