Title: Complementary Medicine in Cancer Therapy
1Complementary Medicine in Cancer Therapy
- Patricia L. Judson, MD
- Associate Professor
- Gynecologic Oncology
- University of Minnesota
2Categories of Methods
- Mind, Body, Spirit
- Manual Healing and Physical Touch
- Herb, Vitamin and Mineral
- Diet and Nutrition
- Pharmacological and Biological
3Mind, Body, Spirit
- Aromatherapy
- Art Therapy
- Ayurveda
- Bioenergetics
- Biofeedback
- Breathwork
- Crystals
- Curanderismo
- Cymatic Therapy
- Dance Therapy
- Faith Healing
- Feng Shui
- Holistic Medicine
- Humor Therapy
- Hypnosis
- Imagery
- Kirlian Photography
- Labyrinth Walking
- Meditation
- Music Therapy
- Native American Healing
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Neuro-linguistic Programming
- Psychotherapy
- Qigong
- Samanism
- Spirituality and Prayer
- Support Groups
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
4Manual Healing and Physical Touch
- Acupuncture
- Applied Kinesiology
- Biological Dentistry
- Bodywork
- Cancer Salves
- Castor Oil
- Chirpractic
- Cold Laser Therapy
- Colon Therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Cupping
- Electroacupuncture
- Electrodermal Screening
- Electromagnetic Therapy
- Heat Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Light Therapy
- Magnetic Therapy
- Massage
- Moxibustion
- Myofascial release
- Myotherapy
- Neural therapy
- Ohashiatsu
- Osteopathy
- Polarity Therapy
- Psychic Surgery
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Rosen Method
- Rubenfeld Synergy Method
- Sonopuncture
- Therapeutic Touch
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
- Tui-Na
- Watsu
5Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals
- Marijuana
- Milk Thistle
- Mistletoe
- Molybdenum
- Mugwort
- Oleander Leaf
- Orthomolecular medicine
- Pau DArco
- Peppermint
- Phytochemicals
- Pokeweed
- Potassium
- Psyllium
- Pycnogenol
- Rabdosia Rubescens
- Red Clover
- Saw Palmetto
- Selenium
- Aconite
- Aloe
- Alsihum
- Arnica
- Astragalus
- Aveloz
- Beta Carotene
- Betulinic Acid
- Black Cohosh
- Black Walnut
- Bromelain
- Calcium
- Capsicum
- Cats Claw
- Celandine
- Centella
- Cesium Chloride
- Chamomile
- Chaparral
- Comfrey
- Copper
- Echinacea
- Essiac Tea
- Evening Primrose
- Flaxseed
- Flower Remedies
- Folic Acid
- Fu Zhen Therapy
- Germanium
- Ginger
- Ginkgo
- Ginseng
- Goldenseal
- Green tea
- Hansi
- Hoxsey Herbal treatment
- Indian Snakeroot
- Kampo
6Diet and Nutrition
- Acidophilus
- Amino Acids
- Broccoli
- Cassava
- Coriolus Versicolor
- Ellagic Acid
- Fasting
- Garlic
- Gerson Therapy
- Grapes
- Inositol Hexaphosphate
- Juicing
- Kombucha Tea
- Lycopene
- Macrobiotic Diet
- Maitake Mushroom
- Metabolic Therapy
- Modified Citrus Pectin
- Noni Plant
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Selected Vegetable Soup
- Shiitake Mushroom
- Soybean
- Vegetarianism
- Wheat Grass
- Willard Water
7Pharmacological / Biological
- Antineoplaston Therapy
- Apitherapy
- Bovine Cartilage
- Cancell
- Cell Therapy
- Chelation Therapy
- Coenzyme Q10
- Coley Toxins
- DHEADi Bella Therapy
- DMSOEnzyme Therapy
- Gamma Linolenic Acid
- Glucarate
- Greek Cancer Cure
- Homeopathy
- Hydrazine Sulfate
- Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
- Immuno-Augmentive Therapy
- Inosine Pranobex
- Krebiozen
- Laetrile
- Lipoic Acid
- Live Flush
- Livingston-Wheeler Therapy
- Lyprinol
- Melatonin
- Oxygen Therapy
- Poly-MVA
- Pregnenolone
- Revicis Guided Chemotherapy
- Sea Cucumber
- Shark Cartilage
- Shark Liver Oil
- Urotherapy
- 714-X
- My CAM research trial
- Acupuncture
- Botanicals, Vitamins, Minerals
9Outcomes in Ovarian Cancer PatientsUsing
Complementary Alternative Medicine
10 Newly diagnosed patients with ovarian primary
peritoneal cancer requiring chemotherapy
? Eligibility criteria satisfied and
consent process ? Randomized
Administer QOL instruments, cycles 1, 3, 6 Labs,
cycles 1-6 Chart review / interview record
Administer QOL six months post treatment
11Clinical Hypnosis
12Clinical Hypnosis
- Hypnosis has been defined as an altered state of
consciousness resulting from the selective
deployment of attention onto a focal goal and
away from stimuli perceived as peripheral.
