Title: IST
1eInfrastructures paving the way for networked
research applications between Europe and the
Mediterranean area Maria F. Ramalho Maria.Rama
lho-Natario_at_cec.eu.int European Commission,
Information Society Directorate-General
"The views expressed in this presentation are
those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the European Commission"
2Vision Create an eInfrastructure
Global knowledge infrastructure
semantic web.
3Research Networking
- Pan-European coverage (43 Countries/NRENs)
- Gigabit connectivity at 10 Gb/s
- Linking more than 3900 Universities
- Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (93 MEuro from EU)
- Extend to Mediterranean, Asia Pacific Rim, Latin
America ...
4GÉANT The Model
Other funds
EU funds
National funds
5(No Transcript)
6eInfrastructures - EUMEDCONNECT
- DG INFSO and the EuropeAid Co-operation Office
- Budget of 10M (EC sponsored) for the Operation
phase (15th Nov 2002, duration 44 months) - A total of 7 (out of 12) countries now connected
- Missing connections are with NRENs from
- Egypt
- Syria
- Lebanon
- Jordan and Palestine Authority
7eInfrastructure Implementation Components
federated testbeds
8eInfrastructures - Grids EGEE and DEISA
- EGEE (32 Million euro), CERN
- egee-intranet.web.cern.ch/egee-intranet/gateway.ht
ml - SEEGRID (1 Million euro), GRNET
- DEISA (14 Million euro), CNRS
- www.deisa.org
9GÉANT changes in the way Research is done
Example of an eInfrastructureeVLBI
Radio-Telescopes interconnected by lambdas
provided by the NRENs and GÉANT
10eInfrastructures Linking Policies
- Research eInfrastructures
- corner-stone of the European Research Area
(ERA) - spear-head of an eEurope Infrastructure
(e.g. broadband plus) - integrator of National Infrastructures
- powerful instrument for International
Cooperation - cohesion, cooperation, standards, industry,
11Funding Opportunities
- Information Society Technologies (IST)
- 3rd IST Call (15 June 2004) addressing
- Encourage and facilitate participation of NMS
ACC (10M, SSAs) - International Co-operation in IST (8M, CAs and
SSAs) - Progress towards fulfilling ERAobjectives in a
given IST field (10M, CAs and SSAs) - www.cordis.lu/ist
- Research Infrastructures (RI)
- 3rd RI Call in Nov. 2004 (around 20M) addressing
- Consolidating activities for eInfrastructuresand
especially supporting international aspects - www.cordis.lu/fp6/r_infra.htm
- With the support of the of the European Unions
RD Programmes a new generation of
infrastructures for research (GÉANT and Grids)
has been launched - eInfrastructures - The European Union invested in IPv6 RD to
support the migration to the next generation
The provision of an eInfrastructure is
fundamental for the realisation of the European
Research Area (ERA) and for global collaboration