Title: Fermiophobic Higgs
1Fermiophobic Higgs
- Drew Baden
- University of Maryland
- Dzero Collaboration
- EPS 2003
2Fermilab Tevatron
- Run I 1992-96
- about 120 pb-1 recorded
- 1.8TeV cm energy
- 3.6ms bunch crossing
- MainRing
- Synchrotron injector for Tevatron
- In same tunnel ?
- Run II 2001-
- 1.96TeV cm energy
- 396ns bunch crossing
- MainRing pulled, Main Injector built
- 230M project
- Goal 10,000-15,000 pb-1
3D? Detector
- Upgrades
- 2T Solenoid
- gt100k scint. fibers
- gt700k silicon strips
- Muon detector improvements
- Preshower added
- CAL, Muon, trigger electronics
Silicon tracking out to h2
4Run 2 Data Taking
for Physics
5Higgs Current Understanding
- Discovery motivation is obvious
- Higgs is a central part of the Standard Model
- But after discovery, the Higgs mass must be
determined - MHIGGS determines decay G, and sproduction for
coupling to all particles - Constraints on MHIGGS
- LEP direct search
- Mgt114GeV _at_ 95 CL
- ElectroWeakWorkingGroup
- Favors light higgs, 91GeV central value
- Mlt211 GeV 1-sided 95CL
6What is Fermiophobic Higgs?
- Fermiophobicmeans you turn off couplings to
fermions - Can occur in Type-1 2-doublet Higgs models
- Type-1 one doublet couples to fermions, the
other to bosons - 2 CP even neutral Higgs bosons light h and
heavy H - mixes with scalar field with angle a
- coupling to fermions via
- mass, as usual, and
- sin(a) for H and cos(a) for h
- h is therefore fermiophobic in the limit a?p/2
- Of course we could have a fermiophobic H
(a?0)but h is lighter so we look there
7Fermiophobic Higgs Production
- Effect on Higgs production
- Eliminates gluon fusion
- Biggest contribution to SM Higgs production ?
- Leaving
- Associated Production
- Virtual W/Z ? onshell W/Zh
- WW fusion
- Quark lines radiate Ws, fuse to h
- ZZ fusion too small by usual EWK factor
8Fermiophobic Higgs Decay
SM Branching Fractions
- Final states
- No bb in the final state (fermiophobic!)
- gg
- Through W triangle loop
- Dominates at low Mh
- Also WWgg vertex
- Suppressed by EM factors
- Associated Production
- Z/Wh where h ? WW/ZZ
- But h ?ZZ suppressed
- Dominant final states are
- Physics background from ZWW, standard EWK
tri-linear coupling - h ? WW dominates at high Mh
- LEP Combined Fermiophobic limit
- Mh lt 108.2 GeV _at_ 95 CL using h ? gg mode
MHlt 114.4 EWWG
LEP Higgs Working Group benchmark model
Mhlt 108.2 LHWG Note 2001-8 Hep-ex (0107035) 2001
9Experimental Limits
- LEP Combined Fermiophobic limit
- Mh lt 108.2 GeV _at_ 95 CL using h ? gg mode
- LHWG Note 2001-8 and Hep-ex (0107035) 2001
- D?/CDF Run1 limit 78.5 / 82.0 GeV at 95 CL
- B.Abbott et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2244 (1999 )
- F.Abe et al. Phys. Rev. D59, 092002 (1999) LEP
10This Talk.
- So, for this talk, present status on
- W/Z ? W/Z h, h ? WW
- Look for the h ? WW
- Focus on final states with 2 Ws
- 2 Zs will be relatively suppressed (see previous
slide) - Search for inclusive ee-, mm-, and e?m lepton
pairs MET - The prompt W/Z in final state
- No requirement on any leptonic decay
- W/Zh ? W/Zgg
- Look for states with 2gs
- large MET and/or jets
- Let the theorists foot the bill as to
interpretation - Which particular Type etc.
