Title: Out of Stock Implications
1- Out of Stock Implications
25 of Beer Sales Volume is Out of Stock on an
Average Day
Out of Stock levels vary by DSD category
Source GMA Full Shelf Satisfaction Study
3Availability levels drop considerably for
promoted items, including beer
Out of Stock levels quadruple when DSD products
are on promotion
Note Audited OOS performance multiplied by
item's average daily movement
4Reducing Out of Stocks isImportant to Shoppers
Top ways retailers can improve the shopping
Source GMA Full Shelf Satisfaction Study
5Avoiding Beer Out-of-Stocks Is Critical
What do you do if an item you want to buy is out
of stock?
Retailer Impact
39.5 of all OOS situations are potential for
lost sales
17.9 Net lost sales
- Because close to 40 of shoppers report avoiding
purchase when faced with an OOS, the potential
impact on the retailer is significant!
Source GMA OOS Study
6Nearly 18 of Beer Shoppers are Buying Elsewhere
When Faced with an Out of Stock
Retailers are losing 18 of their beer sales to
competitors by being out of stock!
Source GMA Full Shelf Satisfaction Study
7Projected Across Multiple Stores, Lost Beer Sales
Due to Out of Stocks Become Very Significant!
Losses due to beer out of stocks represents
millions in lost sales
4.2 million
Average weekly loss (per store)
Annual loss (per store)
Annual loss(per 100 stores)
Source GMA Full Shelf Satisfaction Study
8Out of Stock Implications Summarized
Proper assortment is the key to maximizing
efficient shelf space
- Out-of-Stocks is a top three concern expressed by
shoppers - Promotional forecasting and ordering techniques
should be standardized and in place in every
store - Proper assortment and shelf planning is critical
to assure that the products that are in demand
are on your shelves when the customer is in your
store - Planograms and shelf tags should be properly
placed for restocking - Store managers and vendor must work together to
assure proper inventory levels - 18 of beer sales are lost due to Out of Stocks
Source GMA Full Shelf Satisfaction Study