Title: Diapositiva 1
1The role of the Resistive Plate response
function in bringing an RPC to a stationary
M.A. Fernandez-Morales, J.A. Garzón, D.
2RD in high rate / large area tRPCs.
lines obtained with the functional dependence
also used in
D. Gonzalez-Diaz et al., Nuclear Physics B
(Proc. Suppl.) 158(2006)111
3RD in high rate / large area tRPCs (DC model
DC model
(CBM goal)
4The DC model works reasonably well when the RPC
reached a stationary situation. What happens
5Transient behaviour in RPCs (I).
(Asymmetric 8 mm RPC)
E. Cerron Zeballos et al., NIM A
367(1995)388, also I. Crotty et al. NIM A
6Transient behaviour in RPCs (II).
0.66 mm-4 gap RPC
P. Colrain, E. Polycarpo et al., NIM 456(2000)62
7Transient behaviour in RPCs (III).
0.3 mm-4 gap RPC
D. Gonzalez-Diaz et al., Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.) 158(2006)111
8Transient behaviour in RPCs (IV)
M. M. Fraga et al., NIM 419(1998)485
transient time depends on rate!
9What did we do?
10Experimental setup
RPC (3.5x3.5 cm2) (standard timing mixture)
X-ray tube
mylar window
Cu electrode
Cu absorbers
glass (1.8mm)
gap (0.3 mm)
goniometer (0.1 deg precission)
11transients of the current in the circuit
12Part I. Characterization of the electrical
properties of glass
13Measurement of the glass electric properties
guard ring
The response function of glass f(t) can be
expressed as
Fisica de dielectricos, J.M. Albella. J.M.
Martinez, Barcelona 1984
14Some basic relations (I)
- being
- eS the permittivity of the material when it is
'relaxed' (t-gt8), or 'static'. - e8 the permittivity of the material at high
frequency (short times), before relaxation takes
Most materials can be described as RC circuits
with C-gtC(?)
15Some basic relations(II)
Some ways of describing the relaxation process in
soda-lime/window glass
M. M. Fraga et al., NIM 419(1998)485
(simple RC circuit)
Distribution of relaxation times
Taylor, H.E., J. Soc. Glass. Tech. 41(1957)350.
- Experimental procedure in order to rule out
electrode-related effects we followed H.E. Taylor
systematic approach, and so different
experimental configurations were tested - Different electrode materials (Au, Ag, Cu).
- Different electrode technologies (tape, polymer,
acetate, evaporation). - Different electrode contact (welded, by presion).
- With and without guard ring.
Only the consistent data is shown in the
following !
16Dependence of the response function on voltage (I)
17Dependence of the response function on voltage
T27 oC
For voltages up to 1 kV (higher voltage drops
have little practical implication in the tRPC
response) we conclude that the window glass of
the kind used here is highly ohmic, and its
response function is fairly independent on
18Part II. Characterization of the RPC behaviour
at high rates.
19Experimental setup
RPC (3.5x3.5 cm2) (standard timing mixture)
X-ray tube
mylar window
Cu electrode
Cu absorbers
glass (1.8mm)
gap (0.3 mm)
goniometer (0.1 deg precision)
20X-ray tube characteristics
energy determined with TeCd detector
Energy spectrum for HV 50 kV (maximum)
ltEgt12 keV
The X-ray response can be considered as
instantaneous at the time scale we are interested
in determined through the current response of a
diode operated in reverse bias voltage.
21Experimental setup. Orientation respect to the
X-rays direction of incidence (I)
Parameters Pglass, Pgas
22Experimental setup. Orientation respect to the
X-rays direction of incidence (II)
working point
region B
region A
23MC description. Modeling the RPC behaviour
- -gt At low rates, the dependence of the average
total charge with the applied field in the
space-charge regime is well described by a
straight line
G. Carboni et al. NIM A 498(2003)135 2 mm RPC
G. Aielli et al. NIM A 508(2001)6 2 mm RPC
D. González-Díaz et al. NIM A 555(2005)72 0. 3
mm RPC
At high rates, and once the DC/stationary
situation is reached, the total charge is
affected by the field drop caused in the glass
R resistance F flux Hz/cm2 A
illuminated RPC area r F A rate Hz
24MC description. Modeling the electric response (I)
The area of influence of an avalanche is
approximated by Acell
M. Abbrescia NIM A 533(2004)7
In the MC, the situation is described by analogy
with a random shot noise generator in parallel
with the gap capacitance.
