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Title: Chapter # I Introduction to Computers:- Author: Tunio Last modified by: IT Center Created Date: 11/17/2002 4:30:21 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Chapter IIntroduction to Computers-
  • Information Technology-
  • Information Technology - Infotech technology
    that merges computing with high-speed
    communication links carrying data, sound, and
    video. Examples of Information technology include
    personal computers, of course, but also new forms
    of telephones, televisions, and various handheld
    devices such as personal digital assistants
    (PDA), etc.

  • OR
  • This is the 21st Century, which is called the
    century of Computer Science and Information
    Technology, Computer is unique invention of 21st
    century, and leading other inventions of various
  • You might heard that if anyone who does not know
    about computer science, does not know any thing.
    In todays age, without the knowledge of
    computer, one can not progress in any field. When
    I say one must have some basic knowledge of
    computing. I really mean it. Because, it is
    computer that can give you easily any information
    you require about any subject, Science, Art,
    Commerce, Economic, Bio-Chemistry etc.

  • The merging of two technologies computer and
    communication to introduce a new technology is
    called Information Technology. Using this
    technology, we are going achieve software
    development Virtualization, the main element of
    Information Technology is InterNet. And an
    InterNet is network of networks to share the
    resources, or we can say that InterNet is an
    International network. By using Internet we are
    getting any sort of information from any part of
    world. Not only this, we can also get images,
    document of software, video audio chatting,
    E-mail, file transferring and so many other
    facilities are also available on InterNet

  • Computer Technology-
  • You have certainly seen, and possibly used, a
    Computer. Lets define what it is. A Computer is
    a programmable, multiuse machine that accepts
    data raw facts and figures and processes, or
    manipulates, it into information we can use, such
    as summaries, totals, or reports. Its purpose is
    to speed up problem solving and increase
  • The word computer taken from the word Compute
    which means to count, calculate, typewriter. In
    the past, the computer was normally considered to
    be a calculating device used to perform
    arithmetic operations. But today, computer is
    used in every filed of daily life to solve
    problems of different kinds. So computer can be
    defined as Computer is a modern electronic
    device which accept data input (Keyboard) and
    process that data and give the result on output

  • Communications Technology-
  • Youve been using communications technology for
    years. Communication technology, also called
    telecommunication technology, consists of
    electromagnetic devices and systems for
    communicating over long distances. The principal
    examples are telephone, radio, broadcasting
    television, and cable TV. More recently there has
    been the addition of communications among
    computers, they went Online with the InterNet.

  • Technological Convergence-
  • Sometime in the 1990s, computer and
    communications started to fuse together,
    beginning a new era within the Digital Age. The
    result was three further developments, which
    havent ended yet.
  • Convergence-
  • Convergence describes the combining of several
    industries through various devices that exchange
    data in the format used by computers. The
    industries are computers, communications,
    consumer electronics, entertainment, and mass
    media. Convergence has led to electronic products
    that perform multiple functions, such as TVs
    internet access or phones with screens displaying
    text and pictures.

What is Difference b/w Computer Science and
Information Technology?
  • Computer Science
  • Computer science is the study of computer namely,
    their design (architecture) and their uses for
    computations Data Processing, and system control,
    computer science includes engineering activities
    such as the design of computers and of the
    hardware and software that make up computers
  • Computer science is generally considered as
    discipline separate from computer engineering,
    although the two disciplines overlap extensively
    in the area of computer architecture, which is
    the design (and study) of computer system,

  • The major sub-discipline of computer science have
    traditionally been
  • Architecture (Including all levels of hardware
    design, as well as the integration of hard ware
    and software components to from computer Systems)
  • Software ( The programs, or set of instructions,
    that tell a computer how to carry out task)
  • The filed is sub divided into software
    engineering programming languages, operating
    systems, information system and databases,
  • Artificial intelligence, and computer graphics,
  • 3. Theory, which includes computational methods
    and numerical analysis on the one hand and data
    structures and algorithms on the other,

  • Information Technology-
  • Information technology is a contemporary term
    that describes the combination of computer
    technology (Hardware and software) with
    telecommunication technology (Data, Image, and
    Voice network) when information technology is
    used, the user is responsible for the efficient
    capture of Data from its organization source the
    flow of that data to the computer, the processing
    and storage of that data by the computer and the
    flow of useful and timely information back to the
    organization and its people

Chapter IIRoll of ComputerinBusiness
  • Role of Computer in Business-
  • Many of todays successful small companies simply
    could not exist without computer technology. Each
    year, hundreds of thousand individuals launch
    business based from their homes or in
    small-office location. They rely on in expense
    computers and software not only to perform basic
    work functions, but to mange and grow their
  • These tools enable business owners to handle
    tasks such as daily accounting, inventory
    management, marketing, payroll, and many others
    that once required the hiring of outside
    specialists. as a result, small business become
    more self-sufficient and reduce their operating
    expenses, for example Business-to-Business (B2B)
    System. In a Business-to-Business (B2B), a
    business sells to other business, using the
    internet or a private network to cut transaction
    costs and increase efficiencies.

