Notes 3: Probability II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Notes 3: Probability II


Notes 3: Probability II 1. Mean and Variance of a Linear Function 2. Covariance and Correlation 3. Mean and Variance of a Linear Combination 4. The Binomial Distribution – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Notes 3: Probability II

Notes 3 Probability II
1. Mean and Variance of a Linear Function 2.
Covariance and Correlation 3. Mean and Variance
of a Linear Combination 4. The Binomial
Distribution 5. Continuous Random Variables
6. The Uniform Distribution 7. The Normal
Distribution 8. Modeling Stock Returns the
IID Normal Model 9. Cumulative Distribution
Functions 10. Expected Value and Variance of
Continuous RVs 11. Histograms and IID Draws 12.
Expectation as a Long-run Average 13. The
Central Limit Theorem 14. Standardization
1. Mean and Variance of a Linear Function
We use mathematical formulas to
express relationships between variables. Even
though a random variable is not a variable in
the usual sense, we can still use formulas to
express relationships. We will develop formulas
for linear combinations of random variables that
are analogous to the ones we had for sample means
and variances.
A contractor estimates the probabilities for the
time (in number of days) required to complete a
certain type of job as follows
t p(t) 1 .05 2 .20 3 .35 4 .30 5 .10
Note that E(T) .051 .202 .353
.304 .105 3.2 Var(T)
.05(1-3.2)2 .20(2-3.2)2
.35(3-3.2)2 .30(4-3.2)2 .10(5-3.2)2
Let T denote the time to completion.
Review question what is the probability that a
project will take less than 3 days to complete?
The longer it takes to complete the job, the
greater the cost.
There is a fixed cost of 20,000 and an
additional (variable) cost of 3,000 per day.
Let C denote the cost in thousands of
dollars. Then,
C 20 3T
Before the project is started, both T and C are
unknown and hence random variables.
BUT whatever values we end up getting for T and
C, they will satisfy this equation.
I place a 10 bet that the Red Sox will win their
next game. Let G 1 if they win, 0 else G
Bernoulli(p). Let W be my winnings in
dollars. W -10 20G
In both of these examples, one r.v. is a linear
function of the other Y c0 c1X
Let Y and X be random variables such that
Remember, here Y c0 c1X means that if we
see a value x for the random variable X, the
value we see for Y will be y c0 c1x
These formulas mirror what we had for sample
means and variances. In fact, later we will
study continuous random variables, and we will
see that these formulas stay the same!
BE CAREFUL !! While we will stress the
analogies, the mean and variance of a r.v. is NOT
the same thing as the sample mean and sample
variance of a set of numbers.
Recall our time to project completion example.
E(T) 3.2. Var(T) 1.06.
C 20 3T
We could write out the probability distribution
of C and solve For its mean and variance
E(C) .0523 .2025 .3529
.3032 .1035 29.6 Var(C)
.05(23-29.6)2 .20(26-29.6)2
.35(29-29.6)2 .30(32-29.6)2
.10(35-29.6)2 9.54
t p(t) T 1 .05 2 .20 3 .35 4
.30 5 .10
c p(c) C 23 .05 26 .20 29 .35 32
.30 35 .10
BUT if we already know E(T) and Var(T), it is
much easier to use the formulas!
E(C) 20 3E(T) 20 3(3.2)
29.6 (or 29,600) Var(C)
(32)Var(T) 9(1.06) 9.54 sC
3sqrt(1.06) sqrt( 9.54 )
3.09 (or 3,090)
G Bernoulli(p). Let W be my winnings. W -10
Suppose p .5. Then E(G) .5, Var(G) .5.5,
sG .5
E(W) -10 20E(G) -10 20(.5)
-10 10 0 Var(W) 202Var(G)
202(.5)(.5) 400/4
100 sW 20sG 20(.5)
Let's check our answer in this simple
example. If P(Red Sox win).5 , what is the
distribution of W? w p(w) -10 .5 10 .5
E(W) .5(-10) .5(10) 0 Var(W) .5(-10-0)2
.5(10-0)2 100
Two Simple Special Cases
Assume YaX. (add a constant) Then, E(Y)
E(aX) a E(X) Var(Y) Var(X)
Assume Y bX. (multiply by a constant) Then,
E(Y) E(bX) bE(X) Var(Y) Var(bX)
b2 Var(X) ?Y sqrt(Var(bX))
2. Covariance and Correlation of Discrete Random
Suppose we have a pair of random variables
(X,Y). Also, suppose we know their joint
probability distribution. We know that if X and
Y are independent, the value we see for one
variable doesnt change the probabilities we
assign to the other one. Now suppose X and Y are
NOT independent. We want to ask, how strongly
are X and Y related? In this subsection we will
define the covariance and correlation between two
RVs to summarize their linear relationship.
