Title: Back to basics Probability, Conditional Probability and Independence
1Back to basics Probability, Conditional
Probability and Independence
- Probability of an outcome in an experiment is the
proportion of times that this particular outcome
would occur in a very large (infinite) number
of replicated experiments - Random variable is a mapping assigning real
numbers to the set of all possible experimental
outcomes - often equivalent to the experimental
outcome - Probability distribution describes the
probability of any outcome, or any particular
value of the corresponding random variable in an
experiment - If we have two different experiments, the
probability of any combination of outcomes is the
joint probability and the joint probability
distribution describes probabilities of observing
and combination of outcomes - If the outcome of one experiment does not affect
the probability distribution of the other, we say
that outcomes are independent - Event is a set of one or more possible outcomes
2Back to basics Probability, Conditional
Probability and Independence
- Let N be the very large number of trials of an
experiment, and ni be the number of times that
ith outcome (oi) out of possible infinitely many
possible outcomes has been observed - pini/N is the probability of the ith outcome
- Properties of probabilities following from this
definition - 1) pi ? 0
- 2) pi ? 1
5) p(NOT e) 1-p(e) for any event e
3Conditional Probabilities and Independence
- Suppose you have a set of N DNA sequences. Let
the random variable X denote the identity of the
first nucleotide and the random variable Y the
identity of the second nucleotide.
- The probability of a randomly selected DNA
sequence from this set to have the xy
dinucleotide at the beginning is equal to
- Suppose now that you have randomly selected a DNA
sequence from this set and looked at the first
nucleotide but not the second. Question what is
the probability of a particular second nucleotide
y given that you know that the first nucleotide
is x?
- P(YyXx) is the conditional probability of Yy
given that Xx
- X and Y are independent if P(YyXx)P(Yy)
4Conditional Probabilities Another Example
- Measuring differences between expression levels
under two different experimental condition for
two genes (1 and 2) in many replicated
experiments - Outcomes of each experiment are
- X1 if the difference for gene 1 is greater than
2 and 0 otherwise - Y1 if the difference for gene 2 is greater than
2 and 0 otherwise
- The joint probability of differences for both
genes being greater than 2 in any single
experiment is P(X1,Y1)
- Suppose now that in one experiment we look at
gene 1 and know that X0 Question What is the
probability of Y1 knowing that X0
- P(Y1X0) is the conditional probability of Y1
given that X0
- X and Y are independent if P(YyXx)P(Yy) for
any x and y
5Conditional Probabilities and Independence
- If X and Y are independent, then from
- Probability of two independent events is equal to
the product of their probabilities
6Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes
- Suppose we have T genes which we measured under
two experimental conditions (Ctl and Nic) in n
replicated experiments - ti and pi are the t-statistic and the
corresponding p-value for the ith gene, i1,...,T - P-value is the probability of observing as
extreme or more extreme value of the t-statistic
under the null-distribution (i.e. the
distributions assuming that ?iCtl ?iNic ) than
the one calculated from the data (t) - The ith gene is "differentially expressed" if we
can reject the ith null hypothesis ?iCtl ?iNic
and conclude that ?iCtl ? ?iNic at a significance
level ? (i.e. if pilt?) - Type I error is committed when a null-hypothesis
is falsely rejected - Type II error is committed when a null-hypothesis
is not rejected but it is false - Experiment-wise Type I Error is committed if any
of a set of (T) null hypothesis is falsely
rejected - If the significance level is chosen prior to
conducting experiment, we know that by following
the hypothesis testing procedure, we will have
the probability of falsely concluding that any
one gene is differentially expressed (i.e.
falsely reject the null hypothesis) is equal to ? - What is the probability of committing a
Family-wise Type I Error? - Assuming that all null hypothesis are true, what
is the probability that we would reject at least
one of them?
7Experiment-wise error rate
Assuming that individual tests of hypothesis are
independent and true p(Not Committing The
Experiment-Wise Error) p(Not Rejecting H01 AND
Not Rejecting H02 AND ... AND Not Rejecting H0T)
(1- ? )(1- ? )...(1- ? ) (1- ?