13Clinical Hypnosis
- As a therapeutic tool, hypnosis is intentionally
induced - either by a therapist hetero-hypnosis
- or by the patient alone self-hypnosis
- Individuals retain control of themselves and
their behavior while under hypnosis.
14Clinical Hypnosis
- Hypnosis has been associated with
- positive changes in patient immunity
- decreases in distress
- decreased frequency and severity of
treatment-related side effects - Prospective, randomized, controlled trials
- psychological intervention, including hypnosis,
can enhance the quality of life of patients with
cancer - Hypnosis can enhance the immune response and
increase T and B cell counts.
15Clinical Hypnosis
- Meta-analysis found that relaxation training and
hypnosis with immune suggestions produced
reliable, medium-sized increases in total
salivary IgA concentrations. - Relaxation was unrelated to T cell and NK cell
counts these outcome data were not measured in
the hypnosis studies.
16Clinical Hypnosis
- Women with breast or gynecological cancers
- effectively reduce pain
- decrease depression and anxiety
- ameliorates chemotherapy side effects such as
nausea and vomiting. - Self-hypnosis training for breast cancer
survivors was associated with statistically
significant (ppain relief. - Related to decreased nausea and vomiting post
chemotherapy, with decreases persisting after
training visits with the therapist ended.
17Clinical Hypnosis
- Used to reduce anticipatory nausea in cancer
patients - Although the data consistently find a positive
relationship between hypnosis and outcomes,
methodological shortcomings, particularly small
sample sizes, lack of appropriate controls, lack
of randomization, and failure to report outcome
effect sizes support the need for further
18Massage Therapy
- Manipulation, rubbing and kneading of the bodys
muscle and soft tissue.
19Massage Therapy
- Studies have shown cellular changes in immune
function following massage therapy. - 100 experienced reduced levels of anxiety
- 56 experienced a substantial increase in white
blood cell counts and natural killer T cells - Salivary IgA concentration significantly
increased in an experimental group receiving a
back massage compared to the control group - Bone marrow transplant patients receiving massage
therapy compared to controls showed significantly
larger reductions in distress, fatigue, nausea
and anxiety, as measured by the State Anxiety
20Healing Touch
- Healing touch is a biofield therapy that is a
holistic energy-based approach to health and
healing. - It uses gentle, non-invasive
- touch to influence the human
- energy system, specifically
- the energy field that surrounds
- the body, and the energy
- centers that control the flow
- from the energy field to
- the physical body.
21Healing Touch
- The healing touch practitioner utilizes their
hands to clear, energize, and balance the human
energy fields. - The goal is to restore harmony and balance in the
energy system supporting the patient in the
self-healing process. - Healing touch complements conventional health
- care and is used in
- collaboration with
- other approaches to
- health and healing.
