Boddie v. Connecticut 401 U.S. 371 (1970) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Boddie v. Connecticut 401 U.S. 371 (1970)


Boddie v. Connecticut 401 U.S. 371 (1970) Jessica Galant Elizabeth Monterrosa Introduction Access to the courts is a fundamental right in the United States ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Boddie v. Connecticut 401 U.S. 371 (1970)

Boddie v. Connecticut401 U.S. 371 (1970)
  • Jessica Galant
  • Elizabeth Monterrosa

  • Access to the courts is a fundamental right in
    the United States, protecting procedural due
    process guarantees under the Due Process Clauses
    of the 5th and 14th Amendments.
  • The many fees imposed on filing a court case can
    encumber the constitutional right to litigate.
  • Even insignificant fees can bar an indigent
    litigant from going to court because such fees
    caused substantial economic burden on indigent

The Cost of Divorce in Connecticut
  • Conn. Gen. Stat. 52-259
  • There shall be paid to the clerks of the supreme
    court of errors or the superior court, for
    entering each civil case, twenty-two dollars
  • Divorce Judgments, whether for the plaintiff or
    the defendant, not including judgments annulling
    a marriage, fifty dollars to be charged in all
    cases against the plaintiff
  • Modified by Public Act 628
  • There shall be to the clerks of the supreme
    court or the superior court, for entering each
    civil case, forty-five dollars
  • Service of Process Fee
  • Sheriffs service feeMinimum of 10-15
  • Publication100 in Hartford and 150 in NYC
  • Totala minimum of 60 for a divorce

Historical Context
  • Prior to Boddie, the Supreme Court addressed
    obstruction to access to the courts for criminal
    indigent defendants.
  • The Griffin v. Illinois case held that an
    indigent litigant must be afforded a transcript
    for a criminal appeal.
  • Griffin established the constitutional imperative
    that the quality of ones trial cannot depend on
    how much money one makes.
  • However, the decision limited the right to access
    to the courts via fee waivers to criminal

Historical Context, cont.
  • Federal funding became available under
    the Economic Opportunity
    Act of 1966 and many
    legal services programs sprouted into existence
  • E.g. New Haven Legal Assistance Association
  • Legal services programs nation-wide embraced and
    promoted a fundamental value for adjudication as
    the alternative to self-help in American society.
  • Public interest advocates seeking law reform via
    litigation brought and argued an unprecedented
    number of cases before the Supreme Court.

Historical Context, cont.
  • 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871 emerged
    from dormancy in the 1961 Monroe v. Pape Supreme
    Court case.
  • Provided a civil action for deprivation of
  • Granted private litigants a federal court remedy
    to inadequate state remedies.
  • After Monroe, 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of
    1871 played a pivotal role in Fourteenth
    Amendment claims of due process violations.
  • Only 10 years after the Monroe decision, the case
    provided the Boddie appellants with a new means,
    federal litigation, to seek law reform.

The Boddie PartiesMs. Gladys Boddie
  • Served as the named plaintiff in Boddie.
  • As a mother on welfare and in public housing, a
    free attorney at New Haven Legal Assistance
    Association provided her only option to obtain
    the divorce she sought.
  • Lasted the entire four year case as a named
    plaintiff in Boddie.
  • Today resides in Florida
  • Two daughters are nurses
  • One son is a federal judge
  • One son is an attorney, pursuing a judgeship

The Boddie AttorneyArthur B. LaFrance
  • After working as a criminal specialist for New
    Haven Legal Assistance Association, LaFrance
    found the plaintiffs while managing the
  • Today is a professor of law at Lewis and Clark
    Law School in Portland, Oregon
  • Specializes in criminal law and procedure
    bioethics health delivery systems and poverty,
    health, and the law.
  • Also engages in pro bono
  • public interest litigation
  • concerning healthcare issues

Launching Boddie
  • While managing the New Haven Legal Assistance
    Association, LaFrance encountered forty open
    divorce cases.
  • Upon contacting the plaintiffs, LaFrance
    discovered they were unable to proceed with their
    divorces because they could not afford the filing
  • As the architect behind Boddie, LaFrance embarked
    on the difficult process of selecting plaintiffs
    and defendants, and bringing Boddie from the
    state district court to the Supreme Court in a
    valiant effort to transform the law for indigent
    civil plaintiffs
  • Launched a class action lawsuit to expand fee
    waivers from the criminal to the civil realm,
    specifically in divorce cases.