  • Use of Computer // Reasons to use Computer?
  • Computer is playing very important role in every
    filed of daily life. Computers are everywhere
    such as at home, at office, at school. In daily
    life a large number of activities are dependent
    on computers. The main fields where computer is
    playing very important role are

  • 1) Use Of Computer in Education-
  • Education is the process of developing knowledge
    through instructions. The instructions are
    received from people such as parents, teachers
    etc. and from printed material such as books,
    journals etc. today, the modern technique to get
    knowledge is by using computer.
  • Most of the schools, use computers in classrooms
    and labs to teach student, many educator prefer
    to deliver their lectures by computer-based
    presentations. In schools, colleges and
    universities, students use software packages to
    complete their assignment.

  • Use of Computer in Entertainment-
  • Computer has also played a very important role
    for the entertainment of humans. Computer has
    become need to human for entertainment at their.
    For example, to play video games at home, to see
    movies films and to listen music.

  • Use of Computer in E-Commerce-
  • E-Commerce (electronic commerce) or e-trade or
    e-business is a financial business transaction
    conducted electronically between business
    partners over computer network.
  • Or
  • e-commerce, or electronic commerce, the buying
    and selling of products and services through
    computer network.
  • E-mail, Video Conferencing, electronic shopping
    (E-Shopping), Electronic Banking, Health Care
    etc, these services are mostly used in e-commerce
    or e-business.

  • 4) Use of Computer in Health Care-
  • Nearly every area of the medical field uses
    computers, such as laboratories, researches,
    scanning, monitoring, pharmacy etc, which are
    helping the doctors to diagnose diseases and many
    other purpose.

  • Use of Computer in Science-
  • Computer is used in all braches of science to
    collect and analyze data. The scientists also use
    internet to collect the latest information around
    the world. Today, it is impossible to carry out
    scientific researches without use of computers.
    In all branches of science, it is mainly used to
    get accurate experimental result, for example to
    get accurate forecasting of weather etc.

  • Use of Computer in Traveling
  • Computer is also playing very important role in
    traveling by car or airplane to arrive easily and
    safety at your destination. Today many vehicles
    manufactured use special electronic equipments in
    the car that controls various activities of the
    car. These cars have GPS (Global Positioning
    System) receiver that reports your vehicles

  • 6) Use of Computer in Publishing-
  • In the field of publishing, computer is playing
    very important role such as to publish the bocks,
    magazines and newspapers etc.

  • Use of Computer in Government-
  • A government runs the country by making polices
    and provides citizens with up-to-date
    information. Most of the government departments
    have their own websites. The computers are used
    in all government offices to perform various
    activites. The government agencies use computers
    as part of their daily routine.

  • 9) Use of Computer in Home-
  • Like other electronic devices used in home such
    as T.V set, washing machine etc. computer has
    also become the need of every person at home. It
    is used at home as an educational tool for
    children. But it is also used at home to keep
    record, write letters, to watch films and listen
    music or other entertainment.

  • 10) Use of Computer in Agriculture-
  • In agriculture filed also, computer is playing
    very important role. The agricultural scientists
    use computer for analyzing the agricultural data.
    The student of agricultural also uses computer to
    get latest information about agriculture on the

  • 11) Use of Computer in Energy-
  • Energy companies use computer to locate or search
    oil, natural gas, and uranium. Similarly
    electronic power companies use computer to
    monitor the power networks.

  • 12) Use of Computer in Industry-
  • In industry, computers are used to control the
    manufacturing system and continuous running of
    the machinery. These also help in monitoring
    temperature, pressure, check the quality
    accuracy, and measurement needed in the
    manufacturing process.

  • Today, the most commons typed of computer is
    called a Personal Computer or PC despite of its
    small size, the modern personal computers are
    much more powerful than and of the large size,
  • Electronic digital computers are general purpose
    data processing machines that are designed to
    perform a variety of tasks. These computes
    fulfill the requirement of the people who by and
    use computers are a diverse groups-business
    people, teachers, students, doctors, lawyers,
    artists, engineers, scientists and framers and
    their computing needs.
  • In our society, computers have now become a
    fundamental components of our jobs, schools,
    collage, stores, our means of transpiration,
    health care and entertainment essentially all of
    our medical and scientific facilities now depend
    entirely upon incredibly complex computer base
    systems. In fact everyday there would hardly be
    times when any type of business educational
    institutions, or government office may not be
    using computes in some way.

