Title: asprs 1996
1Comparison of the Optical Components of the
Simple Camera with those of the Human Eye
Film Plane
Jensen, 2000
2The f/stops for a Camera Lens and the Size of the
Aperture Openings
Jensen, 2000
3Profile View of A Metric Camera and System
Jensen, 2000
4Aerial Camera Lens Angle-of-View
Jensen, 2000
5Density and Size of Silver Halide Crystals
Jensen, 2000
6Generalized Cross-sections of Black White
Panchromatic, Black White Infrared, Color, and
Color-infrared Film
Jensen, 2000
7Creation of An Aerial Photography Negative by
Exposing and then Developing Silver Halide
Jensen, 2000
8Creation of A Positive Print from an Aerial
Photography Negative
Jensen, 2000
9Sensitivity of Selected Black White Films and
Printing Paper
Log Sensitivity
Jensen, 2000
10Characteristic Curves of Two Films
Jensen, 2000
11Color Theory
Additive Color
Subtractive Color
Jensen, 2000
12Spectral Sensitivity of Normal Color and
Color-Infrared Film
Log Sensitivity
Log Sensitivity
Jensen, 2000
13Normal Color Film
Jensen, 2000
14Color-Infrared Film
Jensen, 2000
15Aerial Photography
Normal Color
False-color Infrared Using Wratten 12 filter
Jensen, 2000
16Terrestrial Photography
Normal Color
False-color Infrared Using Wratten 12 filter
Jensen, 2000
17Vertical Aerial Photography
Goosenecks of the San Juan River in Utah
Jensen, 2000
18Low-oblique Aerial Photography
Low-oblique photograph of a bridge on the
Congaree River near Columbia, SC.
Jensen, 2000
19High-oblique Aerial Photography
Low-oblique photograph of the grand Coulee Dam in
Washington in 1940
Jensen, 2000
20Reflection and Transmission
Jensen, 2000
21Annotation on the Perimeter of An Aerial
Jensen, 2000