Title: Tests of the Dark Energy Paradigm
1Tests of the Dark Energy Paradigm
GR or No? Test of phenomenological
gravitational slip
Copernican? Test of the homogeneity of the
Origins of Dark Energy Conference
Robert Caldwell Dartmouth College 14 May 2007
2Open Problems in Cosmology
Peebles 2003
- Systematize Tests of Gravity
- Tighten the Evidence for Lambda
- Find the Physics of Vacuum Energy
- Sort Out the Cosmic Coincidences
- Test the Physics of the Dark Sector
- Find the Physics of High Redshift
- General Relativity
- Homogeneous, Isotropic Spacetime
Constraints on a New Post-General Relativity
Cosmological Parameter, with Asantha Cooray
Alessandro Melchiorri, astro-ph/0703375
Test of the Copernican Principle, with Albert
Stebbins, soon 2007!
Gamow (1962)
4(Bertschinger 2006 Amendola et al 2007)
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7Impact on CMB TT
Impact on CMB/galaxy
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12- The toy model is already restrictive
- More realistic models are on the way
- Motivation for better measurements of
13Stable Foundations
- General Relativity
- Homogeneous, Isotropic Spacetime
- Dark Energy (?, Q, ?)
Constraints on a New Post-General Relativity
Cosmological Parameter, with Asantha Cooray
Alessandro Melchiorri, astro-ph/0703375
Test of the Copernican Principle, with Albert
Stebbins, soon 2007!
Gamow (1962)
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