  • Telecommunications is the electronic transmission
    of data from one place to another computers ca be
    hooked to telephones through moderns so that data
    can be sent and received over telephone lines.
    Telecommunications makes possible several new
    ways to communicate via computers. In 1969 a
    group of computer scientist developed computer
    network. The idea of interconnected networks
    caught on. After that the concept of e-mail came
    into existence Internet thus encouraged as an
    important and fast tool of global web of nearly 1
    million computes networks, at least 50 million
    computers and 200 million people. You can find
    jobs, communicate with customers, workout
    technical problems, sell products and conduct

Chapter III Brief History of Computer And
Communication Technology
  • History of Computer divided into three ages
    according to the devices which were used, these
    ages are described below.
  • Dark Age of Computer
  • (5000 B.C To
    1890 A.D)
  • Middle Age of Computer
  • (1890 A.D to
    1944 A.D)
  • Modern Age of Computer
  • (Since 1944)

  • Dark age of Computer (5000 B.C To 1890 A.D)-
  • The earliest data processing equipment were all
    manual mechanical devices. These machines were
    used exclusively as the Dark Age of data
  • Abacus-
  • About 50 B.C, The Abacus was manual in CHINA,
    the abacus was a very simplest beads strung on
    wires or rods. Arithmetic calculations are
    performed by manipulating the beads. Infect the
    abacus is a very fast calculating device, by
    which an operator can calculate faster than a
    person using a digital calculator.
  • John Napier Bones (1617)-
  • John Napier designed a device. Called Napiers
    Bones, this device is consist of a Set of eleven
    bones or rod with number marked on them, by
    placing these rods side by side, John Napier is
    best known for the invention of Logarithms.
  • Blaise Pasical Calculator (1642)-
  • The great French Mathematician Blaise Pasical
    invented Calculator called Pasicals Calcultor
    The Pasical calculating machine performed the
    operations of multiplication and division by
    repeated additions and Subtractions

  • Leibniz Calculating device (1673)-
  • In 1673, German mathematician Leibniz developed
    the calculating machine, which could perform
    multiplications and division. Actually the
    Leibniz calculating machine was the modifies form
    of the Pascal calculator.
  • Babbage Difference Engine (1825)-
  • In 1823 Charles Babbage British mathematician
    developed a special type of calculator. It was
    called Difference Engine.
  • Babbage Analytical Engine-
  • In 1843, he also designed a new machine called
    the Analytical Engine. It was the first
    automatic programmable computer. A lady student
    named Augusta Ada also worked with Babbage in
    designing the analytical engine. The designed to
    run the computer program on that computer first
    time. It is because Lady Augusta Ada is known
    as the first computer programmer in the world.
  • The Analytical Engine includes several features
    that present in the modern Electronic computer
    it is because Charles Babbage is considered as
    father of modern digital computer.

  • Middle Age of Computer (1890 A.D to 1944 A.D)-
  • The compilation of census Data was the biggest
    problems in Middle Ages, Dr. Herman Hollerith, a
    statistician with U.S Bureau of census, developed
    a 3x5 inch Punch Card to record data. Some other
    electro mechanical accounting machine were
    developed which could read cards containing both
    alphabetic and numeric data, perform simple
    arithmetic and numeric data, perform simple
    arithmetic operations and print the results.

  • Modern Age of Computer (Since 1944)-
  • In 1944 an electro-mechanical computer Mark-1
    was built by IBM (International Business Machine)
    corporation. The IBM launched its new version as
    Mark-II in 1945. Afterward fully electronic
    computer were developed. The history of
    electronic computers is divided into five

  • Generation of Computer-
  • The Generation of computer are classified into
    five generation. In each generation the new
    technologies were used as well as the performance
    and applications of computer were increased.
    These are
  • First Generation (1946 1959)
  • Second Generation (1959 1964)
  • Third Generation (1965 1970)
  • Fourth Generation (1971 1981)
  • Fifth Generation (1981 still continue.)

