Title: Introduction to Quality Management
1Introduction to Quality Management
- Quality
- Definitions of
- Quality and Production
- History of Quality Management
- Customer Driven v. Market Driven Strategy
- Quality Quotes
3Quality Definitions
- Examples
- Shoe size 10 /- 1/16in
- Wool COLOR Light Red
- Definition 1 Conformance to Specifications
- Products are within (good) or out of (bad) specs
- Definition 2 Deviation from ideal target
- Some quality costs always occur
- Quality costs can only be reduced, not eliminated
- The more one knows what they are doing the less
the quality costs
4Production QualityDefinition 1 - Traditional
InputRaw Material
Stage 1
Stage 3
Stage 2
Output Finished Product
Out of SpecificationsREWORKSCRAP
OBJECTIVESeparateAcceptable from Defective Items
5Production QualityDefinition 2 - TQM
InputRaw Material
Stage 1
Stage 3
Stage 2
Output Finished Product
OBJECTIVEEliminate Causes of Defects Irreversibl
e Progress
MULTIPLE INSPECTIONSInspect Process not Product
6History of Quality Management
- Quality was always a business priority
- 19th Century Quality necessary for smooth
commerce - 20th Century (before 1960s) Inspect Quality
After Production - Modern Methods of Production
- Interchangeable parts
- Statistical Sampling Systematic Inspection
- Quality Requires Organization-wide Coordination
7History of Quality Management
- 1980s and after Build Quality in Production
ProcessIntense Competition from Japanese
Producers - Total Quality Management
- ISO 9000
- 6 sigma
- 1990s and after American Companies Catch Up
- Business Process Reengineering
- Market v Customer Driven Strategy
- Quality Costing
8Quality Gurus
- W. Edwards Deming
- Business Statistics Professor at NYU
- Adviser in sampling techniques to the Supreme
Command of the Allied Powers, Tokyo, 1947 and
1950 - Adviser of Many Foreign Governments
- Recognized in USA in the 1980s
- Bad Quality is due to Bad Management
- Minority of Quality Problems due to Bad Execution
- Quality reporting and Organizational Dysfunction
- Do not inspect but build quality in the product
9Quality Gurus
- Joseph M. Juran
- Fitness for use
- Zero Defects
- Philip B. Crosby
- Quality is free
- Zero defects
- Genichi Taguchi
- Robust Process Design
10Quality and Business Strategy
- Customer Driven Strategy
- Anticipate Customer Needs
- Be the best in Servicing Customer
- Quality is the Organizing Principle of Business
- Market Driven Strategy
- Do not offer to customers product attributes that
are not profitable to offer - In business to make money not to serve customer
- Anticipate Market Changes
- Not good as Organizing Principle
- This is how the executive board should think
Quality Management
11Quality Quotessource GNU Fortune Cookies
- Bridging the Gap Between Buyer and Seller
12The Road to Meet The Customer I
- Everyone who comes here wants three things
- 1. They want it quick.
- 2. They want it good.
- 3. They want it cheap.
- I tell 'em to pick two and call me back.
- -- sign on the back wall of a small printing
company in Delaware
13The Road to Meet The Customer II
- Allen's AxiomWhen all else fails, read the
14Do We Need Quality Management?
- Left to themselves,
- things tend to go from bad to worse
15Quality Attributes Are Interdependent
- Your manuscript is both good and original,
- but the part that is good is not original and the
- part that is original is not good.
- -- S. Johnson