Title: Curriculum Night
1Curriculum Night
Daves Creek Elementary Home of the
Developing children's excellence and success
2Daves Creek CRCT Comparisons to Forsyth County
3School Improvement Plan
- Students will exceed standard in reading on the
CRCT from 63 to 65. - Students will exceed standard in math on the CRCT
from 57 to 59. - Fifth grade students will increase students
meeting standard from 90 to 95.
4The impact of nonfiction writing on student
achievement is manifested not only in language
arts but also in math, science, and social
studies. Nonfiction writing is also effective in
improving performance on writing tests and
extended response items as well as on multiple
choice tests. When students write they are
engaged in thinking, reasoning, and analysis.
- Douglas Reeves The Learning Leader
5School Improvement Action Plan
- How will we accomplish this?
6Professional Learning Goals
- Research IB Primary Years Program
- Core Work Best Practice Sessions
- Writing and Guided Reading
- Differentiation
7Monitor and improve running reading records for
the purpose of establishing and updating small
reading groups. (K-5 teachers, EIP, and Special
Education) Monitor and improve small group guided
reading instruction to weekly reading instruction
(K-5 teachers, EIP, and Special
Education) Continue the development of graphic
organizers and higher order / critical thinking
questions to be implemented in reading
instruction and in special area classes. (K-5,
EIP, and Special Education Teachers) Monitor and
improve use of math exemplars.(K-5 Teachers)
8Develop Standards Based Units All teachers with
a concentration in Special Areas Implement
AIMSweb assessment as a Universal Screening for
K-2 and progress monitoring for Response through
Intervention. (K-2 and EIP Teachers with the
Support of the RTI team) Develop assessments to
monitor the implementation of GPS through the
Edusoft Program. (3-5 Teachers) Developed a
framework for writing instruction with the use of
the 6 traits of writing through vertical teams
and Best Practice Carousels. (All teachers
9The mission of Daves Creek
Developing Children's Excellence and Success