  • First Generation Of Computer (1946 -1959)-
  • The Vacuum tube technology was used in first
    generation computers. And a vacuum tube is device
    which conduct singles one direction only. Mark-1,
    ENIAC, EDSAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC-1 etc. machines
    belong to the first generation of computers.
    After it many other models were developed by IBM
    for example IBM-702, IBM-705, IBM-709, etc. The
    machine languages only were used in
    first-generation computers.
  • Advantages of First-Generation.
  • Vacuum tubes were used as electronic components
  • Electronic digital computers were developed.
  • These computers were the fastest of their time.
  • Disadvantages of First-Generation.
  • Very big in size.
  • Produce large amount of heat due to vacuum tubes.
  • Non-portable.
  • Very slow in speed.
  • it was difficult to programmed, because the used
    only machine language.

  • Second Generation of Computer (1959 1964)-
  • The period of this generation is from 1959 to
    1964. The transistor technology was used in
    second-generation. The transistor is smaller in
    size and more reliable than vacuum tube.
    Therefore, the transistor technology was used in
    computer in place of vacuum tube technology. The
    programming Assembly Language was also introduced
    in second-generation of computers. The most
    popular second-generation computers were
    IBM-1401, IBM-1400 series, IBM 1600 series,
    UNIVAC-III, NCR 300, etc.
  • Advantage of Second Generation-
  • smaller in size as compare to first generation
  • Low in cost, smaller in size, fast in speed.
  • Less heat generated.
  • Better portability.
  • Assembly language was introduced. This language
    is easy to write program than Machine language.
  • Disadvantage of Second Generation-
  • Air conditioning required
  • Commercial production was costly.
  • Frequent maintenance required.

  • Third Generation of Computer (1965 1970)-
  • In third-generation Integrated Circuits (IC) were
    used. Integrated circuit contains many electronic
    components like transistors, capacitors, diodes,
    resistors etc on a single chip. High level
    programming languages were used. In 1969 the
    first microprocessor chip INTEL 4004 was
    developed. But it was used only in calculator.
    Arithmetic and logical operations were performed
    in micro seconds (1/1000000 second) or even in
    nano seconds (1/1000000000 seconds) the famous
    computers were IBM-360, IBM-370, UNIVAC 9000
    series etc.
  • Advantages of Third Generation-
  • Smaller in size.
  • Low power consumption
  • Hardware failure was very rare.
  • Easily Portable, Easily Operate, upgraded easily.
  • High level languages were commonly used.
  • Disadvantage of Third Generation-
  • Air-conditioning required.
  • Very advance technology was required to make IC.

  • Fourth Generation of Computer (1971 1981)-
  • The years between 1971 and 1981 are referred as
    fourth generation of computers. The Integrated
    Circuits were more developed and called Small
    Scale Integration (SSI). After some time the SSI
    were the more developed and termed as Large Scale
    Integration (LSI). In 1971, a powerful
    microprocessor chip INTEL 8008 was introduced.
    The first microprocessor which used in PC was
    INTEL 8080. The 8 inch floppy disk was also,
    introduced in 1973. While hard disk was introduce
    in 1973. The 5.25 inch floppy disk was first time
    used I 1978. the optical disk was developed in
    1980.IBM-3033, IBM-370, IBM system, IBM system36,
    Cray-I, etc were introduced in this generation.
  • Advantage of Fourth Generation.
  • Smaller in size.
  • very reliable,
  • Hardware failure was negligible.
  • Very easily moveable.
  • Very high processing speed. Very large internal
    and external storage capacity.
  • Used advance input output devices such as
    optical readers, laser prints, CD-ROM,/DVD-ROM
    drives etc.
  • Disadvantages of Fourth Generation
  • Much sophisticated technology was required to
    fabricate IC

  • Fifth Generation of Computer (1981 still
  • This generation is started from 1981 and is still
    continued. The new technologies are adopted to
    fabricate IC chips. Such as electron beam. X-rays
    or laser rays. The very large scale integration
    (VLSI) was developed. To the computer become much
    smaller than every before. The first Personal
    Computer (PC) was marketed in 1981. in the same
    year Microsoft Corporation launched their new
    Operating System MS-DOS. The 3.5 inch floppy disk
    was introduced in 1984. Intels microprocessor
    80286 was made in 0985. While microprocessor
    80386 was made in 1985. Compact Disk (CD-ROM) was
    also invented in 1985. The Expert system were
    developed by using artificial Intelligence, and
    AI technology also called the knowledge
    processor. The AI means automatic programs that
    let the machines to think and decide themselves.
    The programming languages LISP (List processor)
    and PROLOG (Programming with logic) are used for
    artificial intelligence. A goal of fifth
    generation is to have the computer understand
    natural language and to recognize voice.
  • Advantages of Fifth Generation.
  • All the previous advantages
  • very huge storage capacity available.
  • long bit processor were built.
  • Laptop computer introduced.
  • Artificial intelligence languages developed.
  • Disadvantages of fifth generation.
  • Not reported

  • Types of Computers-
  • Computers can also be divided into three
    categories depending upon their construction and
    form of input data that they accept and process.
    These are
  • Digital Computer.
  • Analog Computer.
  • Hybrid Computer.