The covariance between two discrete random
variables X and Y is given by
This is just the average product of the deviation
of X from its mean and the deviation of Y from
its mean, weighted by the joint probabilities
Example 1
E(X) .1
E(Y) .09
sX.05 sY.049
p(x,y) (x mX)(y mY)
cov(X,Y) sXY .4(.05-.1)(.05-.09)
.1(.05-.1)(.15-.09) .3(.15-.1)(.15-.09)
Intuition we have an 70 chance that X and Y are
both above the mean or both below the mean
Example (From last time, Sales and the Economy)
Recall mS 2.815 mE 0.7
Cov(S,E) .06(1-2.815)(0-0.7)
.09(2-2.815)(0-0.7) .09(3-2.815)(0-0.7)
.035(1-2.815)(1-0.7) .14(2-2.815)(1-0.7)
.35(3-2.315)(1-0.7) .175(4-2.815)(1-0
.7) 0.1470
Intuition Why is Cov(S,E) positive?
The correlation between random variables (discrete
or continuous) is
Like sample correlation, the correlation between
two random variables equals their covariance
divided by their standard deviations. This
creates a unit free measure of the relationship
between X and Y.
r the basic facts
If r is close to 1, then it means there is a
line, with positive slope, such that (X,Y) is
likely to fall close to it.
If r is close to -1, same thing, but the line has
a negative slope.
E(X) .1
E(Y) .09
sX.05 sY.049
(we computed this before)
The correlation is
rXY .001/(.05.049) 0.4082
E(X) .1
E(Y) .1
Let us compute the covariance .25(-.5)(-.5)
.25(-.5)(.5) .25(.5)(-.5) .25(.5)(.5) 0 The
covariance is 0 and so is the correlation not
surprising, right?
On your own, you should verify that in this
example, X and Y are independent, but on the
previous slide they are not!
Independence and correlation
Suppose two RVs are independent. That means
they have nothing to do with each other. That
means they have nothing to do with each other
linearly. That means the correlation is 0.
Note The converse is not necessarily true. Cov0
does not necessarily mean they are independent.
Think back to our parabolic scatterplot!
If X and Y are independent, then
3. Mean and Variance of a Linear Combination
As we did for data sets, lets now work with
combinations of several RVs.
Important With just two RVs we have,
Look back at Notes 1 These are the same
formulas we had for sample means and sample
X and Y could be the returns on 2 assets
we invest 50 in X and 50 in Y. R is the
portfolio return.
Let R .5X.5Y (that is, c00,
and c1c2.5)
E(R) . 0.075
Var(R) (.5)2 .01 (.5)2 .01 0 .005
The variance of the portfolio is half that of the
inputs. Remember, when we take averages, variance
gets smaller.
Again, X and Y could be the returns on 2 assets
we invest 50 in X and 50 in Y.
Let R .5X.5Y
E(P) . 0.075
Var(P) .25.01 .25.01 (2.5.5)(.1.1(-.
9)) .0005
This time when one is up the other tends to be
down so there is substantial variance
reduction. In finance we would refer to this as
Let R .5X.5Y
E(P) . 0.075
Var(P) .25.01 .25.01 (2.5.5)(.1.1.9)
This time there is little variance reduction
because the large positive correlation tells us
that X and Y tend to move up and down together.
