Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms


Emission Trading (ET) JI and CDM: principle ... National system for estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals by sinks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms

Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms
  • Marina Olshanskaya
  • UNDP Regional Center for Eastern Europe and CIS

Kyoto Protocol
  • The Protocol creates legally binding obligations
    for 38 industrialized countries to return their
    emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to an
    average of approximately 5.2 percent below their
    1990 levels over the period 2008-2012

Parties to UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol
  • The Convention divides countries into two groups
  • Annex I Parties, the industrialized countries who
    have historically contributed the most to climate
    change, with quantified targets for reducing GHG
  • non-Annex I Parties, primarily the developing
    countries, without any legally binding and
    quantified targets for reducing their GHG
  • Transition economies in Eastern Europe and CIS
    fall under both categories
  • New EU member states, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia,
    Russia, Ukraine and Belarus Annex I
  • Central Asia, Caucasus, Moldova and Western
    Balkan countries non-Annex I.

How Kyoto targets can be achieved by Annex I
  • Through domestic measures or
  • By participating in three cooperative mechanisms
  • Give the Annex I countries opportunity to reduce
    emissions anywhere in the worldwherever the cost
    is lowestand they can then count these
    reductions towards their own targets
  • Project-based mechanisms Joint Implementation
    (JI) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  • Emission Trading (ET)

JI and CDM principle
JI allows one Annex I country to meet part of
its target by investing in and carrying out a
project to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
in another Annex I country. CDM allows one
Annex I country to meet part of its target by
carrying out a project to reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions in non-Annex I country (host
JI and CDM key project criteria
  • International criteria
  • The project has to be approved by the Government
    of both host and investor countries
  • The project should result in real and measurable
    emission reductions that are additional to what
    would have occurred under business-as usual
  • Project must help the host country to achieve
    its national sustainable development goals (CDM
    obligatory JI desirable)
  • National criteria
  • Depends on national circumstances (e.g.
    compliance with sectoral policies and

JI and CDM projects
JI and CDM projects (cont)
JI and CDM participants
  • Project owner Project developer any legal
    entity officially registered in host country that
    can develop and operate JI/CDM projects
    (business, municipalities, NGOs, etc)
  • Project developer can differ from project owner
  • Each host country may establish additional
    criteria for project owners (e.g. financial
  • Host Government Host countries have to specify a
    domestic institutional body for approving JI/CDM
    projects. The host country via the designated
    national authority (DNA) must approve each CDM
    project and ensure that it conforms to their
    sustainable development criteria
  • - 75 developing countries officially nominated
  • - Eastern Europe New EUmember states, Romania,
    Bulgaria, Moldova, and Albania

JI and CDM participants (cont)
  • Designated Operational Entity (DOE) domestic or
    international legal entities that have been
    accredited by the CDM Executive Board (JI rules
    are yet to be defined). They are responsible for
    validation of project and verification of
    achieved CERs
  • 12 DOEs officially designed by CDM EB (mostly
    from developed countries)
  • No DOEs from Eastern Europe and CIS.
  • JI/CDM Investor An investor is an entity that
    purchases CERs from a CDM project. The investor
    is usually from an Annex I country and can be a
    corporation, a government body or
    non-governmental organization, or international
    carbon funs (e.g. World Bank PCF)

JI and CDM participants (cont)
  • CDM Executive Board (JI Executive Board should be
    operationalized in 2006)
  • consist of 10 members (and 10 alternates) 2-
    from Annex I , 2 from non-Annex I, 1 from each UN
    region, 1 from small island developing states
  • meets at least 3 times per year
  • approve and register CDM projects and issuance
    of CERs
  • approve baseline and monitoring methodologies
  • register DOEs
  • any others tasks according to the decision of

JI/CDM comparison
  • Operationalization
  • CDM is fully operational and first CERs already
  • JI rules and JI Executive Board will be
    established only in 2006 many projects already
    developed, but no ERUs were issued
  • - CDM rules are more stringent than JI and
    involve more international scrutiny (DOEs and CDM
  • Participation in JI requires more efforts and
    stronger capacities on the side of host
    Government (especially for Track I JI)
  • Transaction costs
  • no major difference, but vary significantly
    depending on project type, risks, host country
    policies, etc

(No Transcript)
JI and CDM transaction costs
Project preparation 40,000 170,000
EURO Project operation will depend on the
lifetime of the project
Source EcoSecurities 2003
JI/CDM current situation
  • Joint Implementation about 100 Project Design
    Documents (PDDs) prepared - mostly with host
    countries in Eastern Europe
  • Clean Development Mechanism
  • 72 projects registered by CDM EB and 62
    submitted for registration by CDM EB
  • 450 project in the process of validation by
  • India and Brazil are leading host countries (233
    and 131 projects) together more than 60 of the
    total CER supply
  • only 6 CDM projects in the final stage of
    development in CIS (no projects yet in Western
  • 2 projects in Armenia (one registered)
  • 4 projects in Moldova

Source UNEP/Riso CDM/JI project pipeline,
January 2006
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