Finding the Plaintiffs
  • LaFrance sought
  • Indigent plaintiffs because court costs most
    often impede indigent plaintiffs efforts to
    commence civil litigation.
  • African-American plaintiffs to highlight that
    access to justice often proves to be a racial
  • Non-contested divorces where the grounds for
    divorce and the indigents interest for divorce
    had persisted for several months due to their
    inability to pay initial filing fees because
  • Such cases demonstrated the need for law reform
    for indigent plaintiffs seeking divorce
    adjudication via the only available means,
    lengthy litigation proceedings, and ensured that
    the class action stood on strong cases that could
    endure the long judicial process.
  • A class action case so that any member of the
    class could take advantage of the judgment and
    the ensure the preservation of the case over the
    many years of the litigation.

Finding the Defendants
  • Faced problems of sovereign and judicial
  • Sued
  • The court clerk who initially denied the fee
  • 2 Judges, including the judge who claimed he
    could not overrule the court clerk who refused to
    accept the fee waiver that LaFrance tried to file
    for his plaintiffs.
  • Not excluded for judicial immunity because the
    case involved an administrative, rather than a
    judicial attack.
  • The State of Connecticut
  • Excluded due to 11th Amendment sovereign immunity.

State Court Decisions
  • Plaintiffs filed an application, financial
    affidavits, and divorce papers asking the
    Superior Court for New Haven County to waive
    filing fees and effect service of process.
  • The clerk declined to file the papers without
    payment of fees.
  • Superior Court Judge Joseph S. Longo declined to
    hear the motion to waive costs and effect service
    of process claiming that he did not have
    statutory authority to grant the relief sought.
  • The Court Administrator for Connecticut, Supreme
    Court Justice John P. Cotter, took the same
    position as Judge Longo.

Federal Court
  • As the Plaintiffs were precluded state relief,
    LaFrance brought a civil rights action in the US
    District Court for the District of Connecticut
  • Plaintiffs sought declaratory and injunctive
  • Claim
  • Connecticut violated Plaintiffs constitutional
    rights of equal protection of the laws and due
    process of laws by barring them from the courts
    solely on the basis of poverty.

The U.S. District Court Decision286 F.Supp. 968
  • Holding
  • A state may limit access to its civil courts and
    divorce courts via required filing fee or other
    fees which effectively bar persons on relief from
    commencing actions therein.
  • Such State-mandated filing fees do not offend the
    Equal Protection or Due Process Clauses of the
    14th Amendment.
  • Distinguished Griffin, a criminal case
  • There are differences between the right to
    freedom and the right to access to the court.
  • Found that the State has two legitimate bases for
    imposing court fees
  • 1. Providing financial support for the court
  • 2. Discouraging frivolous lawsuits
  • Deferred to the state legislature to decide the
    political issue.

Appellants Arguments
  • The court costs of a divorce proceeding are a
    substantial barrier to litigation.
  • These indigent appellants are barred from
    Connecticut courts by their inability to pay
    court costs.
  • Appellants were denied equal protection of the
    laws when they were denied access to the courts
    solely because of their poverty.
  • Appellants were denied due process of laws when
    they were denied the opportunity to petition for
    redress of grievances.
  • Connecticuts requirement that these indigent
    appellants pay court costs which they cannot
    afford is not a permissible exercise of the
    police power.
  • The relief sought by appellants could properly
    have been rendered by the court below.

Appellees Arguments
  • Regulation of entry fees for the Connecticut
    Superior Court is within the exclusive domain of
    the Connecticut Legislature.
  • The Griffin doctrine should be limited to cases
    concerning the personal liberty of an accused.
  • The prepayment of court entry fees required by
    Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 52-259 is a
    Constitutional exercise of sovereign power.
  • The Court should maintain the traditional concept
    that civil litigants are responsible for the
    costs incidental to bringing a legal action.
  • The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution only
    protects rights that are constitutionally

Boddie, The Supreme Court Decision 401 U.S. 371
  • Reversed the District Court judgment below 8-1.
  • Justice Harlan delivered the Opinion
  • Holding
  • Filing fee requirements for divorce proceedings
    are unconstitutional. Noting the fundamental
    nature of the marriage relationship, such fees as
    applied to indigent plaintiffs violate the Due
    Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
    because it denied access to the judicial process
  • Given the basic position of the marriage
    relationship in this societys hierarchy of
    values and the concomitant state monopolization
    of the means for legally dissolving this
    relationship, due process does prohibit a State
    from denying, solely because of inability to pay,
    access to its courts to individuals who seek
    judicial dissolution of their marriages.
  • The Court expanded the Griffin holding to the
    civil filing fee case at hand.