Special Cases
Here are some important special cases of our
formulae (remember, these will work for any RVs,
continuous or discrete!)
If the correlation between X1 and X2 is zero ,
Recall our game with winnings W such that E(W)0,
Var(W)100. If you double your money, T2W is
your total winnings. T has mean 0 and variance
400. Suppose instead of doubling your money on
one play, you play twice. Assume the two plays
are independent. T W1 W2 E(T) E(W1)
E(W2) 0 Var(T) Var(W1) Var(W2)
200 Important Intuition Why is the variance so
much smaller when you play twice ??
Example (3 inputs)
mY .2(.05) .5(.1) .3(.15 ) 0.105000
.2.2(.01) .5.5(.009) .3.3(.008) 2.2.3(-.001789) 0.00423362
Think in terms of financial assets and
portfolios. Xi is the return on the ith asset
and Y is the portfolio return. The formula for
s2Y is like slide 150 of Notes 1, just replace s
with s.
Important Special Case (mean and variance
of a sum)
Suppose we have n RVs X, then
If, in addition, they are all uncorrelated, then
The mean of a sum is always the sum of the
means. The variance of a sum is the sum of the
variances IF the random variables are all
I am about to toss 100 coins. Xi 1 if ith is a
head, 0 else. Let Y X1 X2 ... X100 Then
Y represents the number of heads.
E(Y)E(X1)E(X2) ...E(X100) 100.5
50 Var(Y)Var(X1)Var(X2)...Var(X100) 100.25
25 sY5
4. The Binomial Distribution
Suppose you are about to make three parts. The
parts are iid Bernoulli(p), where 1 means a good
part and 0 means a defective.
Let Xi denotes the outcome for part i, i1,2,3.
X1, X2, X3 Bernoulli(p) iid.
How many parts will be good ? Let Y denote the
number of good parts. Notice that Y X1
X2 X3
What is the distribution of Y? Look at the joint
distribution of (X1,X2,X3)
y p(y) 3 p3 2 3p2(1-p) 1 3p(1-p)2 0
? Y3
? Y2
? Y2
? Y1
Where did I get this 3?
Note Xs are iid so these probs are the same!
? Y2
Three different ways for Y2!
? Y1
? Y1
? Y0
Suppose we make n parts. Let Y number of good
n! n factorial n(n-1)(n-2)...321
Product of all integers from 1 up to n.
n choose y Number of subgroups of y
items you can make from a group of n items.
The Binomial Distribution
In general, we have n "trials" (Xi) each of which
results in a success (Xi1) or a failure
(Xi0). Each trial is independent of the
others. On each trial we have the same chance p
of "success". The number of successes is
ith trial is described by Xi. n number of
trials p prob of success on each trial
(Y is binomial, with parameters n and p)
I think of the binomial as the counting
distribution. Weve learned that any time you
have a random event with two possible outcomes,
we can model it as a Bernoulli(p) random
variable. For example 1) Coin
toss 1heads, 0tails 2) Quality control
test 1good part, 0defective 3) Baseball
game 1our team wins, 0loss
In the first example, p.5 in the last two p can
be anything
Any time we are looking at a series of n of these
events, and are willing to assume they are iid,
the number of times the 1 event happens is
distributed Binomial(n,p) 1) Number of heads
in 10 tosses Binomial(10,.5) 2) of good
parts out of 100 tested Binomial(100,p) 3)
Number of wins in 7 games Binomial(7,p)
When we write Binomial(n,p), the n is the total
number of chances and the p corresponds to the
individual Bernoulli(p) events.
At right are plotted y vs p(y) for the
binomial with n10 and p.2,.5,.8. The
p.5 distribution tells you about the number
of heads in 10 coin tosses.
