Title: Welcome to Athena
1Welcome to Athena
2What is Athena?
- Athena is our library catalog. It tells you
which books we own at the High School and
Freshman Campus.
3How do I search Athena?
- There are three ways to search for a book.
- Simple
- Advanced
- Visual
4Simple Search- Type a phrase or keyword that
describes what you are looking for and click on
5Search by Author Type the name of the author you
are looking for and click on Author
6Search by Title Type the title of the book you
are looking for and click on Title.
7Subject Search Type the subject you are looking
for and click on Subject.
8Advanced Search Type a phrase or keyword that
describes what you are looking for and choose an
index to search. If you are looking for Fiction
about Spain you could search as below. You can
also limit your search to the High School only by
selecting a location.
9Visual Search A visual search allows you to
Browse select topics like Short Stories or Hot
10Try browsing Issues for your Persuasive Essay
11(No Transcript)
12How can I make quick bibliographies?
131. Do a search
2. Add Bibliography Results
14You may click on file to save current
bibliography and enter a file name or just print
the bibliography.