Title: SOL Quiz 12
1SOL Quiz 12
21. The Whiskey Rebellion was caused by anger
over a. federal excise taxes b. tariffs on
imported whiskey c. prohibition laws d. the
Molasses Act
In 1790, Congress passed several taxes designed
to raise the revenue needed to pay the nation's
bills. Among these taxes was an excise tax on
whiskey to be paid by people who distilled and
shipped whiskey. Because of the poor
transportation systems in the United States, it
was difficult for Western farmers to transport
bulky food shipments across the Appalachians.
So, many converted their surplus corn or wheat
into whiskey, which was easier to ship to eastern
markets. But when Congress passed an excise tax
on whiskey, many of these farmers believed their
livelihood was threatened. They refused to pay
the excise tax -- an action that became known as
the Whiskey Rebellion.
32. What was President Washington's response when
Great Britain and France went to war against each
other? a. He issued the Monroe Doctrine. b. He
issued the Proclamation of Neutrality. c. He
allowed France to use American ports. d.
Washington asked Congress to declare war on Great
The proclamation banned Americans from giving
active support, either on land or at sea, to any
nation at war. Washington believed that the
United States, still a young country, was not
powerful enough to take on the major European
nations. In addition, he felt that America
should take advantage of her geographical
position and avoid becoming entangled in foreign
43. Which was a result of the Jay Treaty with
England (1795)? a. The United States and Britain
became allies. b. Britain agreed to forgive all
colonial debts. c. Britain promised to withdraw
troops from the Northwest. d. The United States
agreed to reimburse loyalist property seized
during the Revolutionary War.
During the early 1790s, Americans became
increasingly angry at Britain for refusing to
pull its troops out of the Northwest Territory.
To make matters worse, Britain continued to
impress American seamen. Many Americans demanded
war with Britain. Anxious to avoid war,
Washington sent John Jay to Britain to settle the
dispute. Britain promised to pull her troops out
of the Northwest, but the issue of impressment of
seamen was not settled. Despite the promises of
the Jay Treaty, Britain did not pull out of the
Northwest Territory. This, and the continued
impressment of seamen, eventually led to the War
of 1812.
54. Which of the following options would be
considered the most valuable contribution of the
administration of George Washington
(1789-1796)? a. the establishment of a strong
national government b. the easing of sectional
friction c. the restoration of the sovereign
rights of the states d. the acquisition of
additional territory
The Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton
put the nation on a strong financial footing.
The president, George Washington, took care to
enforce national law. The accomplishments of the
national government under Washington are most
appreciated when compared to the economic chaos
and lawlessness under the Articles of
Confederation (1781-1789).
65. What kind of economy did the Republicans
prefer? a. mercantilism b. manufacturing c.
subsistence farming d. commercial agriculture
They proposed that the best economy for America
revolved around providing foodstuffs to Europe.
They could then use the generated wealth to
purchase goods that made life easier and more
comfortable. Republicans felt that the economic
and moral strength of the country lay in