Please do not memorize the nasty looking formula
Excel will compute this for you! To get P( Yy )
above, type BINOMDIST( y , n, p, 0 )
x p(x) 1 0.2 0 0.8
Remember, just like X Bernoulli(0.2) is short
y p(y) 0 0.107374182 1 0.268435456 2 0.3019898
88 3 0.201326592 4 0.088080384 5 0.026424115 6
0.005505024 7 0.000786432 8 7.3728E-05 9 4.096
E-06 10 1.024E-07
Y Binomial(10,0.2) is short for (the
probabilities p(y) are given by the formula
above with n10, p0.2)
Two easy special cases are
  • Examples
  • If the probability of getting heads on each toss
    is 0.5,
  • the probability of 10 heads in n10 tosses is
  • (0.5)10 ? 0.001

2) Suppose prob of a defect is .01 and you make
100 parts. What the prob they are all
good? (1 - .01)100 .99100 .366 (scary!)
Example (a good exam question!)
Suppose the monthly return on an asset in month
i is Ri Also suppose that the Ris are iid and
median(Ri)0. Let Y denote the number of
positive returns out of the next 24
months. Under this model, what is the mean and
variance of Y?
Hint 1 Define Xi 1 if Rigt0
0 otherwise
Hint 2 Can you argue Xi Bernoulli(p) iid?
If so, what is p?
Answer to previous slide Step 1 Since
median(Ri)0, the probability of a positive
return in any given month is ½. So if we follow
Hint 1, Xi Bernoulli(0.5) And since the
returns themselves are iid, the Xis are
too. Step 2 We are counting the number of
positive returns out of n24 months. Y is the
number of times we get a positive return.
Therefore, Y Binomial(24,0.5) Step 3 Now
that we know the distribution of Y we can find
its mean and variance. The formulas for the mean
and variance of a binomial are a (very) useful
shortcut E(Y) np (24)(0.5)
12 Var(Y) np(1-p) (24)(0.5)(1-0.5) 6
5. Continuous Random Variables
Suppose we have a machine that cuts cloth. When
pieces are cut, there are remnants. We believe
that the length of a remnant could be anything
between 0 and .5 inches and any value in the
interval is equally likely. The machine is about
to cut, leaving a new remnant. The length of the
remnant is a number we are uncertain about, so
it is a random variable. How do we describe
our beliefs?
This is an example of a continuous random
variable. It can take on any value in an
interval. In this example each value in the
interval is equally likely. But in general, we
might want to express beliefs that some values
are more likely than others.
Because the number of possible values is so
large, we can't make a list of possible values
and give each a probability! Instead we talk
about the probability of intervals. Instead of
P(Xx) .1. we have P(altXltb) .1
One convenient way to specify the probability
of any interval is with the probability density
function (pdf). You can interpret this like a
histogram (sort of). The probability of an
interval is the area under the pdf.
In this example values closer to 0 are
more likely.
area is .477
For this random variable the probability that it
is in the interval 0,2 is .477. (47.7 percent
of the time it will fall in this interval).
Note The area under the entire curve must be 1
Here is another p.d.f
Most of the probability is concentrated in 0 to
3, but you could get a value much bigger. This
kind of distribution is called skewed right.
For a continuous random variable X, the
probability of the interval (a,b) is the area
under the probability density function from a to
An equivalent way of saying this using calculus
is If the random variable X has pdf f(x), then
But this is way more math than we need! Besides,
an integral is just a sum. This is just the OR
means ADD rule we saw before in disguise.
6. The Uniform Distribution
Let's go back to our "remnant" example. Any
value between 0 and .5 is equally likely. If X
is the length of a remnant what is its pdf?
The pdf is flat in the interval
(0,.5). Outside of (0,.5), the pdf is 0.
Its height must be 2 so that the total area is 1.
Technically, any particular value has probability
0! But we still express the idea that they are
equally likely in (0,.5)!
In general, we have a family of uniform
distributions describing the situation where any
value in the interval (a,b) is equally likely.
Height must be 1/(b-a) so that area of
rectangle 1
We write X U(a,b).
7. The Normal Distribution
The Normal pdf is a bell shaped curve
This pdf describes the standard normal
distribution. We often use Z to denote the RV
which has this pdf.
Note any value in
is "possible".