Boddie Reasoning
  • The Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment
    requires that a State afford all individuals a
    meaningful opportunity to be heard in the
    judicial process
  • A facially-valid cost requirement offended due
    process because it impeded individuals
    opportunity to be heard when applied to indigents
    because the judicial proceedings serve as the
    only effective means of resolving the dispute in

Boddie Reasoning, cont.
  • Therefore, given the fundamental right to
    marriage, a State may not pre-empt the right to
    dissolve this legal relationship without
    affording all citizens access to the means it has
    prescribed for doing so.
  • Because the judicial proceedings serve as the
    only effective means of resolving the dispute, a
    State cannot constitutionally deny indigent
    plaintiffs access to the courts via filing fees
    in divorce proceedings.

Justice Douglass Concurrence
  • Found that indigent divorce plaintiffs fell
    within a protected class under the Equal
    Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment
  • Therefore, the Equal Protection Clause would more
    properly shield indigent divorce plaintiffs from
    required filing fees and other fees.

Justice Brennans Concurrence
  • A States fee requirement as applied to indigent
    plaintiffs in any civil case makes a mockery of
    the Equal Protection principle by denying access
    to the judicial process.

Justice Blacks Sole Dissent
  • Found no basis for expanding criminal fee waivers
    from criminal defendants mandated to appear
    before the court to civil plaintiffs in divorce
    cases under either the Due Process or Equal
    Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney
  • The Plaintiffs generally
  • Because litigation spanned three to four years,
    the holding had only an inconsequential effect on
    the plaintiffs. However, it pleased all
    plaintiffs that they had played a pivotal role in
    changing the law for future divorce litigants.
  • Out of the nine plaintiffs, only two remained
    until the Supreme Court handed down the Boddie
    decision. The seven others had found ways to
    get the filing fee money and proceed with their
    divorce cases.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney, Cont.
  • Ms. Gladys Boddie
  • Boddie finally received her long-sought divorce.
  • However, by the time of the judicial victory,
    Boddie had to pay the divorce filing fee because
    she was working as a nurses aid and did not
    qualify for the fee waiver.
  • Unfortunately, Ms. Boddie did not understand the
    significance of the case until her son attended
    law school and encountered the case and playful
    bantering from fellow law students.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney, Cont.
  • The Boddie Legacy, Mr. Reginald Boddie
  • Mr. Boddies desire to engage in public interest
    law stems from his mothers mission against
    injustice and the dilapidated public housing
    conditions that the family endured during the
    time of the Boddie case.
  • Although the legal community credits Ms. Boddie
    for her participation in the landmark divorce fee
    waiver case, the local New Haven community
    remembers Ms. Boddie for her tenant advocacy.
  • While Mr. Boddie does not credit his mothers
    participation in Boddie as the catalyst for his
    legal advocacy, he credits his mother for
    instilling a sense of social consciousness and
    responsibility within each of her children.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney, Cont.
  • The Boddie Legacy, Mr. Reginald Boddie, cont.
  • Following in his mothers footsteps, Mr. Boddie
    has accumulated an impressive track-record in the
    public interest legal services community.
  • Boddie attended Northeastern University School of
    Law, a public interest law school, and has
    dedicated his career to the public interest
  • Boddie has worked at legal assistance
    organizations, where he initially focused on
    low-income housing issues and policy and then
    expanded into civil rights.
  • Interestingly, Boddie worked for New Haven Legal
    Assistance Association prior to and during law
    school. He worked in the office's Housing Unit
    for two summers while attending Brown University
    and in the Criminal Law Unit for at least three
    quarters in law school.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney, Cont.
  • Attorney Arthur B. LaFrance
  • Effect of Boddie on LaFrance has been personally
    satisfying because he obtained the significant
    legal reform he set out to achieve.
  • Several articles were published about the case
    across the country.
  • LaFrance received many letters from people asking
    for legal help and LaFrance provided them with
    the number to their local legal aid services.
  • Unfortunately, within the legal professional
    realm, members of the Connecticut Bar Association
    who did not value access to justice for indigents
    through fee waivers ostracized LaFrance.

