Title: Dark Energy and the Cosmic Coincidence
1Dark Energy and the Cosmic Coincidence
Hyeong-Chan Kim(???), Jae-Weon Lee(KIAS),
Jungjai Lee(???)
2Energy budget of the universe
Eq. of state
Acceleration Force
3Concordance model
4The Cosmological constant problem in detail
Quantum field
Huge sum of harmonic oscillators
UV cutoff a 1/Mp
L IR cutoff
Sum of all oscillators
Zero point Energy
accidental coincidence or hidden law?
- 1) Why it is so small?
Holographic principle - 2) Why it is not zero?
Entanglement energy - 3) Why now(Cosmic coincidence problem)?
5Coincidence problem (why now?)
Why now question is meaningful only when now
(1010 years1060 tP) exists. -gt now exists
only when there was an inflation -gt the cosmic
coincidence might be related to inflation
Inflation with N60 solves the coincidence
problem (Li)
We confirm this with detailed calculation.
6Holographic principle
- all of information in a volume can be described
by physics - in the Area
- the maximum entropy in the volume is
proportional to its Area.
QFT over-counts d.o.f.!
7Holographic dark energy
Only modes with Schwarzschild radius
survives (Cohen et al)
Relation between a and L
8History of the universe
Accelerating expansion
Decelerating expansion
Inflection time
Inflationary phase (ti ltt lt tf) Hi Mi2/MP.
Number of efold N Hi(tf-ti)
- Power Law expansion phase (tgt tf)
- RDE (tlt ta) followed by DDE (tgt ta) . (Ignore
MDE) - ta is the inflection time R(ta)0.
- (tf/ta)1/2 is a constant.
10Event horizon and particle horizon
WMAP team
But who knows the end of the universe???
11Event horizon in Penrose Diagram
The horizon is a boundary surface such that any
light departing from outside the surface cannot
arrive the origin however time past.
12Evolution of the distance to the event horizon
- During the inflationary phase
The initial condition
Assumption The distance to the horizon is finite.
13Evolution of the distance to the event horizon
- Power law expansion phase
Comparing at ttf
Now, the inflection time ta is given by the
initial condition
For GUT scale inflation, tf 107, N 66, we have
ta 1060. ? Holographic Dark energy model solves
the cosmic coincidence problem.
14Another coincidence
- This relation also explains the strange
coincidence of the expansion of the scale factor
during the inflation R(tf)/R(ti) eN and that
from the inflation to the present R(t0)/R(tf) eN
. - R(t) t1/2 before ta .
15Evolution of density
The dark energy density and the matter(radiation)
energy density. ??(t0)2x10-123 is comparable to
the observed value.
16Evolution of R_h and R
N65.69, n20, Mi1016GeV.
17Evolution of the equation state and ratio of the
Dark Energy
?? (t0)0.72, ??-0.93 are comparable to the
observed values.
Is it just a miraculous coincidence or the
solution of the cosmological constant problem?
Thank you very much