11h ? WW- ? ll-nn
- Combine ee- and e?m sample
- Dielectron sample 44pb-1
- em sample 34pb-1
- Backgrounds
- All dilepton channels have
- Small WW, Wg, ZZ, WZ, and top
- Large Wjet and QCD misidentification
- ee also has a large background from Z ? ee-
- Reduced via ee mass MET cut
- Wjet dominate after, with some ts remaining
- em Dominated by QCD and Wjet
12Electron Sample
- Electron ID requirements
- Triggered
- IsolationEMFShower Shape
- e 85 (93) efficiency for central (endcap)
- Track match via C2(E/p and Df) and DCA
- e73 obtained using sample of Z ? ee-
- Leading electron PTgt20 GeV, 2nd electron PTgt10
GeV - Reduces multijet background
13Muon Sample, Jets, and MET
- Muons
- ID from muon system
- Isolated from jets using E(cal) and tracks
- E(DRlt0.4) - E(DRlt0.1)lt2.5GeV
- SPT (in cone DRlt0.5) tracks lt 2.5 GeV
- Reject cosmics via timing requirement
- PT gt 10 GeV with central track match
- Jets
- Cut to eliminate hot towers, other pathologies
- EMF cut
- hlt2.5
- Energy corrections, cone 0.5
- Use calorimeter cells
- Correct for jet energy corrections
- Use 0.7cone jets for this
Cal corr
14Event Cuts
- Electrons
- 2 with PTgt 20 GeV
- at least 1 with track match
- M(ee-) lt 78 GeV to reject Zs
- MET gt 25 GeV and Df(jets,MET) gt 0.5
- Dominant background is Wjets
- Spin Correlations
- W and W- have opposite spin projections
- Tendency for charged leptons to be emitted along
same direction - Require Df(leptons)lt2.0
15ee- Final State
- Dominant background from Z ? ee-
- Invariant mass cut M(ee-)ltMH/2 for limit
calculation - 96 effecienty for MH160GeV
- MET from jet fluctuations reduced
- Transverse mass cut MTltMH20 GeV
M(ee-) before cuts
M(ee-) after electron selection and PT cut
16ee- Result
- Data after all cuts
- Monte Carlo
- Pythia 6.202 full sim/reconst.
- 0.5 min bias overlay
- Multijet backgrounds from data
- Calculated using poor quality EM object
- Efficiencies
- Backgrounds vs. Data
- largest uncertainty is in Wjets and Z(ee)
Df(ee) MC/Data Comparison
Selection optimized for MH160
17e?m Final State and Results
- Comparison with ee- analysis
- No Z decay background
- No transverse mass cut applied
- MET cut constant MET gt 20 GeV
- Less QCD multi-jet background
- MET and PT(m) ? not aligned
- All other cuts are the same
- Efficiencies
- Uncertainty mostly from Wjets
- Results combing ee- and e?m
- Upper limit of 2-3pb _at_ 95CL
- Limited datax4 being analyzed now
- Need 10fb-1 to be sensitive up to Mhiggs160 GeV
sBr(H ?WW ? ee-/ e?m )
18mm- Final State
- 48pb-1 analyzed
- 2 High PT isolated muons (hlt2)
- Same cuts as previous
- M(mm-), PT(m), MET, Df(MET,jet),MT, Df(mm-)
- MC samples from Pythia 6.202, full sim/reconst
- Same as for previous study
- QCD and Wjets backgrounds from data measured
- using muon isolation
- Normalized to Z? mm
- Overall signal efficiency for Mh160 GeV is 14.6
19mm- Result
- 1 Event remains
- 48pb-1 data
- 14.4 overall efficiency for 160 GeV Higgs
- 0.32 0.01 expected from backgrounds
- No official upper limit on sBr yet
- Will be reporting soon on combined H ? WW ?
ee-, mm-, and e?m on 120pb-1
20H ? gg X
- 52pb-1 analyzed
- Photon id
- EMfractiongt0.9 , Shower shape C2, isolation,
PTgt25 GeV, charged track veto - No jet requirements or MET cut here
- Fake photons due to
- high PT p0? gg (small opening angle)
- Drell-Yan production tracking inefficiency
- jet fluctuations mimic photon (high EMfraction)
- non-prompt QCD photons
gg mass after all cuts
21H ? gg X Result
- Interesting to also consider TOPCOLOR
- Technicolor extension, fermiophobic except for
top quark loops - Assume Br(h ? gg) 1
- Starts to get interesting at 120 GeV!
- Many assumptions
22Tevatron Higgs Working Group
- The Higgs discovery potential for Run II has been
evaluated (using a parameterized fast detector
simulation) - hep-ph/0010338,
- Discovery at 3-5? can be made
- Combine all channels, data from
- both D0 and CDF
- Improve understanding of signal
- and background processes
- b-tagging, resolution of Mbb
- Advanced analysis techniques are vital
- Results of simulations consistent with SHWG
expectations - Significant luminosity required to discover Higgs
at Tevatron