Title: SIPAAA 101: The Basics of School Improvement Planning
1SIPAAA 101 The Basics of School Improvement
- August 16, 2007
- Office of Strategy Planning
2The Basics ofSchool Improvement Planning
- What is the SIPAAA?
- When does SIPAAA planning occur?
- Who participates in SIPAAA planning?
- What are the steps of the SIPAAA?
3What is the SIPAAA?
- SIPAAA School Improvement Planning for
Advancing Academic Achievement - School improvement plans (SIPs) are mandated by
Illinois state law and are public records. -
- The local school council (LSC) approves the
SIPAAA and oversees its implementation.
SIPAAA is the school-based improvement planning
process for Chicago Public Schools - New plans
are created biannually - Implementation and
reevaluation occur continuously
4SIPAAA Planning Timeline
5Participants in SIPAAA Planning
- Steering committee of 6-12 people
- Principal is the chairperson
- Includes LSC members, coaches, faculty
representatives, and others as appropriate
The SIPAAA planning process encourages meaningful
reflection, analysis, and priority setting by
school-level teams.
- School Community
- Stakeholders provide input
- Staff participate in faculty meetings and/or
6Essential Steps in SIPAAA Planning
- Select SIPAAA Team members
- Gather input and feedback from stakeholders
- Develop the schools mission and vision
- Conduct an Internal Review
- Outcome Analysis Scorecard data
- Process Analysis The Five Fundamentals for
School Success
7Outcome data are organized by scorecard
category Student Outcomes Academic
Progress Student Connection School
8The process analysis allows schools to evaluate
their progress in each of the Five Fundamentals
for School Success Instruction Instructional
Leadership Professional Capacity Learning
Climate Family Community Involvement
For more information about the Five Fundamentals
for School Success whole-school improvement
model, go to www.stratplan.cps.k12.il.us/school_su
9SIPAAA Planning Steps, continued
- Review performance targets
- Identify up to four priorities for improvement
- Detail activities for each priority
- Budget discretionary funds for each activity
10Other questions?
For more information on SIPAAA planning and
implementation, go to www.stratplan.cps.k12.il.us/
- If you are based at a school,
- contact your School Improvement Coordinator with
specific questions about the SIPAAA. - For all other SIPAAA-related questions,
- contact Sheri Frost Leo, Office of Strategy and
Planning, at (773) 553-4252 or slfrost_at_cps.k12.il.