Title: Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors
1Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors
Linda DeCherrie, MD Assistant Professor of
Medicine and Geriatrics Associate Director, The
Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors Program
Photographs by Ana Blohm, MD
2Visiting Docs History
- Started in 1995 by three medical residents
- Primary and palliative care services for
homebound - Currently the largest academic home bound primary
care program in the country 1000 patients
3Visiting Docs Mission
- To provide a full spectrum of medical and
psychosocial services to the homebound - To alleviate caregiver burden
- To reduce unnecessary emergency room visits and
hospitalizations - To educate and train medical trainees and other
healthcare professional students in the field of
home care
4Visiting Docs
- Staffing
- 13 home visit physicians (8FTE)
- ½ day per week home visit psychiatrist
- 2 nurse practitioners
- 3 social workers
- 2 office-based RNs
- 6 office and administrative assistants
- Spanish interpreter
- Data analyst/ research coordinator
- 140 medical students required in 3rd year 1 week
- Medicine R2s 1 month rotation
- Med-Peds R4s 2 week rotation
- Geriatrics and Pall care fellows1 month
longitudinal experience - Elective trainee visiting geri fellows, psych
interns, elective students, 4 year students
6What Makes Us Thriving?
- Teaching
- Research
- Large clinical practice
- Well-regarded by the institution
- Lasting partnerships with community agencies
7But teaching hospitals care about the bottom line
8Academic Environment is a Challenge to Sound
Business Practices
- Full time clinical practice and academic
advancement are not compatible. 0.5 FTE at an
academic center rarely equals 50 clinical
productivity - Academic medical centers dont have a great track
record of capturing professional billing dollars - Each day of teaching 30-50 decrease in number
of home visits per day
9In Reality
- Revenues collected from home visits (and care
plan oversight, and home care certification) will
not cover expenses in programs with a major focus
on trainee education
10So where do the other dollars come from?
- Grants
- Philanthropy
- GME Dollars
- The Medical School Dean
- The Hospital System
11Home Visit Programs as a Driver of Inpatient
- Brings medically complex patients into the
healthcare system - No care in past year (25)
- Many from other hospital systems
- Mostly Medicare and/or dually eligible
- 1 admission per patient per year
- 6000 CM per admission
12Home Visit Programs as a Buffer to Preventable
- Tertiary care centers increasing focus on
high-intensity, procedure-driven admissions - orthopedic, cardiac, surgical
- Want to limit admissions and LOS of low-intensity
patients - e.g. CHF/COPD exacerbations, pna, UTI
- Home visit programs can limit admissions to only
those most necessary can d/c from ED facilitate
d/c planning
13Lessons learned/How to sustain a thriving practice
- Track your patients
- Track impact on medical center
- Keep in touch with stakeholders