22Healing Touch
- Found to enhance the immune system and decrease
anxiety - In one study, participants who received healing
touch had significantly increased levels of IgA
and IgM CD25 and IgG levels were also increased
in the healing touch group, but the differences
were not statistically significant. - Healing touch has been shown to decrease anxiety
levels in hospitalized patients. Patients who
received the intervention by healing touch
experienced a highly significant (preduction in their state of anxiety according to
a comparison of pre- and post-test means on the
State Anxiety Inventory
23Research Objective
- To determine whether combined modality CAM used
in ovarian or primary peritoneal cancer patients
will change their QOL, immune status, use of
anti-emetics, or hospitalizations while
undergoing primary chemotherapy.
24Research Objective
- Primary Objective
- Quality of Life To determine whether QOL, as
measured by the FACT-O and MHI total scores, is
improved in patients receiving combined modality
CAM as compared to patients receiving
chemotherapy alone.
25Research Objective
- Secondary Objectives
- To determine whether immunological changes in
natural killer (NK) cells can be detected in
patients undergoing primary chemotherapy with
combined modality alternative therapies. - Evaluate for additional immunological response
markers, chemotherapy side effects and
complication rates change during combined
modality alternative therapies treatment as
determined by - WBC with differential T and B panel (T helper
cells, CD4, CD8) - Salivary IgA
- Delays in chemotherapy protocol
- Use of anti-emetics
- Infection rate
- Re-hospitalization rate
- Penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic
needles that are manipulated by the hands or by
electrical stimulation. - Aims to restore and maintain health through the
stimulation of specific points on the body
- According to TCM, health is achieved by
maintaining the body in a "balanced state"
disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin
and yang. - This imbalance leads to blockage in the flow of
qi along pathways known as meridians. - Qi can be unblocked by using
- acupuncture at certain points on
- the body that connect with these
- meridians.
- No scientific evidence that acupuncture is
effective as a treatment for cancer. - Relieves symptoms related to cancer and cancer
therapies. - Effective for nausea caused by chemotherapy and
anesthesia. - Effective for treating pain.
30Acupuncture for hot flashes
- 27 women electrostimulated acupuncture for 12
weeks two 30 min sessions/wk for 2 wks then
once weekly for the next 10 - Hot Flashes
- Baseline 9.6 / 24hr
- 12 weeks 4.3 / 24hr
- 1 year 4.9 / 24hrs
- 2 years 2.1 / 24hr
- 18 women HT for 24 months
- Hot Flashes
- Baseline 6.6 / 24hr
- 12 weeks 0
31Botanicals, Vitamins, Minerals
32Botanicals, Vitamins, Minerals
- 38 million, 12 of Americans use botanicals.
- Among cancer patients in the US, up to 60 use
herbal supplements. - Symptom control, quality of life, and cancer
recurrence. - Research has expanded.
2002 National Health Interview Survey Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
33Popular Botanical Agents
- Essiac burdock, turkey rhubarb, sorrel, and
slippery elm. No anticancer effects. Stimulates
the growth of human breast cancer cells1 - Iscador a derivative of mistletoe. Many studies,
no definitive benefit in cancer therapy.
1. Kulp KS et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat
34Popular Botanical Agents
- Mushroom derived compounds
- Polysaccharide kureha (PSK), an extract of the
mushroom Coriolus versicolor, or schizoplyllan. - Phase III trial of chemotherapy radiotherapy
/- PSK found superior survival with PSK compared
to controls in esophageal, gastric1-3
colorectal cancers. 4-5 - Used after therapy in colorectal cancer prolonged
survival by 1 year.6-7 - Results less encouraging for breast cancer
- Niimoto M. et al. Jpn J Surg 198818(6)681-6. 2.
Ogoshi K. et al. Cancer Invest - 199513(4)363-9. 3.Torisu M. et al. Cancer
Immunol Immunother 199031(5)261-8 - 4-10 Available upon request
35Popular Botanical Agents
- PC-SPES eight herbs from Chinese medicine.
Reduce PSA, and improve QOL in men with advanced
prostate cancer.1-4 - SV Soup 19 vegetables from traditional Chinese
medicine. NSCLC enhanced survival by 11 months
and improved QOL.5
- Small EJ et al. J Clin Oncol 200018(21)3595-603.
