Title: The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander Chapters 46
1The Bully, The Bullied, and The
BystanderChapters 4-6
- Ashley Maguire, Jenna Kreikemeier, Annie
Jankowski, and Laura Forbes
2Chapter 4 The Bystander
- Three ways of involvement
- - Standing and watching
- - Looking away
- - Encouraging or joining the bullies
- No sense of responsibility
- Fears of getting involved
3There is no innocent Bystander
- Followers
- Supporters, Passive Bully
- Passive Supporters, possible bully
- Disengaged onlookers
- Possible defenders
- Defenders of the target
44 Reasons for NOT Intervening
- Afraid of getting hurt
- Afraid of becoming new target
- Does not want to make situation worse
- Does not know what to do
5Chapter 5 It Runs in the Family
- The Brickwall Family
- The Jellyfish Family
- The Backbone Family
6The Brickwall Family
- Parents are absolute authority
- Threats/violence are enforcements
- Learning atmosphere is fear
- Taught what to think
- Humiliation
- Highly conditional love
- Creates a bully or vulnerable target
7The Jellyfish Family
- Threats and bribes common
- Inconsistent punishments and rewards
- Highly conditional love
- Lack of structure
- High emotions
- Creates bully, vulnerable target, and bystander
8The Backbone Family
- Democracy
- Network of support
- Motivation
- Self-Awareness
- Taught how to think
- Unconditional love
- Children less likely to be bullied or bullies
9Chapter 6 Is There a Bully in the House?
- 4 Markers of Bullying
- Parent involvement
- Factors leading to bullying
104 Markers of Bullying
- Imbalance of power
- Intent to harm
- Threat of further aggression
- Terror
11Parent Involvement
- Should not write off or justify the issue
- Should not punish, should discipline
- Find underlined cause of bullying
- Discipline makes child understand consequences,
fix problem, empathize with victim
12Things Parents Can Do
- Intervene immediately with discipline
- Create opportunities to succeed
- Nurture empathy
- Teach friendship skills
- Closely monitor child
- Engaging in more constructive activities
- Teach child to will good
13Factors Leading to Bullying
- Isolation
- Embarrassment or humiliation
- Shaming
- Emotional Isolation
- Grounding
14Children learn to care by experiencing good
care. They come to know the blessings of
gentleness, of sympathy, of patience and
kindness, of support and backing, first through
the way in which they themselves are treated.
- -James L. Hymes Jr.
- Teaching the Children Under Six