  • Digital Computer-
  • A digital computer represents data in term of
    discrete number or in digit. Digital computer
    works on binary digit (0 to 1), these numbers are
    used to perform arithmetic calculations and also
    make logical decision to reach conclusion
    depending on the data they receive from the user.
    Now-a-days, the Personal Computer (PC) and
    digital watch are the example of Digital Computer
    and they are general purpose.

  • Analog Computer-
  • Analog computer usually all the measuring device
    are called Analog Computer. An Analog Computing
    device can measure only the continuously variable
    quantities, such as temperature, Pressure,
    distance, velocity of sound and voltage etc. All
    of those devices which used to measure
    continuously variable data are called Analog
    computer, the Thermometer, Speedo meter of car,
    flow of petrol and stop watch are the example of
    Analog Computer.

  • Hybrid Computer-
  • The combines both analog computer and digital
    computer capabilities in the same computer system
    are called Hybrid Computer. In Hybrid Computer
    the user can process both the continuous (Analog)
    and discrete (Digital) data, such as Ultra sound
    machine, the best example of Hybrid computer is
    Petrol Pump machine.

  • Classification of Digital Computers //
    Classification of Computer According to Size
    and Capacity
  • According to size and capacity computers can be
    classified into following main groups.
  • Super computer.
  • Mainframe Computer.
  • Mini Computer.
  • Micro Computer.
  • Laptop Computer.

  • Super Computer-
  • Super Computers are high-capacity machines with
    hundreds of thousands of processors that can
    perform over 1 trillion calculations per second,
    and also very expensive. It was developed in
    1980s. It is used to process large amount of data
    and to solve the complicated scientific problems.
    In a single supercomputer thousands of users can
    be connected at the same time and the
    supercomputer handles the work of each user
    separately. Super computers are used in nuclear
    physics research, experimental oil fields,
    whether forecasting, satellite controlling, etc.
    The examples of supercomputer are CRAY-1, CARY-2,
    control data CYBER 205, and ETA-10 etc.

  • Mainframe // Macro Computer-
  • The large size (large-scale) computers including
    all peripherals and attached equipment are termed
    as Mainframe or Macro Computer. Oftenly a
    mainframe computer is not a single computer, but
    it may have more than one CPU, it also has
    multiple processors. A mainframe computer might
    support thousands of users. For example, IBM
    S/390 mainframe can support 50.000 users
    simultaneously. The users often access a
    mainframe by means of a terminals, which has a
    display screen and a keyboard and can input and
    output data but cannot by itself process data.
  • The mainframe computers are specially used as
    servers on the World Wide Web, and large
    organization such as Bank, Airlines, Universities
    etc. the examples of mainframe computers are IBM
    S/390, Control data CYBER-176, and Amdahl 580 etc.

  • Mini Computer-
  • The minicomputers are smaller in size, have lower
    processing speed and also have lower cost than
    mainframe. These computers are known as
    minicomputers because of their small size as
    compared to other computers at that time. The
    minicomputers are used in business, education and
    many other Govt departments. Like mainframes,
    minicomputers are used as web servers. Single
    user minicomputers are used for sophisticated
    design tasks.

  • Micro Computer-
  • The microcomputers are also known as personal
    Computers or simply PCs. Microprocessor is used
    in this type of computer. These are very small in
    size and cost. The IBMs first microcomputer was
    designed in 1981 and was named as IBM-PC. Micro
    computers are of several types desktop PCs,
    tower PCs, laptop (or notebooks), and PDA etc.
  • Desktop PCs are those, in which the case or main
    housing sits on a desk,
  • Tower PCs are those in which the case sits as a
  • Laptop Computer - Laptop computer is also known
    as notebook computer, are lightweight portable
    computers with built-in monitor, keyboard,
    hard-disk drive, battery, and AC adopter. It
    means that laptop computer has same features as
    personal computers. Laptop computer are more
    expensive than desktop computers. Normally, these
    computers are used in business travelers.
  • Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs), also called
    handheld computers or palmtops, combine personal
    organization tools schedule planners, address
    books, to-do lists with the ability in some
    cases to send e-mails and faxes. Some PDAs have
    touch-sensitive screens. Some also connect to
    desktop computers for sending or receiving
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