Some properties of the standard normal random
variable (Note mZ 0 and sZ 1)
This is really what the pdf on the last slide is
telling us.
NB. In these notes I will usually act as if 1.96
When we say "the normal distribution", we
really mean a family of distributions all of
which have the same "shape" as the standard
normal. If X is a normal random variable we
Note It turns out that m is the mean,
s is the standard deviation, and s2 is the
variance of the normal random
variable. Well define mean and variance for
continous r.v.s shortly. Standard normal is
the same as N(0,1)
is the same as saying X has this pdf
P(m-2sltXlt m2s) .95
P(m-s ltXltms) .68
Does this look familiar?
Thats right, our empirical rule is based on
the normal distribution.
95 area
The normal family has two parameters m where
the curve is centered s how spread out the
curve is
Z, X, and Y are all "normally distributed".
Interpreting the normal
There is a 95 chance X is in the interval m /-
m what you think will happen /- 2s how wrong
you could be
m where the curve is s how spread out the
curve is
You believe the return next month on a
certain mutual fund can be described by the R
N(.1,.01) distribution.
Careful!! This says s2.01,
so s .1
There is a 95 chance that R will be in the
interval m ? 2s
.1 ? 2(.1) (-.1,.3)
95 area
What is P(.1ltRlt.3)? We can find this by drawing
a picture.
Just for the record, if
is the pdf. I don't think we'll have any use for
this. But we will have LOTS more to say about
the normal distribution. It is probably the most
important distribution in statistics (well see
several reasons why).
8. Modeling Data The IID Normal Model
Remember how we used the idea of i.i.d draws from
the Bernoulli(.5) distribution to model coin
tosses and i.i.d draws from the Bernoulli(.2) to
model a manufacturing process that gives faulty
and good parts?
Now, we want to use the normal distribution to
model data in the real world.
Surprisingly often, data looks like i.i.d
draws from a normal distribution.
Note We can have i.i.d draws from any
By writing
we mean that each random variable X will be an
independent draw from the same normal
We have not formally defined independence
for continuous distributions, but our intuition
is the same as before! Each draw is has no
effect on the others, and the same normal
distribution describes what we think each
variable will turn out to be.
What do i.i.d normal draws look like?
We can simulate i.i.d draws from the
normal distribution. Using StatPro, type
Here are 100 "draws" simulated from the standard
normal distribution, N(0,1).
There is no pattern, they look random
Same with lines drawn in at m 0 and /- 2s
/- 2
In the long run, 95 will be in here (between 2
and 2)
Here are draws from a normal other than the
standard one.
These are i.i.d draws from
How would you predict the next one ?
Examples Normal distributions are everywhere!
Daily returns on Dow Jones Industrial Average
Birth weights of newborns in ounces
SAT scores of college students
The normal distribution is probably the most used
distribution in statistics. The FIRST reason the
normal distribution is so important A LOT of
real-world data looks like a bell curve.
Example We look at the return data for
Canada. We have monthly returns from Feb 88 to
Dec 96.
Is the IID normal model reasonable? We need to
ask 1) Do the data look IID? 2) Do the data
look normally distributed?
  • Look at a time series plot.
  • No apparent pattern!

  • Look at the
  • histogram.
  • Normality
  • seems
  • reasonable!

Conclude The returns look like i.i.d normal
If we think m is about .01 and s is about .04
(based on the sample mean and sample std), then
our best guess at the next return is .01. An
interval which has a 95 chance of containing the
next return would be
.01 /- 2(.04)
Our model is Rt N(.01,.042) iid
Note we used i.i.d. Bernoulli draws to model
coin tosses and defects.
Now we are using the idea of i.i.d. normal
draws to model returns! We have a statistical
model for the real world.
This is a powerful statement about the real world.
Of course, not all data looks normal.
Daily volume of trades in the Cattle pit.
Skewed to the right, like our bank arrival time
Dow Jones
and not all time series look independent
How might you use the IID normal model here?
Lake Level
Beer Production
ASIDE Daily SP 500 returns, 1/90 - 10/04
Are these really iid?