D. Gonzalez-Diaz et al., Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.) 158(2006)111
The current measurable in the external circuit is
given by
Fisica de dielectricos, J.M. Albella, J.M.
Martinez, Barcelona 1984
where the first term gives the current induced
instantaneously by each new avalanche and the
second is the current induced due to the
instantaneous voltage across the glass.
25MC description. Modeling the electric response
C8 denotes the RPC capacitance at high
frequencies (?1-109 GHz), readily accessible
from the C8 of glass with an LCR analyzer (here
er 7-8) and CS is the RPC capacitance at low
frequencies, which is more difficult to access
and is the one actually responsible for the
relaxation process. Going from a glass response
of the type f(t)exp(-t/t)ß to the RPC response
function has sizeable technical difficulties,
since non-analytical Fourier Transforms are
involved. The following method will be used
instead the response function is assumed to be a
simple exponential with tRCs, and Cs is left as
a free parameter
The first term is a bit complicated to compute
numerically but, as far as average values are
concerned, it can be replaced by
26Consistency criteria of the MC
Under the assumption of linearity between total
charge and voltage, the following relations are
fulfilled in the DC limit
(therefore, in the DC limit i ?V/R)
27Constraining aF and Vth parameters in the DC limit
28Results from the MC
29MC and data after fitting (only CS is a free
30MC and data after fitting (only CS is a free
parameter). Zoom
31Expected behaviour of the total charge from MC
32Transients in current and charge. MC and data
stabilization time needed for charge is totally
different when starting and stopping illumination
33Time scale of transients
teq,I(?V) equilibration time time at 65 of
the DC value of I (?V)
stabilization of the current in the external
circuit does not mean stabilization of the RPC!
- A MC devised to describe transient effects in
RPCs based on a previous code (D. Gonzalez-Diaz,
Nucl. Phys. B(Proc. Supl.), 158(2006)111) has
been introduced showing a reasonable description
of data. - A simple RC circuit was assumed, because of the
much more simplified situation, but it was
illustrated how a detailed comparison would
require indeed to introduce the response function
through the generalized R(?)C(?) circuit. - It has been shown that Cu tape electrodes and
both Au, Ag evaporated electrodes provide a
consistent determination on the glass response
function, being highly independent on the voltage
up to 1kV. Ag acetate and polymer provided
discrepancies of a factor 2, and visible
instabilities in the polymer case. - It was shown how the transient times for current
stabilization are different from the transient
times for charge stabilization (driven by the
stabilization of the voltage across the glass). - In particular it is shown how, naturally, the
stabilization time (both for current and charge)
depends mainly on the primary rate whenever
irradiation starts, and depends mainly on the
relaxation time whenever it stops.
36Loosely relevant parameters
The shape of the charge distribution does not
seem to have any influence (chequed with a
Poissonian distribution). The influence of the
Acell is also small (here Acell 0.3 mm2) as
long as it does not result in a single shot of
magnitude comparable to the maximum voltage drop
This is also consistent with the simple
derivation of the equilibration time from
D. Gonzalez-Diaz et al., Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.) 158(2006)111
37Determination of the flux over the RPC
extrapolation to high fluxes
FRPC observed flux with RPC
Fdosimiter observed flux determined with a
comercial dosimiter.
saturation due to the voltage drop in the glass
Fdosimiter Hz/cm2
checked that the proportionality between tube
current and the primary flux exists
IX-ray tube nA
38Fit to the absorption curves