Title: Established in 1970
1Municipal Organisation under Public Law
- Established in 1970
- YTT 16.6.1970
- YTV 1.1.1974
- Operation based on a specific Act
- revisions on 1.4.1985 and 1.1.1996
- The Act determines
- member municipalities
- legal capacity
- duties
- organs
- financing
2 Statutory duties of YTV
- Waste management of member municipalities
- Regional public transport
- procurement of regional transport services
- member municipalities co-operation on public
transport - public transport and transport system planning
- fare and ticket system and regional fares
- Monitoring, research, planning, as well as
training and information services for
air-pollution control in member municipalities - Survey, research, planning and preparatory
services for the Metropolitan Area and its
3The development of the fare system in the
Helsinki Metropolitan Area
- Flat fare in Helsinki internal public transport
- Distance based fare in other bus transport
services and zone based tariff in train
- Phased introduction of flat fare in Vantaa
internal public transport by stages
- In Espoo from 1.6.1985 zone based (2 zones)
fare, no right to transfer to trains or
Helsinki internal transport
- From 1.6.1986 present regional fare system. In
the beginning 30 day ticket prices different
for inhabitants of different cities
- From 1.1.1993 same regional ticket prices for
all inhabitants of the member cities
2000 -
- From 2.6.2002 the discount ticket eligibility
criteria unified for special groups
- From 1.1.2006 the student discount percentages
will be unified
4Public transport responsible organisations in the
Helsinki metropolitan area
Services / Cost liability
YTV Helsinki City Transport Espoo Vantaa
Regional bus services and trains
Regional ticket revenues and municipal
Helsinki internal services (buses, trams, metro,
Helsinki internal ticket revenues and tariff
Espoo internal ticket revenues and financial
support by the city
Espoo internal bus services
Vantaa internal ticket revenues and financial
support by the city
Vantaa internal bus services
5Basic facts about public transport 2002
6Passengers numbers in the regional public
transport (bus train) 19932003
7Helsinki metropolitan area financing of public
transport (1/2)
YTV procures the regional transport
services YTV collects the regional ticket
income The municipalities procures the
internal bus services The municipalities
collect the internal ticket income Each
municipality pays its share of regional transport
according to the passengerkms due to travel
by its own inhabitants The use of regional
tickets within each municipality is, however,
reimbursed to that municipality
8Helsinki metropolitan area financing of public
transport (2/2)
Each municipality is responsible for the
deficit of its internal services The
Finnish government does not participate in the
running costs of public transport The
regions municipalities and the state account for
the investments in the infrastructure
(proportions of cost agreed separately)
9Ticket prices 2004,
10The market share of bus transport in the
Helsinki metropolitan area 19942003Regional