Title: Kein Folientitel
1OutlineCurrent status of Work package 7 on
Tyrolean Matters
- Main focus on Telecommunication
- Relevant results out of Regional Study
- Regional strategies on High Speed Internet
- Pilot projects (in planning)
Manfred Riedl, Dipl.-Ing. m.riedl_at_tirol.gv.
at Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Raumordnung-Sta
tistik A-Innsbruck
2Main focus on Telecommunication
Telecommunication is able to transmit information
widely spread,on personal access and almost
timeless. Within high-techeconomy and
knowledge-based society these technologies
areespecially qualified to encourage development
of remote and sparsely populated areas. By the
way this option is not realized yet the
extension of high-speed Internet is oriented on
market, the personal access to information
depends on education, personal premises and
social conditions. In countries with no focus on
rural and remote areas and their inhabitants, the
spatial and therefore social gap of information
will increase. Thats why the quality of life and
the economic situation in those settlement areas
will degrade.
3Migration of Population
- Migration runs in 2 levels
- Firstafull a wide-ranging brain drain,
- and otherwise a distinct regional migration as a
result of the job market. - Results are the thinning of population within
remote, economical weak areas and the reduction
of public services.
4Usage of Telecommunication supply
Daily and weekly usageby private users
Daily and weekly usageby enterprises
5Usage of Telecommunicationsby private user in
6Social and economic differences on
Telecommunications usage
Daily and weekly usageby young people and seniors
Daily and weekly usageby the economic sectors
7Barriers of Internet accessby privat users in
8Interest on Internet Functions
Interest by private user
Interest by enterprises
9Goal and Strategies
- Overall goal to succeed
- Through intensive usage of broadband technology
the Tyrol takes a leading position within
European regions. - The aim is to make High Speed Internet (rate 25
) as popular as Mobile Telephony (rate 70 ) or
even RadioTV (rate 99 ). - Strategies to follow up
- Availability of High Speed Internet all over the
country - Upgrading of Internet content and function
(push-strategy) - Improvment of Internet access (pull-strategy)
10Strat. 1 Tyrolean Broadband-Initiative 2006 -
This initiative by Federal and Regional
Government funds the extension of High Speed
Internet especially in remote and economical weak
areas. For this reason a supply with this
technology all over the country is guaranteed
until 2007.
11Strat. 2 Upgrading of Internet Content and
- The interactive content of public services will
be extended in content and improved in function
(p.e. by e-government). - The usage of public Internet services will be
encouraged by information and motivation. - The use of Internet content will be supplied
through bundling the presentations and marketing.
12Strat. 3 Improving Internet Access
- Members of public associations and non-profit
organisations will be offered information and
cheap education programmes. - For free Internet access will be offered in
municipalities and other public institutions like
schools and libraries. - The user-friendliness of Internet functions will
be improved, with special focus on disadvantaged
13Pilot Projects in Eastern TyrolPUSEMOR Test area
- On Strategy 2 Upgrading Internet content and
functions - Integrative Internet presence of 3
Municipalities of Defereggen - Interactive Internet platform on regional food
- Regional Internet presentation on historical and
actual images of villages and buildings - On Strategy 3 Improving Internet Access
- Removing barriers of Internet acess for
housewifes and seniors (5 remote communities of
Villgraten- and Gailtal) - Removing barriers of Internet access for private
hirer of appartments (7 remote communities within
the National Park Hohe Tauern) -