Title: Designing Modular Robots
1Designing Modular Robots
ERIC SCHWEIKARDTCCSL Lab Meeting April 28, 2008
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- Is different from complicated
- As a study, has a rich and varied history
- Can be modeled in many ways
- Process calculi
- Petri Nets
- Cellular Automata
7Complexity Microworlds
- Simons story about the ant
- Behavior based robots
- Feel free to think quietly about Heidegger and
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12Modular Robotics
- Almost all systems are homogeneous
- Serious, expensive research systems
- Many concentrate on self-reconfiguration
- There are some toys
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- Is distributed
- Is a tangible programming system
- Is heterogeneous
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20What values should A0 and A1 calculate?
21A diffusion algorithm weighted average
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24Question Given a future in which we have lots of
pieces of robotic stuff, how are we going to put
it together into sensible constructions?
25The Erstwhile Agent An application that will
design (evolve) roBlocks constructions based on
given fitness functions. So we can move beyond
simple vehicles.
26The Erstwhile Agent
Population database SQL Server
Evolutionary algorithms Python or C
roBlock database SQL Server
Internet front end, user interface AJAX
Physical simulator ODE, Gazebo, or MSRS
27The Erstwhile Agent
Fitness Function One Forager
Fitness L / Population greatest L where L
Length of path traveled
- Different from coverage
- Check robot coordinate to prevent spinning in
place spoof
28The Erstwhile Agent
Fitness Function Two Scavenger
Fitness ( 1 / T ) / Population greatest
T where T Time to reach goal stimulus
- We can use an abstract stimulus, or since its
roBlocks, a light source - Its scary to think about robots that feed on
29The Erstwhile Agent
Fitness Function Three Elusive
Fitness Navoid / P where Navoid
Number of avoided obstacles P Total number of
- Obstacle avoidance is a common task
- Fire projectiles to prevent sluggishness spoof
30The Erstwhile Agent
and so what? The Erstwhile Agent will be a
success if it can design candidates that are as
fit or more fit than robots constructed by a
human designer. Ill be particularly pleased if
it creates solutions that are novel.
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- - My advisors
- Mark D. Gross
- Illah Nourbakhsh
- Metin Sitti
- - The Computational Design Lab
- Gabe, Mike, Yeonjoo, Ben, Jet, Sora, Ellen,
Susan - National Science Foundation
- Sto Rox School District
- Katie Levedahl
- Team roBlocks
- Mark, Fred, Rob, Sandi, Anita, Ben, Andrew