Robert Engle (Nobel Laureate, 2003) financial
time series exhibit volatility clustering.
9. The Cumulative Distribution Function
The c.d.f. (cumulative distribution function) is
just another way (besides the p.d.f.) to specify
the probability of intervals.
For a random variable X the c.d.f., which we
denote by F (we used f for the p.d.f.), is
defined by
Remember, FX(x) P(X x) Area
under the pdf to the left of x
Example For the standard normal
F(0) .5 F(-1) .16 F(1) .84
The c.d.f. is handy for computing the
probabilities of intervals.
For Z (standard normal), we have P((-1,1))
F(1)-F(-1) .84 - .16 .68
The probability of an interval is the jump in the
c.d.f. over that interval.
Note for x big enough, F(x) must get close to
1. for x small enough, F(x) must get
close to 0.
Let R denote the return on our portfolio next
month. We do not know what R will be. Let us
assume we can describe what we think it will be
What is the probability of a negative return?
In Excel, type
And then the cell will be .4013 P(Rlt0) cdf(0)
What is the probability of a return between 0 and
NORMDIST(.05,0.01,0.04,TRUE) .8413
P(0ltRlt.05) .84 - .4 .44
Example (Homework problem)
Suppose X U(a,b) What is the cdf FX(x)? Start
by looking at the pdf
Area FX(x)
FX(x) P( X lt x ) area under f(x) to the
left of x Can you write down a formula for this
10. Expected Value and Variance of Continuous RV's
If X is a continuous RV with pdf f(x) then
The variance is
If you know calculus that's fairly intuitive. If
you don't, it is utterly incomprehensible.
But remember An integral is just a sum.
If we took the formulas on the previous page
and replaced with
And f(x) dx with p(x) Wed have the
same formulas as for discrete r.v.s!
What does this mean? The intuition we developed
for discrete r.v.s The mean is a best guess
or the center of the distribution The
variance is the expected squared distance of X
from its mean and all of the formulas about
means and variances If , then
ALSO work for continuous random variables!! We
could also define joint probabilities,
conditional probabilities, independence,
covariance, and correlation for continuous
r.v.s, but whats the point? They mean the same
thing! Its still true that ,
, etc. Really the ONLY thing thats different is
how we specify the probabilities.
An important example (the non-standard normal)
We just said that our linear combination
formulas for means and variances also work for
continuous r.v.s. This is particularly
important for normal r.v.s We can get
nonstandard normals from a standard normal
r.v. by multiplying by s and adding m .
If ZN(0,1) and we define X ? ?Z , then
E(X) m, Var(X) s2, sd(X)
s AND in fact, X N( ? , s2 )
ASIDE In fact we can say more
Any linear combination of normal random variables
is also normally distributed.
This is the SECOND reason the normal is so
important. In statistics many models are based on
linear relationships, Y c0 c1X1 c2X2
ckXk It is really convenient to know that if all
the Xs are normal, Y will be normal too!
11. The Histogram and I.I.D. Draws
Can we do probability calculations without the
Here is the histogram of 1000 draws from the
standard normal.
The height of each bar tells us the number of
observations in each interval. All the
intervals have the same width.
If we divide the height of each bar by the
width1000 the picture looks the same, but now
the area of each bar of observations in the
interval (trust me).
(number of draws)
This is just a fancy way of scaling the
histogram so that the total area of all the bars
equals 1. It looks the same, but the vertical
scale is different.
For a large number of iid draws, the observed
percent in an interval should be close to the
For the pdf the area is the probability of the
interval. In the histogram the area is the
observed percent in the interval. As the
number of draws gets larger, these two areas
get closer and closer!
histogram of 20 i.i.d N(0,1) draws
histogram of 1000 i.i.d N(0,1) draws
Looks like a bell curve!
The (normalized) histogram of a large number
of i.i.d draws from any distribution should look
like the p.d.f.
10,000 draws, N(0,1)
10,000 draws, uniform on (-1,1)
Can we use this to do probability calculations?
