Title: ECE 1100 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
1ECE 6341
Spring 2009
Prof. David R. Jackson ECE Dept.
Notes 39
2Finite Source
For phased current sheet
Recall that
3Finite Source (cont.)
4TEN Model for
We can also write
Comparing with the previous result, we have
This motivates the following identifications
5TEN Model (cont.)
6TEN Model (cont.)
7TEN Model (cont.)
9Example (cont.)
10Example (cont.)
11Dyadic Greens Function
due to the unit-amplitude electric dipole at
From superposition
We assume that the currents are located on a
planar surface.
12Dyadic Greens Function (cont.)
This is recognized as a 2D convolution
Taking the 2D Fourier transform of both sides,
13Dyadic Greens Function (cont.)
Assuming we wish the x component of the electric
field due to an x-directed current, we have
In order to indentify , we use
14Dyadic Greens Function (cont.)
Recall that
15Dyadic Greens Function (cont.)
The other eight components could be found in a
similar way.
16Microstrip Line
Microstrip Line
Dominant mode
We assume a purely x-directed current.
17Microstrip Line (cont.)
Fourier transform of current
18Microstrip Line (cont.)
Hence we have
19Microstrip Line (cont.)
Integrating over the ?-function, we have
where we now have
20Microstrip Line (cont.)
Enforce EFIE using Galerkins method
The EFIE is enforced on the red line.
(testing function basis function)
Recall that
Substituting into the EFIE integral, we have
21Microstrip Line (cont.)
Since the testing function is the same as the
basis function,
Since the Bessel function is an even function,
22Microstrip Line (cont.)
Hence we have
This is a transcendental equation of the
following form
23Microstrip Line (cont.)
Branch points
The wavenumber kz0 is the wavenumber that causes
branch points to arise.
24Microstrip Line (cont.)
25Microstrip Line (cont.)
Branch points
26Microstrip Line (cont.)
Note on wavenumber
We must have that
Otherwise, there would be poles on the real axis,
and this would correspond to leakage into the TM0
surface-wave mode of the grounded substrate.
The mode would then be a leaky mode.
27Microstrip Line (cont.)
We next proceed to calculate the voltage
functions explicitly.
28Microstrip Line (cont.)
29Microstrip Line (cont.)
30Microstrip Line (cont.)
31Microstrip Line (cont.)
low-frequency results
"A frequency-dependent solution for microstrip
transmission lines," E. J. Denlinger, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 19, pp.
30-39, Jan. 1971.
32Microstrip Line (cont.)
"A frequency-dependent solution for microstrip
transmission lines," E. J. Denlinger, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 19, pp.
30-39, Jan. 1971.
frequency variation
33Microstrip Line (cont.)
Characteristic Impedance Quasi-TEM Method
original problem
equivalent problem (TEM)
The equivalent homogeneous problem has (by
definition) the same wavenumber as the original
problem. This defines the effective
34Microstrip Line (cont.)
Characteristic impedance we use the equivalent
TEM problem
(The zero subscript denotes the value when using
an air substrate.)
Simple CAD formulas may be used for the Z0 of an
air line.
35Microstrip Line (cont.)
Characteristic Impedance Voltage-Current Method
Note It is possible to perform the spatial
integrations for the voltage in closed form
(details are omitted).
36Microstrip Line (cont.)
Characteristic Impedance Power-Current Method
Note it is possible to perform the spatial
integrations in closed form (details are omitted).
37Microstrip Line (cont.)
Characteristic Impedance Power-Voltage Method
Note it is possible to perform the spatial
integrations in closed form (details are omitted).
38Microstrip Line (cont.)
Comparison of methods
- At low frequency all three methods agree well.
- As frequency increases, the VI, PI, and PV
methods give a Z0 that increases with frequency. - The Quasi-TEM method gives a Z0 that decreases
with frequency. - The PI method is usually regarded as being the
best one for high frequency.
39Microstrip Line (cont.)
Quasi-TEM Method
?r 15.87, h 1.016 mm, w/h 0.543
"A frequency-dependent solution for microstrip
transmission lines," E. J. Denlinger, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 19, pp.
30-39, Jan. 1971.
40Microstrip Line (cont.)
A novel approach for calculating the
characteristic impedance of printed-circuit
lines, F. Mesa and D. R. Jackson, IEEE Microwave
and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 4, pp.
283-285, April 2005.
41Microstrip Line (cont.)
Ve effective voltage (average taken over
different paths).