Title: ECEn 490 Intelligent Ground Vehicle
1ECEn 490 Intelligent Ground Vehicle James
Archibald D. J. Lee
2Introduction Course Description Lectures
Schedule Class Format Grading Prizes Project
Tasks Class Project Tasks - Team Skills and
Talent Needed Introduction Team Members First
3Contact Information
Office 453 CB Phone 2-5923 E-mail
djlee_at_ee.byu.edu Office Hours Whenever you need
me, E-mail or phone call for an appointment
4Course Description
- Build a vision-guided mobile robot to perform
specific tasks. - A final competition at the end of the semester.
- Final competitions follow the requirements/rules
set by Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
(IGVC). - Rules, pictures, videos of past competitions
can be located at www.igvc.org. - Three competitions Design, Autonomous, and
New Senior Project
Vision-guided Intelligent Ground Vehicle
Learn Robotics and Robotic Vision Build an
Intelligent Mobile Robot Enter a National
Competition in Traverse City, MI in June Win a
Grand Prize of 10,000 (see www.igvc.org)
MW 12001250 392 CB By Add Card Only
(Electrical, Computer, and Mechanical Engineers
welcome) Please see Dr. D. J. Lee (453 CB) or
Dr. James Archibald (451 CB) Prerequisites ECEn
483 (or equivalent) or ECEn 425, significant
programming experience
Introduction to Robotic Vision (1
Lecture) Color Processing and Segmentation (2
Lectures) Adding Intelligence (1
lecture) Features and Feature Detection (3
Lectures) Edge, Corner, Line Motion
(4 Lectures)
Introduction Optical Flow
Feature-based Obstacle Detection (2
Lectures) Calibration Time to Impact
Path Planning
7Class Format
- January-February 1 lecture a week on Mondays,
discussion, and design review - March-April Algorithm review, progress report,
presentations - Deliverables (besides the robot itself)
- Team web page with all code, documents, pictures
- Final report in conference proceeding format
- Practice and Final Competitions
- Design
- Autonomous
- Navigation
8Grading Prizes
Grading Participation (20) class discussion
assigned project Competitions (60) team
scores Report (20) team final report and
software Class Instructor Evaluation (5)
online evaluation 3 Competitions 1st place
100 2nd place 90 3rd place 85 4th place 80 90
A 85 A- 80 B 75 B 70 B-
below 70 A
Prizes Best Competition Performance A 40 Olive
Garden gift card for each team member Best
Report A paid trip for the main author to
present the paper at the SPIE Optic East
Conference in Philadelphia in October 2005.
9National Competition
Students will be invited to form one or two teams
to enter the IGVC that will be held in Traverse
City, Michigan, June 11-13, 2005 Part of the
prize money will be distributed to team members
10Project Tasks - Team
- Design and construction of mobile robot
- Selection of motor, gear, and battery
- Literature review presentation
- Selection development of vision and control
algorithms - Robot (motor dependent) control software
implementation - Software implementation
- Hardware integration
- Practice and final competitions
11Important Milestones Dates
- 01/17 Robot design review
- 01/31 Class tasks accomplished
- 01/31 Robot designed and built
- 02/14 Robot control demo
- 02/21 Autonomous design review
- 03/07 Autonomous practice competition
- 03/14 Navigation design review
- 03/28 Navigation practice competition
- Final Competitions - TBA
12Skills and Talent
- Prerequisite
- Enthusiasm for vision-guided mobile robot
- Ready for fun projects
- Willing to work to build fun toys
- Skills and Talent
- Algorithms computer vision and Image
processing - Computer System OS, embedded computer board
- Image Acquisition frame grabber and camera
- Programming C/C
- Mechanical robot design, gear, and drive
system - Electrical motor, battery, and sensors (sonar
GPS) - Writing presentation final report
13First Assignment
- Send an email to me by 1000 AM on Monday 01/10
to - Evaluate and rank your skills
- Algorithms computer vision and Image
processing - Computer System OS, embedded computer board
- Image Acquisition frame grabber and camera
- Programming C/C
- Mechanical robot design, gear, and drive
system - Electrical motor, battery, and sensors (sonar
GPS) - Writing Presentation final report
- Two names of who you would really like to work
with. - Names of who you would rather drop this fun
class than work with.
14- Frame grabber and image acquisition (API) 2
- James Nickerson, Evan Millar
- Camera configuration and interface (connector
power) 1 - Chad
- GPS, Sonar, and other sensors (selection and
interface) - 2 - S. Jason Smith, Chris Kosanovich
- OS and Embedded computer board (power supply)
2 - Kirk, Marcus
- Competition preparation (rules, white lines,
barrels) 1 - Ryan
15- 300 budget for each team.
- frame, motors, wheels, battery, motor controller