Title: Incredible Years Training Series
1Incredible Years Training Series
The Future of School Psychology Task Force on
Family-School Partnerships Jon Lasser and
Kathryn Woods
- The Incredible Years training series
- is an empirically validated prevention/interventio
n that is designed for young children, parents,
and teachers (Bates, 2005). This program may be
used for externalizing and internalizing problems
and a broad range of behavioral, emotional, and
social problems exhibited in childhood. - See IY Handout 1 for More Information
3Rationale for a Multi-Tiered Approach to
Family-School Partnerships
- Family-school partnerships provide a context for
families and educators to collaboratively
identify and prioritize concerns across a
continuum of opportunities and intensities - Prevention and intervention efforts and supports
are delivered toward a universal and targeted
audience - A multi-tiered approach enables families and
educators to provide services based on a
students responsiveness to previous preventions,
interventions, and supports - See IY Handout 2 for More Information
4Explanation for a Multi-Tiered Approach to
Family-School Partnerships
- Provides various levels of family-school supports
based on a students identified need and
responsiveness to previous efforts - Universal Family-school collaboration provided
to support all students and families (e.g., 4 As,
Parent-School Collaboration, Parent Involvement,
Parent Education) - Targeted Family-school collaboration provided
to support identified students and families
unresponsive to previous universal efforts (e.g.,
Parent Education and Intervention, Parent
Consultation) - Intensive Family-school collaboration provided
to students and families unresponsive to previous
targeted efforts (e.g., Parent Consultation
conjoint behavioral consultation and Parent
5The Multi-Tiered Approach to Family-School
Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions Indivi
dualized supports for families and students
unresponsive to the first two tiers (e.g., Parent
Consultation conjoint behavioral consultation
and Family Intervention)
Tier 3 1-7
Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Specific
preventions and remedial interventions for
targeted groups of families and students
identified as at risk and unresponsive to the
first tier (e.g., Parent Training and
Intervention, Parent Consultation)
Tier 2 5-15
Tier 1 Universal Interventions Engaging all
families as collaborative partners (e.g., 4 As,
Family-School Collaboration, Parent Involvement,
Parent Education)
Tier 1 80-90
6Incredible Years Training Series
- Developed by Carolyn Webster-Stratton, the
Incredible - Years series helps parents and teachers improve
the - social competence of children between the ages
of 2 - and 10
- Based on cognitive social learning, the training
is - designed to prevent, treat, and reduce conduct
- problems (Webster-Stratton, 2000)
7For Which Populations is Incredible Years Useful?
- Designed for parents and teachers of pre-school
children - Research was conducted with Head Start programs
in the Seattle area - Studies show that this is a promising, effective
program - Schools can arrange for teacher training that is
parallel to the parent program to maintain
consistency across learning environments
- Incredible Years trainings that target parents
are divided into three groups - BASIC Parent Training Program
- Early Childhood (3-6)
- School Age (6-10)
- ADVANCE Parent Training Program
- EDUCATION Parent Training Program
(Webster-Stratton, 2000)
- Training targets parenting skills
- Play/Involvement (e.g., How to play with a child,
helping children learn) - Praise/Rewards (e.g., The art of effective
praising, tangible rewards) - Limit setting (e.g., How to set limits, helping
children learn to accept limits) - Handling misbehavior (e.g., Avoiding and ignoring
misbehavior, preventive strategies) - Skills are taught and practiced through videotape
modeling, role plays, and homework activities
- Training targets interpersonal skills
- Problem solving (e.g., Understanding the
important steps to problem solving) - Anger management (e.g., Understanding how angry
and depressive emotions and thoughts can affect
behaviors with others) - Communication (e.g. Active listening and speaking
up, communicating more positively to oneself and
to others) - Depression control (e.g., Learning coping
strategies to stop negative self-talk and
increase positive self-talk) - Giving and getting support (e.g., Knowing how to
get feedback from others, Learning how to be more
supportive of others) - Skills are taught and practiced through videotape
modeling, role plays, and homework activities
- Training targets academic skills
- Academic stimulation (e.g., Making learning
enjoyable through play) - Learning routine after school (e.g., Setting up a
predictable routine, Understanding how television
interferes with learning) - Homework support (e.g., Understanding how to show
active interest in childrens learning at home
and school) - Reading (e.g., teaching parents how to read to
their children) - Limit setting (e.g., Understanding how to follow
through with limits) - Involvement at school (e.g., Knowing ways to
support teachers in their teaching efforts) - Teacher conferences (e.g., Understanding how to
focus on finding solutions to childrens school
difficulties (rather than blame) - Skills are taught and practiced through videotape
modeling, role plays, and homework activities
12Additional Programs
- In addition to the BASIC, ADVANCE, and EDUCATION
series, Incredible Years also offers trainings
that are not profiled in this presentation - Teacher Training Program
- Child Training Program (Dina Dinosaur Social
Skills) - More detailed information about these additional
programs can be found at www.incredibleyears.com
13Short-Term Program Goals
- Reduce conduct problems at home and in the
classroom - Fewer negative behaviors, noncompliance
- Decreased peer aggression and disruptive
behavior - Promote social, emotional, and academic
competence - Increased social skills, understanding of
feelings, - conflict management skills, and academic
14Long-Range Program Goals
- Develop treatment for early onset conduct
problems - Provide universal prevention of conduct problems
15Program Materials
- Videotapes for BASIC, ADVANCE, and EDUCATION
series - Self-administered manual for BASIC series
- Leader manuals for each program
- Weekly refrigerator notes for parents (key
points) - Parent assignments for home activities
- Book for parents
- Refrigerator magnets for parents
- Posters of the program model
- See IY Handout 3 for More Information
16Content and Mechanics
What follows are brief summaries of each
programs content and format, followed by more
general notes on how the trainings are executed.
