Title: James Reston
1James Reston
By Heather Hardisty
2- Born in 1909
- Born in Scotland
- Nickname Scotty
- Died Dec. 7th, 1995
- Died at age 86
- Died of Cancer
3- First James Reston worked for the Springfield.
Ohio Daily News - He then joined the Associate Press in 1934
- Next, he Moved to the London Bureau of New York
Times in 1939 - Moved to New York in 1940
4- 1942 Established U.S. Office of War Information
in London - 1945 Rejoined the New York Times as National
Correspondent for Washington D.C. - 1948 Diplomatic Correspondent
- 1953 Bureau Chief and Columnist
5- 1964-1968 Editor of New York Times
- 1968-1969 Executive Editor
- 1969-1974 Seior Columnist
- 1976 Retired
6He was such a good writer, he won two Pulizer
Prizes, one in 1945 and one in 1957 He became
good friends with everyone he talked to because
he talked to them as equals. He would find good
info on everything that was going on at the time.
Pulitzer Prize
7Margaret Fuller
8- Born 1810
- Born in Canton, Massachusetts
- Died at age 40
- Died in 1850
9First, She started off poor without much
schooling and a big Family Then, she started off
at elementary schools but that didnt last for
10As a start for her career, she translated a drama
of Goethe and published essays in Boston papers
and The Western Messanger She worked for one
of her guy friends that she met.
11- She began to work for a paper called Dial.
- She wrote a famous essay called The Great
Lawsuit Men vs. Men Women vs. Women - She got invited by Horace Greeley to work for the
New York Tribune
12She was very much a feminist and wrote a lot
about issues with woman and was a fantastic
writer but her career and life ended quickly.