Title: 4DRCS
14D/RCS A Cognitive Systems Architecture for
Full Spectrum Operations
James Albus Senior NIST Fellow Intelligent
Systems Division Manufacturing Engineering
2What is a Cognitive System?
A network of intelligent modules
Examples of intelligent modules perception segm
entation grouping classification /
recognition world modeling simulation,
visualization, inferencing decision-making,
planning, control
3What does a Cognitive System Consist of?
- Functional modules
- Communication between modules (network)
- Declarative knowledge about the world and the
self - Procedural knowledge for
- perception, attention
- modeling, simulation
- reasoning
- decision-making,
- planning
- control
4What is a Network?
Nodes Edges
Nodes gt Routers or functional modules Edges gt
Communication pathways
5The network communicates messages between the
What goes on in the nodes?
Message routing only?
Computational processes? Functional
transformations Knowledge in data
structures Perception, World Modeling
Decision-Making, Planning, Control
6At the Nets Edge
- Unmanned systems will play a major role,
- but teleoperated systems will be limited
- Teleoperation is bandwidth intensive
- Teleoperation imposes a heavy operator
- workload
Large numbers of teleoperated ground systems are
7A Reality Check
The battlefield is not the internet
Bandwidth is limited Communications are
unreliable Jamming is a problem Drop outs are
Inside buildings In urban canyons Under tree
canopy Through wet foliage Behind terrain
features Under ground
8The Importance of Intelligence
- The more the nodes know and understand,
- the less they need to communicate
- If they know and understand everything,
- they dont need to communicate anything
- Putting intelligence and knowledge in the nodes
- reduces the need for communication between them
Intelligence is the ability to use knowledge to
make decisions and act appropriately in an
uncertain and dynamic environment
9Basic Intelligent System
Perception establishes correspondence between
internal world model and external real world
Behavior uses world model to generate action to
achieve goals
10Intelligent System Architecture
4D/RCS Reference Model
11Intelligent System Architecture
4D/RCS Reference Model
12A 4D/RCS Computational Node
4D/RCS node
134D/RCS Reference Model Architecture for Unmanned
Vehicle Systems
Developed for U.S. Army Research Lab Demo III
Adopted by GDRS for FCS Autonomous Navigation
System Adopted by TARDEC for Vetronics Technology
Hierarchical structure of goals and
commands Representation of the world at
many levels Planning, replanning, and
reacting at many levels Integration of many
sensors stereo CCD FLIR, LADAR,
radar, inertial, acoustic, GPS, internal
144D/RCS for FCS
15Representation of Knowledge
4D/RCS node
16Forms of Representation
- Iconic
- - signals, images, maps (arrays)
- - Support geometry, and navigation
- - Have range and resolution in space and time
- Symbolic
- - objects, events, classes (abstract data
structures) - - Support mathematics, logic, and linguistics
- - Have vocabulary and ontology
- Links
- - relationships (pointers)
- Support syntax, grammar, and semantics
- Have direction and type
17Types of Knowledge
About the environment places, conditions,
situations About things entities, states,
attributes, classes, relationships About
actions tasks, skills, motives, plans,
behaviors About experiences events, situations,
scenarios, seeing, hearing, feeling,
temperature, touch About rules logic,
mathematics, language, physics About models
geometry, dynamics, kinematics, simulation,
18Value Judgment
Rationale for decision-making and planning
19Sensory Processing a set of processes
that interpret current observations in the
context of stored knowledge
Focus attention Sensor fusion (LADAR,
color, FLIR, radar, inertial, GPS) Segmentation
grouping Computation of group attributes Classific
ation recognition
20Segmentation Grouping Pixels to Entities
Iconic to Symbolic
21LADAR image
22 LADAR Intensity Image Red bright, Blue
dark Focus Camera on On-Coming Cross Traffic
23 Compute Road Edges
24 Segment Road Objects Above It
25Segment On-Coming Cars from Road Surface
26Compute Attributes of Segmented Cars
Object2 Range 62 m Closing speed 2
m/sec Width 162 cm Height 140 cm
Object1 Range 41 m Closing speed 2
m/sec Width 176 cm Height 128 cm
27Attributes of 4D/RCS
- Combines AI with control theory
- Hierarchical representation of tasks, space,
time - Combines deliberative with reactive at many
levels - Depends strongly on sensing and perception
- Supports a rich dynamic world model at many
levels - Integrates prior knowledge with current
observations - Models functional architecture of the human brain
- Addresses the full range of human behavior
- Is mature with engineering tools and software
284D/RCS Documentation
Numerous journal articles, reports, and
conference papers Extensive software library
29Most Recent Publication 2007
30Summary and Conclusions
- On the battlefield, communications are
- limited and unreliable
- The more knowledge and intelligence
- systems have, the less they need to
- communicate
- 4D/RCS is a network of intelligent nodes
- configured to be a cognitive system