Title: Lisa pitches and hits. Lisa pitches and hits. compoun
1Compound Subjects and Predicates
2COMPOUND SUBJECTS two or more subjects joined by
3COMPOUND PREDICATES two or more predicates
joined by and
4Michael and his teammates are Olympic athletes.
5Michael and his teammates are Olympic
athletes. compound subject
6Hard work, training, and courage made Lenny a
7Hard work, training, and courage made Lenny a
champion. compound subject
8Lisa pitches and hits.
9Lisa pitches and hits. compound predicate
10She worked hard, practiced, and won a medal.
11She worked hard, practiced, and won a
medal. compound predicate
12Lenny swam laps. His teammates swam laps.
13Lenny and his teammates swam laps. compound
14Lisa played well. Lisa helped her team win the
final game.
15Lisa played well and helped her team win the
final game. compound predicate
16EDIT THIS Mark went to college trained hard and
became captain of the swim team.
17Mark went to college, trained hard, and became
captain of the swim team.
18EDIT THIS Michael trained ran fast and won the
gold medal.
19Michael trained, ran fast, and won the gold medal.
20EDIT THIS Injuries pain and illness keep some
athletes from competing.
21Injuries, pain, and illness keep some athletes
from competing.
22EDIT THIS Rest exercise and strong spirit help
many athletes succeed.
23 Rest, exercise, and strong spirit help many
athletes succeed.