Title: Primary Behaviour
1Primary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
Beverley Racecourse Tuesday 2 June 2009
- Paul Butler Inclusion Access Manager
- Sam Towse Principal Education Welfare Officer
- Jane Gould Acting Principal Educational
Psychologist - Gill Askew Team Leader, Educational
Psychology Behaviour Support - Claire Montieth Deputy Team Leader (ATs)
2Primary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Housekeeping
- Fire Exits
- Mobile phones
- Toilets
- Breaks
3Primary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Running Order
- 12.00 Lunch
- 1.00 Introduction
- 1.05 Partnerships
- 1.45 Behaviour
- 2.45 Attendance
- 3.30 Future of behaviour attendance partnership
in the East Riding
4(No Transcript)
5Steer Report April 2009
There are widely different views held on
behaviour, but all the evidence I have seen says
it is getting better
6Steer Report April 2009
There are widely different views held on
behaviour, but all the evidence I have seen says
it is getting better
7TES 24/4/2009
- NFER research found that 94 per cent (of
teachers) rated behaviour in their school as
very good, good or acceptable
8TES 24/4/2009
- NFER research found that 94 per cent (of
teachers) rated behaviour in their school as
very good, good or acceptable
9TES 24/4/09
Meanwhile, NUT Surveys indicate that teachers
became more positive about behaviour between 2001
and 2008
10TES 24/4/09
Meanwhile, NUT Surveys indicate that teachers
became more positive about behaviour between 2001
and 2008
- To understand the role of a Behaviour
Attendance Partnership. - To identify priorities for improving behaviour.
- To identify priorities for improving attendance.
- To agree the organisation and format of BA
partnerships .
- Long standing Informal
- Waggoners
- Riversiders
- Specific Purpose-
- Rural Action Zone
- Grant Funding
- Formal arrangements
- Collaborations
- Federations
15Why BA Partnerships?
- BA Partnerships were established to
- Improve behaviour/reduce exclusions
- Reduce levels of persistent absence
- Supported by elements of the BA Programme
16The BA Programme
- The BA programme supports the raising of
achievement/reduction of attainment gaps through - Improved attendance and reduction in PA.
- Improved behaviour classroom climate.
- Promotion/implementation of SEAL.
- Promotion of NPSLBA as a CPD tool.
- Promotion of parental responsibility.
- Partnership working.
17Primary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
18Partnership Design
- What is a behaviour and attendance partnership?
19Overarching design principle for schools in a BA
- Schools in a geographical area need a shared
vision which commits their staff and governors to
work together to improve behaviour, tackle
persistent absence and improve outcomes for
pupils with challenging behaviour and attendance
for the benefit of all pupils
20Partnership Design Principles
- Formal commitment to a shared vision.
- Fair access protocols (hard to place pupils and
managed moves). - Access to high quality support and provision.
- Early intervention and agreed (LA) support.
- Local targets to meet required outcomes.
21Design principle 1
22Design principle 2
23Design principle 3
24Design principle 4
25Design principle 5
- Serving all pupils in the area Our pupils.
- Better educational experience.
- Decisions and funding nearer pupils making
better use of funding. - More emphasis on preventative work.
- Sharing expertise staff and experience.
- Supporting provision of full-time education from
day 6 of any period of fixed term exclusion.
- More schools where behaviour is judged good by
Ofsted. - Reduction in persistent low level disruption in
the classroom leading to better standards of
learning and to improved perceptions about
behaviour in schools. - Reduction in persistent absence.
- Better educational attainment and personal
development for pupils with challenging behaviour
and attendance.
28Supporting Outcomes
- Improved quality, availability and
appropriateness of provision in and out of
school. - Reduction in stress-related absences by school
staff and numbers leaving the profession early. - Reduction in the level of NEET among 16 18 year
olds, especially for young people among the at
risk categories.
29East Riding Secondary BA Partnership Aims
- The main aim of the partnership is to support the
principles and outcomes of Every Child Matters - through the provision of a seamless continuum of
intervention by school and LA partners. In - order to achieve this aim, develop capacity and
ensure the sustainability of the partnership to
meet agreed partnership targets ALL members of
the partnership will work together to - Share good practice to develop greater levels of
consistency across partnership schools in order
to facilitate inclusion, and improve attendance
and behaviour. - Share relevant data including attendance and
fixed term and permanent exclusions as a basis
for establishing benchmarks and targets. - Facilitate the collaboration of skilled
practitioners who can produce solutions to
specific issues that will be to the benefit of
all East Riding Schools. - Follow protocols agreed by the partnership
including protocols for managed transfers,
admissions for hard to place children and
recording and reporting attendance. - Contribute towards the partnerships approach for
6th day provision for excluded students. - Enable schools to make the best use of outside
agencies to support work done with pupils who are
at risk. - Facilitate the equitable distribution of support
agency resources to improve behaviour and
30Secondary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Secondary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Established a managed move protocol
- Secured funds to support managed moves and
alternative learning programmes - Employed a Partnership Officer to support new
developments and coordinate the partnership
activities - Agreed to commission joint training for
partnership members - Developed day 6 education provision for excluded
pupils including shared provision - Shared good practice and ideas
- Agreed to developing common approaches to
behaviour and attendance - Working Group looking at common approach to
term-time holidays
31Secondary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Resources
- 100,000 From DSG to support Behaviour
Attendance - Funding for Alternative Learning Programmes
- Support for Managed Moves
- Training on Restorative Practice
- Partnership Officer
- 20,000 Home to School Transport to support
Managed Moves - 12 Parent Support Advisers for two years
- Bids for capital funding for on-site behaviour
support provision
32Secondary Behaviour Attendance Partnership
- Activities
- Shared arrangements for Day 6 Provision
- Developed database of external providers
- Common approach to policies procedures
- Commission area wide training
- Consistent introduction of new practices/policies
33Primary Partnership Attendance Issues
- Persistent absences
- Term-time holidays
- Attendance codes statistical meaning
- Education Welfare Officer time allocation
- Part-time timetables
- Attendance policy strategy
- Accessing services
- Parenting classes
- Transition
34BA Website
- All presentations will be available on the
ERiding website at- - http//www.eriding.net/behaviour/pri_part_minutes