Title: Wholesaling and Retailing Chapter 15
1Wholesaling and RetailingChapter 15
- Functions of Physical Distribution
- Wholesalers
- Retailers
2Physical Distribution Process
- physical flow of goods
- importance
- many tasks may be performed
3Physical Distribution Functions
- order processing
- warehousing
- inventory management and control
- transportation
- materials handling
- information systems
4Wholesaler Functions
5Wholesaling Functions
- Services to manufacturers
- sales force
- inventory maintenance
- arrange transportation of goods
- provide market information
- grant credit to customers
- (and thus take associated risk)
- assume risk for product by taking title
6Wholesaling Functions
- Services to customers
- making goods available
- maintain inventory
- (thus reducing customers costs)
- arrange transportation of goods
- provide market information
- provide financing
- order goods
7Types of Wholesalers
- full-function wholesalers
- limited-function wholesalers
- agents/brokers
8Types of Wholesalers
9Types of Retailers
- Retailers can be classified by
- size of establishment
- merchandise lines carried
- level of service offered
- method of operation
- form of ownership
- location of facilities
10Retail Classifications Three Examples
Classification Dimension
Timberland (Footwear)
Home Shopping Network
Size of store Merchandise lines Level of service
Method of operation Form of ownership Location
of store
Large General merchandise Self-selection Store
and mail-order Corporate chain Secondary shoppin
g district - in a regional shopping center
Small Limited line Limited to full service Stor
e Corporate chain Main business thoroughfare
- in a
neighborhood shopping center
Nonstore General merchandise self-selection Pho
ne mail-order
Independent Television-based
11Retail Product Strategies
- General Merchandise Retailing
- carry a wide product mix
- differentiated by the variety of products they
- Limited-Line Retailing
- offer fewer types of products than are sold by
general merchandise retailers
- stock many more choices in each product line
- Scrambled Merchandising
- a strategy in which a retailer carries product
lines that are not related to its main product
12Service Continuum
self-service self-selection limited
service full service
Level of Service
13Nonstore Retailing
- Catalogs
- Vending machines
- Interactive kiosks
- Television home shopping
- Interactive television
- Computer-based retailing on the Internet
Coca-Cola is a registered trademark.
14Retail Management Decisions
- target market selection
- merchandise mix decisions
- pricing
- store image/ambience