Title: WHICTS County ICT Programme Board
1Worcestershire Health ICT Services County ICT
Programme Board Presentation (17th Mar
09) John Thornbury Director, Worcestershire
Health ICT Services John.thornbury_at_nhs.net 078
667 213 71 (wictp_a_090317_00_presentation.ppt)
2Ag 2 - Actions List (PCT)
3Ag 2 - Actions List (Acute)
4Ag 2 - Actions List (MHP)
5Ag 2 - Actions List (ICT)
6Ag 2 - Actions List (ICT)
7Ag 2 - Actions List (SHA)
8Ag. 3 ICT Strategy (2009-12)
- Summary notes (Attachment 1), draft Programme
Brief (v06) (Attachment 2) and technical strategy
(Attachment 3) provided for consideration. - Background Guidance
- Follows national guidance, particularly
- Darzi Report High Quality Care for All.
- Supporting Health Informatics Review, esp. The
Clinical 5. - Operating Framework (service Informatics).
- SHA Investing for Health.
- Aligns with Trust service plans.
- Key Features
- Prioritises projects that move County closer to
integrated working. - Seeks to retain single countywide approach.
- The Clinical 5 are being addressed, where not
already in place. - Roadmap towards Lorenzo functionality developed
starts with PCT / MHP but uses interim gap
fillers where necessary consistent with Darzi. - Acute Trust PAS migration moved back to ensure
Oasis development opportunities are not missed
BUT Trust must address lack of use of ADT which
is critical to real time management and
reporting. - GPs continue to be supported and encouraged along
GPSoC route. - Infrastructure is well defined but progress along
NIMM will continue. - Deployment of MS Business Intelligence tool set
will address need for more flexible reporting
capacity and move to information culture. - Additional resources are now required to move the
County forward into more integrated ways of
9Ag. 3 ICT Strategy (2009-12)
- Outstanding Items / Issues
- SHA Strategic Alignment Tool not considered
helpful to local products already used, but SAT
mandated which caused diversion of time. Also
did not align with OIP modules which makes
discussions over deployments confusing. - CSCA Lorenzo product / deployment planning
information is poor - Access to system demonstrations to stakeholders
at the earliest possible stage required before
project is planned so configuration and business
change issues ca be resolved. - Functional detail for planning purposes is not
readily available either very high (advert
level) or too detailed (technical / manual). - Functional information on central repositories is
not easy to navigate, versions and naming
conventions are confusing. - Lack of information on typical deployment periods
for LRC3 4 deployments. These are critical if a
judgement as to when planning and change
management work should commence. - Access to local Lessons learnt reports from early
adopters / recent take up s are not available or
are controlled by CSCA, which will not provide a
full picture. - Clearer guidance on resource levels for each
deployment would be welcomed so that better
planning / discussions with funding organisations
can take place asap. - CSCA retention on deployment processes for
specific deployments leads to LHC being on catch
up for getting activities planned, resourced and
10Ag. 3 ICT Strategy (2009-12)
- Next Steps
- Drafts already forwarded to SHA both via PCT
service plans and via ICT on 29th Jan 09 (v02)
and 2nd Mar 09 (v05). Feedback awaited. - Update on 2010-11 go live periods for initial
Lorenzo deployments sent to SHA on 10th Mar 09.
Feedback awaited. - Board asked to agree plan more detailed
planning will then follow. - Business cases for each Lorenzo deployment to be
developed ahead of project adoption.
11Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Operational)
- Full report available in Attachment 4 of agenda
papers. - Service Availability
- Networks Server consistently excellent.
12Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Operational Contd.)
- Service / Helpdesk Calls
- Application Call
- (Feb 09) 802 calls opened 755 calls closed
- 650 (81) calls opened closed in same month.
Slight fall but service averages gt 90 - Call makeup (Feb 09)
- 38 Account set up
- 27 Oasis
- 23 NCRS
- Service Desk
- (Feb 09) calls closed (5657) gt calls opened
(3342). - 82) calls opened are logged online
13Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Operational Contd.)
