Title: From MC, OC
1From MC, OC CC to CM Communication Management
as an Integral Skill in Managerial Practice
- Management Communication Association Conference
- May 2002
2Shifting Perspectives from MC to CM
- FallManagement Communication
- I. Introduction to Strategic Communication
- - Storytelling and Giving Feedback
- II. Persuasion and Argument
- - Convincing Others of Your Point of View
- Focus on individual manager, communicating at a
moment in time to a singular audience
3Shifting Perspectives from MC to CM
- SpringCommunication Management
- III. Communication Management
- - Moving Messages inside Organizations
- - Communicating as an Organization
- IV. Communicating as a Group
- - Managing Group Projects
- - Speaking with One Voice
- Focus on organizations, managing communication
over time within a web of multiple audiences
4Strategic Communication Model
Culture Context
Channel Choice
Adapted from Munter, Guide to Managerial
5Corporate Communication Model
Culture Context
Messages Images
Channel Choice
Constituents Response
6Premise is to frame CM with an analogy
- Communication
- is a critical organizational resource that can be
managed, just as one manages cash flows or
Includes but is not limited to reputation
7When you hear
the problem around here is communication
It usually isnt that simple.
8How well does communication flow?
- Across boundaries, e.g. cultural, functional,
organizational, technological, and so on? - Through formal channels?
- Through informal channels?
- Up, down, and across the organization?
- To and among constituencies?
What can be done to improve the quality,
quantity, flow, direction and timing of
9CM framing solves teaching problems
- CM figures communication as an asset/investment
- CM is something every manager can do in his or
her own practice of management - CM unifies conceptually the internal (OC) and
external (CC) dichotomy - CM integrates individual communication (MC) in a
broader context of communication activities - CM raises the stakes on MC, since for all intents
and purposes, the individual manager is the
organization for many constituencies
10Organize module as managerial activities
- Managing Communication in a Changing Context
- Communicating Across Organizational Boundaries
- Designing Communication Processes for Strategic
Planning - Managing Communication as a Critical
Organizational Resource - Communicating as an Organization
11Organize module as managerial activities
- Designing a Corporate Identity
- Managing Media Inquiries
- Communicating Corporate Value Values
- Addressing Issues of Public Concern
- Managing Communications in a Crisis
- Promoting Corporate Philanthropy
12CM enriched OC in our curriculum
- Role of communication in creating organizational
culture and style - Communicating strategy throughout the
organization - Communicating in global teams
- Role of communication in knowledge management
- Communication in organizational networks