- Pfeifer BL et al. BJU Int 200085(4)481-5.
- Oh WK et al. Urology 200157(1)122-26.
- Oh WK et al. J Clin Oncol 200422(18)3705-12
- 5. Sun AS et al. Nutr Cancer 199934(1)62-69
36Herbal Products with Serious Side Effects
Food and Drug Administration
37Herbal Products with Serious Side Effects
- Astragalus can reverse the effects of
cyclophosphamide. - Soy isoflavones may antagonize tamoxifen breast
cancer prevention.
38Long-term Use of Beta-Carotene, Retinol,
Lycopene, and Lutein Supplements and Lung Cancer
Risk Results From the VITamins And Lifestyle
(VITAL) Study.
- 77,126 completed a detailed questionnaire about
supplement use (duration, frequency, dose) during
the previous 10 years. - 521 developed lung cancer
- Longer duration of use of individual
beta-carotene, retinol, lutein supplements was
associated with statistically significantly
elevated risk of lung cancer - Little evidence for effect modification by gender
or smoking status. - Conclusion Long-term use of individual
beta-carotene, retinol, and lutein supplements
should not be recommended for lung cancer
prevention, particularly among smokers. - Satia JA, et al. Am J Epidemiol. 2009
39Multivitamin use and risk of cancer and
cardiovascular disease in the WHI cohorts.
- 161,808 participants from the Women's Health
Initiative - Detailed data were collected on multivitamin use
at baseline and follow-up time points over a
median of 8 years. - Documented cancers of the breast, colon/rectum,
endometrium, kidney, bladder, stomach, ovary, and
lung CVD (myocardial infarction, stroke, and
venous thromboembolism) and total mortality. - Results
- 41.5 of the participants used multivitamins
- 9619 cases of cancer, 8751 CVD events, 9865
deaths - Multivariate-adjusted analyses revealed no
association of multivitamin use with risk of
cancer.Ovarian Cancer HR 1.07and 95 CI,
0.88-1.29 - Conclusion multivitamin use has little or no
influence on the risk of common cancers, CVD, or
total mortality in PMP women. - Neuhouser ML, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2009 Feb
40The role of antioxidants and vitamin A in ovarian
cancer results from the Women's Health
- Examined the relationship between intake of
dietary and supplemental antioxidant nutrients
including vitamins C, E, and selenium as well as
carotenoids and vitamin A and ovarian cancer - 133,614 postmenopausal women enrolled in the WHI
study. - Dietary intake was assessed using a food
frequency questionnaire, and ovarian cancer
endpoints were centrally adjudicated. - 451 cases of invasive ovarian cancer were
diagnosed over 8.3 yr of follow-up. - Results Dietary intake at baseline was not
significantly different for cases vs. controls.
No significant relationships among dietary
factors and ovarian cancer risk. - Conclusion intake of dietary antioxidants,
carotenoids, and vitamin A are not associated
with a reduction in ovarian cancer risk. - Thomson CA, et al. Nutr Cancer. 200860(6)710-9
41Serum levels of vitamin D metabolites and breast
cancer risk in the PLCO screening trial
- Experimental and epidemiologic studies suggest
that vitamin D metabolites (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D and its precursor 25-hydroxyvitamin D) may
reduce breast cancer risk. - Examined breast cancer risk related to serum
levels of these metabolites. - Women ages 55 - 74 years, who donated blood at
baseline in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and
Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial - 1,005 breast cancer cases during follow-up and
1,005 noncases were matched based on age and year
of entry - Conclusion In this prospective study of
postmenopausal women, we did not observe an
inverse association between circulating 25(OH)D
or 1,25(OH)(2)D and breast cancer risk. - Freedman DM, et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
Prev. 200817(4)889-94
- The use of botanicals, vitamins, and minerals
with cancer treatment is concerning. - Few studies have addressed dose levels, mechanism
of action, safety or efficacy.
43Thank You!