YOU BET! Heres an example (normprob.xls). Suppos
e that ZN(0,1) and we want to know
P(Zlt-1.5). Using StatPro, simulate 1,000 iid
draws from the standard normal distribution. Then
ask what of these draws is less than 1.5? The
answer should be (approximately) the probability
we are looking for.
This also works for discrete random
variables! (Remember the oppcall problem?)
12. Expectation as a Long Run Average
line is drawn at .5
One interpretation of probability is "long run
frequency". At right is the result of tossing a
coin 5000 times. After each toss we compute the
fraction of heads so far. Eventually, it settles
down to .5.
An extremely common line of fallacious
reasoning is the following. I just had 10 heads.
Since it has to even out, the next one is likely
to be a tail. No. The next one has a .5 prob
of being a tail because coins are iid
Bernoulli(.5). In the long run (say, if we did
10,000 flips), those 10 heads won't matter.
In the last section we saw that we can
interpret probability as the long run frequency
from iid draws. The point of this section is
that We can also interpret expectation as the
long run average from iid draws.
Remember our flip two coins example? Flip two
coins and let X the number of heads. Suppose
we toss two coins ten times. Each time we record
the number of heads.
1 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 0
Question what is the average value?
Mean of x 0.90000 (4(0) 3(1)
3(2))/10 This is our standard notion of sample
mean from notes 1.
Now suppose we toss them 1000 times
x 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 2
1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 2
1 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0
2 2 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 2
2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 0
1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 1
1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0
1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1
0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 2 1 2
2 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 2
1 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
1 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 2
2 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 1
0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 0
2 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1
0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1
2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 2
2 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 2
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
2 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2
2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 2 0 1
0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
0 0 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 2
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1
1 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 0 0 2
0 0 2 0 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0
1 2 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1
1 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0
1 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1
1 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 1
1 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0
0 2 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 1
1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1
2 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 0
1 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 2 1
1 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 1
1 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2
2 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 2 0
0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 0
1 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1
2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0
1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 1
0 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 1
1 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 2 1
1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 1
2 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 1
1 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 2
1 1 1 2 2 MTB gt
What is the sample mean?
Well, of course we can just have the
computer figure it out, but let us think about
this for a minute. What should the mean be?
be the number of 0s, 1s and 2s, respectively.
Then, the average would be
Does this remind you of how we calculate
E(X)? Were just using frequencies instead of
which is the same as
Now note that the values are i.i.d draws from the
So, for n large, we should have
Hence, the average should be about
.25(0) .5(1) .25(2) 1
but this is the expected value of the random
variable X!
The actual sample mean is
Mean of x 1.0110
Hence, with a very, very, very, ....large number
of tosses we would expect the sample mean (the
empirical mean of the numbers) to be very close
to 1 (the expected value)
To summarize, we can think of the expected value,
which in this case is equal to
as the long run average (sample mean) of i.i.d
Expectation as long run average
For n large
where the xis are iid draws all having the same
distribution as X
We can think of E(X) as the long run average of
iid draws. This works for X continuous and
discrete !!
This is also known as the Law of Large Numbers.
This works for any function of X
f(x) (x-m)2
Toss two coins over and over. As before, count
number of heads. average is .974. average
of (x-1)2 is .51
If X is number of heads from one toss of two
Var(X) .25(0-1)2 .5(1-1)2 .25(2-1)2 .5
Thus, for "large samples" the quantities we
talked about for samples should be similar to the
quantities we talked about for random variables
If we are taking iid draws !!
We can use this to calculate expectations without
doing any math!
Two examples Mean and variance of a Binomial
RV (binsim.xls) Kurtosis of a standard normal
RV (homework!)
13. The Central Limit Theorem
Finally, the THIRD reason the normal is so
The central limit theorem says that
The average of a large number of independent
random variables is (approximately) normally
Another way of saying this is
Suppose that X1, X2, X3, ... , Xn are iid random
variables, and let Y ( X1 X2 Xn ) /
n For large k, Y N( mY , sY2 )
Whats so special about this?