)T p(Committing The Experiment-Wise Error) 1-(1-
? )T
8Experiment-wise error rate
If we want to keep the FWER at ? level Sidaks
adjustment ?a 1-(1- ? )1/T FWER1-(1- ?a )T
1-(1-1-(1- ? )1/T)T 1-((1- ? )1/T)T 1-(1-?)
? For FWER0.05 ?a0.000003
9Experiment-wise error rate
- Another adjustment
- p(Committing The Experiment-Wise Error)
- (Rejecting H01 OR Rejecting H02 OR ... OR
Rejecting H0T) ? T? - (Homework How does that follow from the
probability properties) - Bonferroni adjustment ?b ?/T
- Generally ?blt?a ? Bonferroni adjustment more
conservative - The Sidak's adjustment assumes independence
likely not to be satisfied. - If tests are not independent, Sidak's adjustment
is most likely conservative but it could be
10Adjusting p-value
- Individual HypothesesH0i ?iW ?iC ? pip(tn-1
gt ti) , i1,...,T - "Composite" Hypothesis
- H0 ?iW ?iC, i1,...,T ? pminpi, i1,...,T
- The composite null hypothesis is rejected if even
a single individual hypothesis is rejected - Consequently the p-value for the composite
hypothesis is equal to the minimum of individual
p-values - If all tests have the same reference
distribution, this is equivalent topp(tn-1 gt
tmax) - We can consider a p-value to be itself the
outcome of the experiment - What is the "null" probability distribution of
the p-value for individual tests of hypothesis? - What is the "null" probability distribution for
the composite p-value?
11Null distribution of the p-value
Given that the null hypothesis is true,
probability of observing the p-values smaller
than a fixed number between 0 and 1 is p(pi lt
The null distribution of t
12Null distribution of the composite p-value
p(p lt a) p(minpi, i1,...,T lt a) 1-
p(minpi, i1,...,T gt a)
1-p(p1gt a AND p2gt a AND ... AND pTgt a)
Assuming independence between different
tests 1- p(p1gt a) p(p2gt a)...
p(pTgt a) 1-1-p(p1lt a) 1-p(p2lt a)...
1-p(pTlt a) 1-1-aT Instead of adjusting
the significance level, can adjust all p-values
pia 1-1-aT
13Null distribution of the composite p-value
The null distribution of the composite p-value
for 1, 10 and 30000 tests
14Seems simple
- Applying a conservative p-value adjustment will
take care of false positives - How about false negatives
- Type II Error arises when we fail to reject H0
although it is false - Powerp(Rejecting H0 when ?W -?C ? 0)
- p(t gt t??W -?C ? 0)p(plt? ?W -?C ?
0) - Depends on various things (?, df, ?, ?W -?C)
- Probability distribution of is non-central t
15Effects multiple comparison adjustments on
T5000, ? 0.05, ?a 0.0001, ?W -?C 10, ? 1.5
t4 Green Dashed Line t9 Red Dashed Line
t4,nc6.1 Green Solid Line t9,nc8.6 Red Solid
16This is not good enough
- Traditional statistical approaches to multiple
comparison adjustments which strictly control the
experiment-wise error rates are not optimal - Need a balance between the false positive and
false negative rates - Benjamini Y and Hochberg Y (1995) Controlling the
False Discovery Rate a Practical and Powerful
Approach to Multiple Testing. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society B 57289-300. - Instead of controlling the probability of
generating a single false positive, we control
the proportion of false positives - Consequence is that some of the implicated genes
are likely to be false positives.
17False Discovery Rate
- FDR E(V/R)
- If all null hypothesis are true (composite null)
this is equivalent to the Family-wise error rate
18False Discovery Rate
Alternatively, adjust p-values as
gt FDRpvaluelt-p.adjust(TPvalue,method"fdr") gt