Title: Global IT Security Consulting Services Market 2015-2019
1Global IT Security Consulting Services Market
Single User License - 2500 Site User License -
3000 Corporate User License - 4000 Publication
Date - Jun 2015 Pages - 96 To know more
details, email to debora_at_reportstack.com
- Over the years, enterprises worldwide have become
increasingly dependent on technology and internet
to run their business and drive revenue growth.
This trend is expected to intensify, which means
the role of IT departments has become vital and
directly contributes to the organizations
agenda. - IT integration departments are ensuring measures
and upgrades to smoothen their IT and business
operations. As such, one of the key
responsibilities of every CIO is to provide an
integrated infrastructure that is agile,
resilient, and secure, while keeping a closer eye
on costs.
3Key vendors
Accenture Deloitte EY EMC HP IBM
4Other Prominent Vendors
Above Security Accuvant AON AppSec
Consulting AsTech Consulting Booz Allen
Hamilton Carve Systems CenturyLink
Technologies Solutions Cigital Core
securities CSC Dell Denim Group FishNet
Security, etc
5Key Questions Answered in this Report
What will the market size be in 2019 and what
will the growth rate be? What are the key
market trends? What is driving this market?
What are the challenges to market growth? Who
are the key vendors in this market space? What
are the market opportunities and threats faced by
the key vendors? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the key vendors?
6If you are interested...
Contact Debora White Email
debora_at_reportstack.com Ph1-888-789-6604 http/