- Provision of Equipment (Quarterly)
14Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects)
- (W040) GPSoC (PRIORITY 1).
- An amalgamation of other projects (EPS, GP2GP,
CaB). - Current supplier makeup
- EMIS 36/67(54)
- LV 15
- PCS 21
- iSoft 20/67(30)
- Premiere 4
- Synergy 16
- InPS 11/67(16)
- Current local take-up / enabled
- Level 1 (CaB) 64/67 (96)
- Level 2 (EPS) 46/67 (69)
- Level 3 (GP2GP) 14/67 (21)
- Level 4 (hosted) 0/67 (0)
- Further uptake to get to L2 L3 now dependent on
suppliers. - Move to L4 unlikely until GPs have confidence in
LSP hosting arrangements.
15Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects)
- (W02b) Choose Book (PRIORITY 1)
- System continues to function well.
- Stats
- Stats now only available 2 months in arrears.
- Utilised for 53 Jan 09. Target was 50 by Sep
08. - Referrals
- 2006/7 (11390)
- 2007/8 (26709) Q1(6346), Q2(6477), Q3(7057),
Q4(6829). - 2008/9 estimate 31500
- Q1(Apr08Jun08) 6017 (216118581998)
- Q2(Jul08-Sep08) 6445 (187518832687)
- Q3(Oct08-Dec08) 8030 (286624712693)
- Jan 09 3538
- (W02c) Electronic Prescription Service (R1
Technical) (PRIORITY 1). - GP Pharmaceutical suppliers slow to get systems
accredited - 67/67 (100) of General Practices now capable of
being operational. - 49/67 (73) are operational (mainly iSoft Synergy
issues) - 88/90 (98) of pharmacy systems are approved.
- 84/88 (95) of pharmacies live more being
encouraged to go live.
16Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W029) GP2GP (PRIORITY 1)
- Good progress
- 20/21 of initial InPS EMIS practices are live
(1 withdrawn). - Further 4/5 practices (InPS) also enabled.
- Remaining deployments on hold as iSoft was not
expected to become accredited until 2009.
Further updates awaited. - (W022) NSTS Closure (PRIORITY 1)
- Phase 1 now complete.
- Phase 3 (Batch Trace Replacement) work has
commenced ahead of Phase 2 (Secondary Uses
Services Reports) updates awaited from National
Team. - Acute RA Management (sponsorship - not smartcard
issuing) has not functioned well during period of
project a continuing issue that needs to be
17Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W045) NHAIS (Exeter) to National Patient
Demographics Service (PDS) Migration Stage 3
(PRIORITY 1) - A technical project to remove the use of
temporary and old-format patient identifier
numbers, and then ensure that FHS staff involved
in patient registration are connected to the PDS - Stage 1 complete (reduce old format / temporary
NHS numbers). - Stage 2 complete (eliminate old format /
temporary NHS numbers). - Stage 3 (direct updating of PDS) awaiting
national products and pilots to complete. Work
scheduled for Jun 09. - (W049) Palliative Care (PRIORITY 1)
- Covers WRH, Alex Hsp, Evesham Hsp, POWCH 3
hospices. - PID signed off contractual clock is running.
- Approval to Proceed (AtP) to Technical Go Live
(24th Mar 09) approved 10th Mar 09. - Some technical (network) and configuration issues
to be resolved but confident that system with
move into Deployment Verification Period (45
days) Business Go Live phases as planned.
18Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W056) Equitable Access to Primary Care Medical
Services - ICT providing project assurance resource to PCT
project. - 9 Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
evaluated. - Supplier selected Elgar Healthcare (S Worcs GP
consortium). - Contract signature anticipated 25th Mar 09.
- Planned opening 1st Aug 09.
