Title: Overheads from Parnas Presentation
1Overheads from Parnas Presentation
- The next slides are transcribed versions of (most
of) the transparencies in Parnas presentation.
2Why is it important that the software can never
be trusted?
- We will make decisions as if it was not there.
- They will make decisions as if it might work.
3A necessary condition for trustworthy engineering
products is validation by
- Mathematical analysis, or
- Exhaustive case analysis, or
- Prolonged, realistic, testing
- or a combination of the above
4Why software is always the unreliable glue in
engineering systems
- The best mathematical tools require that a system
be described by continuous functions
- Exhaustive case analysis can only be used when
the number of states is small or the design
exhibits a repetitive structure
5Why do we have some usable software?
- Sometimes the requirements allow untrustworthy
- There has been extensive use under actual
- Operating conditions are controlled or
- Backup manual system available when needed
6What makes the SDI software much more difficult
than other projects?
- Lack of reliable information on target and decoy
- Distributed computing with unreliable nodes and
unreliable channels
- Distributed computing with hard real-time
- Physical distribution of redundant real-time
- Hardware failures will not be statistically
7What makes the SDI software much more difficult
than other projects?
- Redundancy is unusually expensive
- Information essential for real-time scheduling
will not be reliable
- Very limited opportunities for realistic testing
- No opportunities for repairing software during
- Expected to be the largest real-time system ever
attempted, frequent changes are anticipated
8Software Espionage and Nuclear Blackmail
- Fact Software systems, because of their rigid
predetermined behaviors are, easily defeated by
people who understand the programs
- Fact Changes in large software systems must be
made slowly and carefully with extensive review
and testing
9What about new Soft. Eng. techniques?
- Precise requirement documents
- Abstraction/information hiding
- Formal specifications
- The use of these techniques requires previous
experience with similar systems
- Co-operating sequential processes requires
detailed information for real-time scheduling
- Structured programming reduces but does not
eliminate errors
10What about Artificial Intelligence?
- AI-1 - Defined as solving hard problems.
- Study the problem, not the problem solver.
- No magic techniques just good solid program
- AI-2 - Heuristic or Rule Based Programming/Expert
- Study the problem solver, not the problem
- Ad hoc, cut and dry programming
- Little basis for confidence
11What about new programming languages?
- No magic
- They help if they are simple and well understood
- No breakthroughs
- The fault lies not in our tools but in ourselves
and in the nature of our product.
12What about automatic programming?
- Since 1948 a euphemism for programming in a new
13What about program verification?
- The right problem but do we have a solution?
- Whats a big program?
- Wrong kind of program? How do you verify a model
of the earths gravitational field?
- Implicit assumption of perfect arithmetic
- What about language semantics?
14Is there a meaningful concept of tolerance for
- The engineering notion of tolerance depends on
an assumption of continuity.
- Statistical measures of program quality are
limited in their application to situations where
individual failures are not important.
15Overheads from Seitz Presentation
- The next slides are transcribed versions of (most
of) the transparencies in Seitz presentation.
16From The Strategic Defense InitiativeWhite
House pamphlet dated Jan, 1985.
- SDIs purpose is to identify ways to exploit
recent advances in ballistic missile defense
technologies that have potential for
strengthening our security and that of our
Allies. The program is designed to answer a
number of fundamental scientific and engineering
questions that much be addressed before the
promise of these new technologies can be fully
assessed. The SDI program will provide to a
future president and a future congress the
technical knowledge necessary to support a
decision in the early 1990s on whether to
develop and deploy advanced defensive systems.
17From 1985 Report to the Congress on the Stategic
Defense Initiative (Section III)
- The goal of the SDI is to conduct a program of
rigorous research focused on advanced defensive
- The SDI seeks, therefore, to exploit emerging
technologies that may provide options for a
broader-based deterrence by turning to a greater
reliance on defensive systems
18From 1985 Report to the Congress on the Stategic
Defense Initiative (Section III)
- It should be stressed that the SDI is a research
program that seeks to provide the technical
knowledge required to support a decision on
whether to develop and later deploy these
systems. All research efforts will be fully
compliant with U.S. treaty obligations.
19- Weapons
- Incapable of causing damage at Earths surface
- Range 1000 km.
- Partial deployment ineffective in boost phase
- Sensors
- Some located in high orbits
- Can be passive
- Useful in early deployments
- Battle Management System
- Computers and communication
- Lowest Level - stereo and sensor fusion
- Middle Levels - target discrimination, attack and
- High Levels - assignment of priorities of target
in midcourse in order to prevent particular areas
from being overwhelmed in terminal defense, or to
prevent any single area to accept too high a
concentration for terminal defense - Top Level - command and control decisions
21Conclusions of the Panel
- The feasibility of the battle management
software and our ability to test, simulate, and
modify the system are very sensitive to the
choice of system architecture. In particular, the
feasibility of the BMS software is much more
sensitive to the system architecture than it is
to the choice of software engineering technique
22Conclusions of the Panel
- Software technology is developing against what
appears today to be relatively inflexible limits
in the complexity of systems. The treadeoffs
necessary to make the software tractable are in
the system architecture
23Conclusions of the Panel
- We must prefer an unconventional system
architecture whose programming is within the
anticipated limits of software engineering over
reliance on radical software development
approaches and the risk that we could not develop
reliable software at any cost
24Conclusions of the Panel
- One promising class of system architecture for a
strategic defense system are those that are less
dependent on tight coordination because of
the ability to infer the performance of
full-scale deployment by evaluating the
performance of small parts of the system.