Title: The Role of Securities Markets
1Chapter 4
- The Role of Securities Markets
2Security Markets
- Organized exchanges
- NYSE and the AMEX
- The listing of securities
- Over-the-counter markets (e.g., Nasdaq)
3Market Makers - Security Dealers - Specialists
- Offer to buy and sell for their own accounts
- The spread - the difference between the bid and
ask prices
4Market Makers
- Do not set the level of prices
- Facilitate security transactions
5Buying and Selling Securities
- The role of brokers
- full service brokerage firms
- discount brokers
- electronic trading
- The difference between
- a broker
- a security dealer
6Security Transactions
The reporting of transactions
52 Wks High Low Stock Dividend Yield P/E Sales 100s High Low Close Net Chng
64 32 EMEC 0.88 1.9 20 18151 47 46 46.5 -0.50
7Types of Orders
- Market orders
- Assured transaction
- Limit orders
- Specified price
- Transaction may not occur
- Confirmation statements
- T 3 Settlement date
- Delivery versus holding securities in street name
9The Cost of Investing
- Commissions
- Full service brokers
- Discount brokers
- On-line brokers
- The spread
10Cash Versus Margin Accounts
- Leveraging the position
- Increased potential return
- Increased risk
11Margin Requirements
- Initial margin requirement
- Margin call
12Long and Short Positions
- The long (bullish) position
- Anticipating prices rising
- The short (bearish) position
- Anticipating prices falling
13The Short Sale
- Sale of borrowed securities
- To close position
- Purchase the stock and return the borrowed
14Measures of Security Prices
- Dow Jones Industrials
- SP 500 Stock Index
- New York Stock Exchange Index
15Construction of Indices
- Questions concerning
- What securities to include
- How index is computed
- Can produce different measures of stock
16Price Movements and Graphs
- How stock prices appear to have changed is
affected by the presentation - Impact of absolute and relative scales
17Dow Jones Industrial Average
Absolute Scale
Relative Scale
18Price Movements and GraphsAbsolute Scale
Dow Jones Industrial Average
19Additional Aggregate Measures of the Stock Market
- Russell 1000
- Russell 2000
- Russell 3000
- SP 400 MidCap
- SP 600 SmallCap
- SP 1500
- Nasdaq Index
- Wilshire 5000 Index
20Regulation - The Federal Security Laws
- Full disclosure laws Importance of information
- 10-K report
- The annual report
- Illegal use of inside information
21The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Enforces the federal security laws
- New issues
- Trading in securities
- Can suspend trading
22The Securities Investor Protection Corporation
- Insures accounts against failure by brokerage
firms - Similar to FDIC
- Brokerage firms may carry additional insurance
23Foreign Securities
- Foreign stocks traded in American markets
- American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
- Avoids the problem of language
- Expressed in dollars and not the local currency
- Registered with the SEC
24Efficient Markets
- Easy entry and exit
- Information disseminated rapidly
- Price change occur quickly
25Efficient Markets
26Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Current price properly values a stock
- Cannot expect to consistently out perform
27Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Empirical results supports the hypothesis
- Exceptions anomalies to efficient market