- Project structures to plan move to operational
running in place. - (W055) Map of Medicine Pilot (PRIORITY 1)
- MoM pilot supporting County Diabetes Care Pathway
Group. - Various training (reviewer, editing etc.)
completed. - Localisation of national diabetes care pathway
stalled due to service resource issues.
Secondment now made available. - Official launch expected in summer 09.
- PEC happy with ratification process via Diabetes
network Group but agreement process for pathways
in general necessary as financial decisions as a
consequence of new pathway structures cross
Trusts Sandra Rote leading.
19Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W059) Prison Systems (PRIORITY 1)
- Covers new configuration of HMP Hewell
(previously Hewell Grange, Blakenhurst
Brockhill) HMP Long Lartin - PID signed off contractual clock is running.
- Approval to Proceed (AtP) to Technical Go Live
(17th Mar 09 (Hewell) 24th Mar 09) approved
10th Mar 09. - Work on phase 2 (remaining infrastructure and
staff training will continue as phase 1
(contractual) moves into Deployment Verification
Period (45 days) Business Go Live phases as
planned. - Followed by Deployment Verification Period (45
days) Business Go Live then phase 2 projects
to cover those areas that require more
substantial infrastructure work and to train
those staff that are not available during initial
Go Live period. - (W03d) Maternity (PRIORITY 2)
- System reviewed 31st Mar 08 considered not fit
for purpose. - Agreement to prioritise on generation of
maternity management reports (MIS) (for end Dec
08) and then clinical functionality. - MIS now live non critical follow up issues
being addressed. - Clinical functionality has been worked on in
parallel and is continuing. - Concerns over Acute service input have been
forwarded to Trust Board.
20Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W059) Acute Medical Records (PRIORITY 2)
- Preferred supplier Iron Mountain removed due to
TUPE issues. - Xerox contractual profile agreed by Acute Trust
detailed planning started. - (W037) GP OOH Tender (PRIORITY 2)
- ICT Services both service and ICT project
management components. - (W036) tender project completed Total Care
Network (TCN) preferred supplier. - TCN took over full responsibility for service on
1st Oct 08. - Closure processes including follow on actions now
taking place. - (W048) Order Results Pilot (PRIORITY 3)
- Pilot to test Anglia system for ordering of
results. c.6-9 months. - 3 General Practices 5 Acute wards (incl. OP).
- Pathology Radiology basic test base.
- User lists and configuration continuing.
- Interface development continuing.
- Review of pilot anticipated over summer 09.
21Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W024) GP Data Capture incl. Diabetic registers)
(PRIORITY 3) - Mechanism for capturing structured information
from GP registers. - Interfaced with diabetic management system.
- Can be extended to other structured GP data.
- 14/67 (24) sites installed of which..
- 6/14 (43) sites live.
- Significant technical issues have arisen leading
to review with supplier. Closer examination of
issues at pilot sites has provided more positive
results further pilots now being identified. - Other suppliers also being assessed in event of
current supplier failing to provide a reliable
solution. - (W058) GP Notes Scanning (PCTi Docman) (PRIORITY
3). - Method of supporting general practices to move
paper documentation into clinical system. - 60/67 (90) sites Docman installed 51/67 (76)
trained. - 56/67 (84) sites Intellisense installed 46/67
(69) trained. - 1/67 (1) site Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)
installed 0/67 (0) trained.
22Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W033) Acute Incident Reporting (PRIORITY 4)
- Initiative to increase capture of incidents
reported and enhance subsequent management
processes incl. uptake of recommendations. - Upgrade to existing system (Datix) but involves
significant remapping of processes service /
ICT training. - Maternity and radiology live.
- Gynae and paediatrics to be rolled out
operationally. - Project closure commenced.
- (W053) Theatres (Community)(Oasis) (PRIORITY 4)
- Await upgrade to Oasis 10g.
- Preparatory work (change management,
infrastructure etc continuing). - Training scheduled for mid summer 09.
