Title: DTI
1DTI One NorthEast Digital Industries
Conference 5th December 2005 The move from
informing people to involving people Norma
Foster, Chief Executive The North East Regional
Portal 2001 Ltd
2Introduction Agenda
- Welcome to the Digital Industries Conference
- The North East Regional Portal 2001 Ltd
- The role, aims, and objectives
- Practical benefits, contributions achievements
- Service Offerings Trading Activities
- Investment in the Region / public duty
- Return on investment for the Region / commercial
activity - Regional Projects Initiatives
3North East Regional Portal
- Fully owned subsidiary of One NorthEast
- Established in 2001
- Creation of the first regional information
gateway www.n-e-life.com - Not for profit organisation / 10 staff
- Key delivery arm for Regional Digital Strategy
4North East Regional Portal
- Interactive community of over 67,000
organisations - Over 20 portals and websites in the Portal Group
- Awareness raising and demand stimulation for ICT
- Promote the region as the best place to live,
work and visit to over 1.2m online visitors
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13North East Regional PortalKey Objectives
To establish the North East Regional Portal 2001
Ltd and the Region as an internationally
recognised leader in eBusiness
To provide value added services to regional
companies and communities which promote the use
of eBusiness to increase competitiveness and the
quality of life
- To develop collaborative commercial activities
with regional partners to attract new business
opportunities for the North East and support
sustainable development
14North East Regional Portal
- Selling Government Services into Wider Markets
- Route to sustainability
- Trading activities to support wider public remit
- ROI - 134k commercial revenue achieved to date
- 767k commercial revenue forecast by March 2008
- Leading collaborative bidding with regional SMEs
- Already winning contracts
15North East Regional Portal Regional Projects
- 11 Market Town portals developed across 13 towns
- 1300 SMEs online and 20 eCommerce enabled
- 95 satellite broadband installations / 540 SMEs
- Gap filling in line with exchange enablement
- 4,867 SMEs benefiting from funded support
- 288 SMEs benefiting from intensive 10 25 day
eCommerce support through ERDF funding
16North East Regional Portal Regional Projects
- Catalyst Project / 230k in 2005-6
- Incentivise take-up of broadband and ICT
- Technology as an enabler
- Unique offers direct to 250 regional businesses
- Knowledge Company
- CAD/CAM software training through KC project
- Digital Factory in Newton Aycliffe
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21Future Plans
- Multilingual content to drive international
traffic - Web TV and radio broadcasting
- Showcase the North East as THE region for
- Digital Industries
- Online Communication
- Highspeed broadband and rich media content
22Supporting the Region
23Thank YouQuestions
- Norma Foster, Chief Executive
- The North East Regional Portal 2001 Ltd
- 0191- 487 2002 or norma.foster_at_n-e-life.co.uk