Title: Institutions and Economic Growth
1Institutions and Economic Growth
- Does it really matter to have QoG?
- Theory one of the founding fathers of New
Institutional Economics (NIE) - North 1994
- Empirical debate Institutions rule vs. dont
rule - Rodrik, Subramanian Trebbi 2004
- Sachs 2003
2Transaction Cost Economics (TCE)
- Coase (1939) Why do Firms Exist?
- Transaction costs are pervasive (45 of the US
3North 1994 Economic Performance Through Time
- Critic to Neoclassical Economic Theory
- focus the operation of markets, but doesnt
address Why (some) markets (in some parts of the
world) develop - rejects the role of Institutions and Time
- markets are efficient only if it is costless to
transact, but there are many transaction costs..
4Norths definition of Institutions
- Institutions are the humanly devised constraints
that structure human interaction. - They are made up of formal constraints (e.g.,
rules, laws, constitutions), informal constraints
(e.g., norms of behavior, conventions,
self-imposed codes of conduct), and their
enforcement characteristics.
5Assumptions of his theory
- necessary to dismantle the rationality
assumption - ideas, ideologies, myths, dogmas, and prejudices
matter - Instead of the rationality assumption, he prefers
Simons bounded rationality
6Mental Models Time ? Institutions
- models that formed the informal constraints that
defined the institutional framework of the tribe
and were passed down intergenerationally as
customs, taboos, and myths that provided cultural
continuity - The key to the foregoing story is the kind of
learning that the individuals in a society
acquired through time - Hayek (1960) "the transmission in time of our
accumulated stock of knowledge"
7Path dependence
- Term used to describe the powerful influence of
the past on the present and future - Example of bad path dependence Spain
- The long decline of Spain from the glories of the
Hapsburg Empire of the 16th century to its sorry
state under Francisco Franco in the 20th century
was characterized by endless self appraisals and
frequently bizarre proposed solutions
- It is the admixture of formal rules, informal
norms, and enforcement characteristics that
shapes economic performance
9Rodrik, Subramanian Trebbi 2004
- The Big Question What accounts for the
differences between the worlds richest and
poorest nations? - The 3 Big Answers
- Geography (Diamond 1997, Sachs 2001)
- International Trade (Dollar and Kraay 2004)
- Institutions (North 1990, Acemoglu et al. 2001)
- The Big Problem How to Test Them?
11RST empirical test
12 13Results
- When we include Institutions, Geography and
Integration dont have any additional explanatory
power (in fact, they have the wrong sign!) - The Quality of Institutions Trumps Everything
- Correlations, not Causal Relations..
- Lack of micro-foundations
- Reverse Causality?
- Omitted variables?
- No clear policy implications
15Test the robustness of the results I
- Institutions also ? accumulation of capital
(human and physical) - Eliminate too influential cases (Singapur,
Ethiopia) and special ones (the neo-European
countries) - Introduce regional dummies (Latin America,
Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia)
16Test the robustness of the results II
- Introduce standard variables in the literature
- Legal origin Common Law (British) vs. Civil Law
(French) - Former British Colony vs. French Colony
- Religion Muslim, Catholic and Protestant
17Conclusion of RST empirical analysis
- Institutions, even controlling for the
traditional variables used in the literature,
stay significant and if anything, their
explanatory power increases
18Quality of Institutions
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson 2001 Easterly
and Levine 2002 Rodrik, Subramanian, and Trebbis
Geographical and Ecological Variables
Economic Growth
(e.g. climate zone, disease ecology, distance
from the coast)
Sachs 2003
19 The standard institutional model
- ln(Yi) B0 B1 QIi B2 Zi Ei
- QI quality of institutions
- Z geography variables (distance from equator,
20Sachs Malaria matters
- First question How can we measure it?
- MAL94 of population with risk of malaria
transmission (WHO reports of malaria cases) - Malaria Ecology climate and mosquito abundance
- Institutions matter
- Some geographical and ecological variables also
matter - Malaria
- population living within 100km of the coast