- (W051) Theatres (WRH)(Bluespier) (PRIORITY 4)
- Await Alex Hsp theatres interfacing (Apr 09).
Without this, double entry required. - Preparatory work (change management,
infrastructure etc continuing).
23Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W025) Web Publishing (PRIORITY 5)
- Internets
- Acute live but not FS (under review)
- MHP live
- PCT live
- ICT not live (Trusts a priority structure
under review) - Intranets
- Acute to follow Internet
- MHP currently populating site
- PCT Go Live planned 2nd Mar 09
- ICT not live (Trusts a priority structure
under review) - Final technical items to allow sign off being
discussed with supplier. - Move to operational running and closure being
planned. - (W026) Programme Project Reporting Pilot
(PRIORITY 5) - Internal approach using MS Enterprise PM has now
commenced. - Internal staff self training on products.
- 1st phase of understanding basic principles of
system now complete.
24Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W061) MHP / PCT Phone Replacement (PRIORITY 5)
- Site refreshes complete.
- MHP PCT surveys complete to be checked as
upgrades start. - Wychavon sites
- Evesham Hospital, Waterside Day Hospital,
Pershore Health Centre, Hospital Civic Centre
live - Malvern area (early Apr 09)
- Bromsgrove, Redditch Worcester deployment times
to be set when initial deployments have been
reviewed. - Telephone directories current directories are
not being updated by departments. A new
technical solution will only marginally improve
this situation Trusts should ensure they are
using the existing systems appropriately. - Longer term intention is to interface with
Electronic Staff Record (ESR) during the next
deployment phase (Self Service). This still
requires service to update details.
25Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Projects Contd.)
- (W050) Digital Dictation Framework (PRIORITY 5)
- System is live and stable.
- Operational rollout of system to new users is via
request to Service Desk and assessment of
readiness. - Project closure processes underway.
26Ag. 4 - ICT Services Report (Vacancies)
- Total of 10 Vacancies Open in Directorate
- 1 post awaiting consideration
- TRA007 (IMT ETD Specialist)
- 2 being advertised
- 1LS024 (Service Desk Supervisor
- CIF007 (Deployment Lead)
- 1 interview scheduled
- 1LS023 (IT Junior Desktop Technician
- 2 Appointments made (positions serving notice)
- KMT006 (Library Informatics Assistant,
Worcester/Evesham) - TRA006 (IT Training Officer)
- 4 posts on hold
- 1LS003 (IT Junior Desktop Technician),
- 1LS005 (IT Junior Desktop Technician),
- TRA003 (E Learning Facilitator),
27Ag. 5 Information Governance
- Report from Jan 09 below verbal update to be
provided - Laptops - Safeboot McAfee encryption software
installed on 820 laptops throughout the county.
If not loaded and access to the network is
attempted Safeboot will automatically download
when a laptop next connects to WHICTS domain. A
register is being consolidated. - GP IG Statement of Compliance (IGSoC)
- Covers 8 key IG security areas.
- 30/67 (45) compliant. Remainder being worked
with via action plans. - Worcestershire Standard for Sharing Personal Data
draft produced for discussion and agreement at
Feb 09 meeting. - Memory Sticks on no account can unencrypted
sticks be used that hold Patient identifiable
Data. Sticks issued according to policies
developed. Register held - PCT issued 40 sticks
- MHP issued 15 sticks
- Acute issued 1 stick
- Significant IG Related Risks / Issues
- IG01 - Out of Hours RA Support required for
staff who access to CfH compliant applications.
This is exacerbated in the Acute Trust where
issues over RA management arrangements remain. - IG02 - WHICTS IG Related Policies - Many of the
WHICTS IG related policies are out of date and
need renewing. Update to policies now nearing
completion. - IG07 IT Hardware Asset Register particularly
around mobile devices such as laptops and tablets
is being worked on.
28Ag. 6 - Monthly Budget Report
29Ag. 7 - Any Other Business
30Ag. 8 Date Time Next Meeting