Notice that, although we did assume that the Xs
are iid, we didnt say what distribution they
Thats rightthe CLT says that The average of a
large number of independent random variables is
(approximately) normally distributed, no matter
what distribution the individual r.v.s
have! (Later well write down formulas for mY
and sY, but for now lets just look at a few
Consider the binomial distribution. Define Y
X1 X2 Xn where X Bernoulli(p) iid
(remember the sum is just the average times
n) From the pictures it can be seen that as
we increase the number of RVs n, the
distribution of Y gets closer and closer to a
normal distribution with the same mean and
variance as the binomial.
This one has the normal curve with mnp and
s2np(1-p) drawn over it. The normal curve fits
the true binomial probabilities well.
Suppose defects are i.i.d Bernoulli(.1). You are
about to make 100 parts.
We know that true number of defects is Binomial.
Let us use the normal approximation, first.
Y of defects
Based on the normal approximation, there is a 95
chance that the number of defects is in the
interval 10 /- 6 (4, 16)
Let us now get the exact answer based on the true
probabilities, which are binomial.
What is the correct binomial probability of
obtaining between 4 and 16 defective parts? If
the normal approximation is good, the exact
number should be close to .95. Let us see if this
is the case .
Not bad! From just the mean and the standard
deviation (using the central limit theorem and
the normal approximation) we get a pretty good
idea of what is likely to happen.
We calculate P(4ltYlt16)F(16)-F(4)
The binomial is just the sum (average times n) of
iid Bernoulli r.v.s, so for large n it looks
normal. Heres an example (CLT.xls) that shows
the average of uniform r.v.s looks normal, too!
Dont worry too much about the approximately. In
general, if the distribution looks roughly
normal shaped, you can try to approximate
it with a normal curve having the same mean and
14. Standardization
How unusual is it?
Sometimes something weird or unusual happens and
we want to quantify just how weird it is.
A typical example is a market crash.
Monthly returns on a market index from Jan 80 to
Oct 87.
Question how crazy is the crash?
The data looks normal (from the histogram). We
can use a normal curve (model) to describe all
the values except the last.
The curve (model) has m.0127 and s.0437.
  • We are "estimating" the true
  • and s based on the data. We
  • will be very precise in the future.

The crash month return was -.2176.
The crash return was way out in left tail!
We can do essentially the same thing by
standardizing the value.
We ask if the value were from a standard normal,
what would it be?
We can think of our return values as
r .0127 .0437z (m s z)
So, the z value corresponding to a generic r
value is
The z values should look standard normal.
So, how unusual is the crash return? (-.2176-.0127
)/.0437 -5.27002 Its z value is -5.27! It is
like getting a value of 5.27 from the standard
normal. No way!
Here are the z values for the previous months.
Another way to say it is that the crash return is
5.3 standard deviations away from the mean.
For XN(m,s2), the z value corresponding to an x
value is
z can be interpreted as the number of
standard deviations the x value is from the mean.
How unusual is (the hockey player) Wayne Gretzky
? (Recall that ESPN picked him 5th greatest
athlete of the century).
This is the histogram of the total career points
of the 42 players judged by the Hockey News to be
the greatest ever, not counting goalies and Wayne
m1000 and s 450 look reasonable (based on the
Gretzky had 2855 points.
MTB gt let k1 (2855-1000)/450 MTB gt print
k1 Data Display K1 4.12222
Grezky is like getting 4.1 from the
standard Normal. No way!
Normal Probabilities and Standardization
Suppose RN(.01,.042).
What is the probability of a return between 0 and
This is equivalent to Z being between
(0-.01)/.04-.25 and (.05-.01)/.041. Using the
normal CDF in Excel,
NORMDIST(-0.25,0,1,TRUE) .4013
NORMDIST(1,0,1,TRUE) .841
Prob(0ltRlt.05) Prob(.-.25ltZlt1).84-.4.44
For XN(m,s2),
This used to be used a lot because you could look
up the probs for Z in the back of a book. Now it
is not so important because we can use a
computer. But (as we shall see), the idea of
standardization is very important.
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