More detailed information can be found in the
Incredible Years materials, available at
17Early Childhood BASIC Parent Training (ages 3-6)
Four units Play Praise and Rewards Effective
Limit Setting Handling Misbehavior
18Early Childhood BASIC Parent Training (ages 3-6)
Materials Leaders manual (video narration,
discussion topics/questions, homework, handouts,
etc.) Participants books 10 videotapes
(vignettes of parents interacting with children)
19Early Childhood BASIC Parent Training (ages 3-6)
Method Groups of ten to fourteen participants
meet for twelve to fourteen 2-hour session
Leaders use video vignettes as the basis for
group discussion Parenting skills are discussed
and new skills are role-played Home practice
activities are assigned
20Early Childhood BASIC Parent Training (ages 3-6)
Sample Objectives Following through with
commands effectively Avoiding power
struggles Anticipating and avoiding
frustrations Handling crying, grabbing, not
eating, and refusing to go to bed
21ADVANCE Parent Training Programs (ages 4-10)
For parents that have completed BASIC
series Three units How to Communicate
Effectively with Adults and Children Problem
Solving for Parents Problem Solving with Young
22ADVANCE Parent Training Programs (ages 4-10)
Materials Leaders manual Six videotapes
23ADVANCE Parent Training Programs (ages 4-10)
Method Parents meet for ten to twelve 2-hour
sessions Review of BASIC program material Parents
learn application of communication and problem
solving principles to relationships with children
and adults
24ADVANCE Parent Training Programs (ages 4-10)
Sample Objectives Recognizing how to validate
anothers feelings Increasing positive and polite
communication with others Promoting consistent
verbal and nonverbal messages
25EDUCATION Parent Training Program (ages 5-10)
One unit in five parts How to Support Your
Childs Education 1) Promoting Your Childs
Self-Confidence 2) Fostering Good Learning
Habits 3) Dealing With Childrens
Discouragement 4) Participating in Childrens
Homework 5) Using Parent-Teacher Conferences to
advocate for your child
26EDUCATION Parent Training Program (ages 5-10)
Materials Two video tapes Manual
27EDUCATION Parent Training Program (ages 5-10)
Method Similar to other programs in
methods Provided after and builds upon BASIC
program Emphasizes home-school collaboration See
Overview Module for More Information on
Partnering with Families
28EDUCATION Parent Training Program (ages 5-10)
Sample Objectives Understanding the importance
of continuity from home to school Understanding
how to show active interest in childrens
learning at home and school Setting up a
predictable routine Making learning enjoyable
through play
29About the Trainings
Parents encouraged to bring a partner or close
friend for support Training is collaborative,
non-hierarchical, nonblaming Leaders are
collaborators rather than experts Use of
leader and parent knowledge, strength, and
perspectives equally Leaders reflect, reframe,
reinforce, support, accept Humor, optimism, and
encouragement are tools
30About the Trainings (cont.)
Some teaching of concepts and role-playing 60 of
group meetings are discussions, problem-solving,
and support 25 video tape modeling 15 teaching
31Additional Components
Weekly parent evaluations of sessions (evaluation
materials provided with the Incredible Years
program) Phone calls from leader to parents every
two weeks to assist with homework, informally
assess application of skills, and build
leader-parent relationships Parent buddies
assigned for progress sharing and support through
phone calls See IY Handout 4 for More
32Home-School Partnership
- An important objective is to
- foster parental involvement in
- childrens preschool experience
33Home-School Partnership
- Emphasis on parents working with teachers
- Train parents to work with teachers to improve
childrens learning and behavior - Occurs in tandem with Incredible Years teacher
training - Teachers and parents collaborate to meet the
needs of each child and help the child transition
successfully into kindergarten
34Why Use Groups?
- Efficient
- Effective
- Parents can provide peer support to one another.
- Parents benefit from knowing that others have had
similar experiences. - Parents can learn from each other about
successful strategies.
- Research on Incredible Years program met
standards of Evidence Based Interventions - Yielded positive outcomes for children
- increased positive parenting behaviors
- decreased negative parenting behaviors
- increased parent-teacher bonding
- increased teachers classroom management
- decreased childrens conduct problems at home and
school - (Bates, 2005)
- Task Force on Evidence-Based Intervention in
School Psychology
36Key Points for Implementation
- Offer groups at times that are good for parents
- May need to offer day and evening groups
- Create conditions that enable participation
(e.g., transportation, childcare, snacks, etc.) - Focus on strengths and competencies of parents
- Frame child success as an outcome of home-school
- Bates, S.L. (2005). Evidence-based family-school
interventions. School Psychology Quarterly, 20,
352-370. - Webster-Stratton, C. (1998). Preventing conduct
problems, promoting social competence A parent
and teacher training partnership in Head Start.
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30, 283-302.
- Bates, S. L. (2005). Evidence-based family-school
interventions with preschool children. School
Psychology Quarterly, 20, 352-370. - Webster-Stratton, C. (June, 2000). The
Incredible Years Training Series. Juvenile
Justice Bulletin. US Department of Justice.
39Additional Internet Resources
- PARTNERS website
- Partners Project (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved
March 18, 2007 from http//www.son.washington.edu/
centers/parenting-clinic/partners_project.asp - See IY Handout 5 for More Information