Effects of BoddieParties and Attorney, Cont.
  • New Haven Legal Assistance Association
  • New Haven learned that attorneys with expertise
    in a particular area of law can apply their
    knowledge to subsequent areas to create real
  • During the 1960s and 1970s, New Haven had several
    attorneys engaged in disassembling the law,
    taking the law in one area to expand the law in
    other areas.
  • Similar to LaFrances successful efforts in
    expanding the criminal fee waiver reasoning to
    civil divorce cases, legal services attorneys of
    that era did not accept the law as it stood, but
    rather seized opportunities to reform the law and
    create a more just system for indigent clients.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society
  • Divorce Litigation Successes
  • Indigent plaintiffs no longer have to pay court
    fees in divorce cases.
  • Courts must arrange service of process or
    publication of appropriate notice of divorce
    claims to defendants. If not, the plaintiff may
    mail notice to the defendants last address or
    post notice in the appropriate place.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Divorce Litigation Limitations
  • However, even though pro se divorce proves
    practically infeasible in practice, no relief for
    hiring counsel exists for indigent plaintiffs.
  • Few clerks offices can provide appropriate forms
    to divorce plaintiffs and clerks offices cannot
    advise plaintiffs in filling out the forms or
    serving notice to defendants.
  • Although many divorce plaintiffs may need a
    psychiatrist or social worker to testify, no
    economic relief exists to compensate experts or

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Civil Litigation Generally
  • The Boddie decision lends strong support to the
    prospect of requiring state provision of
    transcripts in civil cases.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Connecticut Civil Litigation
  • With 28 USCS 1915 providing for federal court
    proceeding in forma pauperis and the Boddie
    decision, the Connecticut legislature followed
    suit, passing an in forma pauperis statute
    providing fee waivers for all state civil cases.
  • Overall, indigent clients in Connecticut have
    benefited tremendously from fee waivers in civil

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Civil Litigation Nationwide
  • Boddie set the standard for fee waivers in
    non-criminal cases.
  • For example, fee waivers may apply to cases where
    the state requires a person to go into court for
  • Waiving fees may also extend to suits against the
    state and suits between private individuals,
    although this area was limited by Justice
    Harlans decision in Boddie.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Supreme Court Jurisprudence
  • Boddie did not have an immediate expansive effect
    on subsequent Supreme Court case law.
  • In the 1973 U.S. v. Kras decision, the Supreme
    Court held that the interest in obtaining a
    discharge in bankruptcy does not rise to the same
    constitutional level as the Boddie appellants
    interest in ending the fundamental marriage
  • The Court reasoned that gaining or not gaining a
    discharge in bankruptcy would effect no change
    with respect to basic necessities.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Supreme Court Jurisprudence, cont.
  • In Ortwein v. Schwab, the Supreme Court also
    rejected the basic necessities approach, holding
    that the interest in maintaining a given level of
    welfare benefits was not fundamental even though
    it would likely affect basic necessities.
  • The Court upheld a filing fee against a challenge
    by indigents seeking judicial review of
    administrative decisions to approve a cut in
    their welfare benefits.
  • The Court also upheld an administrative hearing
    as a sufficient alternative to court access.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Supreme Court Jurisprudence, cont.
  • In Mathews v. Eldridge, the Supreme Court
    developed a three factor test the Court should
    apply in analyzing fee waiver requests in
    disputes between private parties
  • (1) consider the nature of the private interest
  • (2) weigh the risk of erroneous decisions against
    the value of additional procedural safeguards to
    prevent those errors
  • (3) consider the states interest in the request
    for a waiver.

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • State Courts Jurisprudence
  • While Boddie has not expanded civil fee waivers
    beyond divorce cases in the Supreme Court, many
    lower state courts have held that the State
    cannot deny indigent plaintiffs seeking divorce
    access to the courts for inability to pay filing
    fees and other costs.
  • Therefore, Boddie has greatly impacted access to
    the courts for indigent divorce plaintiffs

Effects of BoddieLaw and Society, cont.
  • Law Reform Generally
  • Boddie serves as an example of law reform through
    litigation with wide success nationwide.
  • Nevertheless, law reform through litigation has
    waned in the current legal era due to
  • Lack of funding for legal services that has
    muzzled many of the attorneys practicing public
    interest law.
  • Law reform via legislation that has dominated as
    legislators have become more favorable to
    legislative law reform that often provides a
    quicker alternative to litigation.

  • In the realm of public interest law, Boddie
    proves a pivotal case in which an attorney
    expanded the criminal fee waiver policy to the
    civil realm via a carefully constructed and
    executed class action suit that secured greater
    justice for indigent plaintiffs nationwide.
  • Demonstrates the value of creatively applying the
    law and policy from one legal area to other legal
    areas in an effort to create a more just judicial
  • While law reform via litigation has subsided
    since the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s, litigation
    continues to play an important role in promoting
    justice and equality in American society.
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