Title: Board Recruitment The Importance of Position Descriptions
1Board RecruitmentThe Importance of Position
2Board Development--first, get rid of dead wood!
Im well aware that being dead and buried has
weakened my position on the board.
3Reasons to Have Board Position Descriptions
- Helps Board Recruitment Committee
- Describes Expectations to Potential Board Members
- Allows Organization to Evaluate Board Performance
4Board Position Descriptions
- Overall responsibilities
- Term of office
- Attendance requirements
- Requirement to be informed about organization
- Participation in meetings
- Committee requirements
- Financial commitment
- Conflict of interest disclosure
- Fiduciary responsibility
5Board Position Descriptions
- Overall responsibilities
- Term of office
- Attendance requirements
- Requirement to be informed about organization
- Participation in meetings
- Committee requirements
- Financial commitment
- Conflict of interest disclosure
- Fiduciary responsibility
6The Boards Role in Fund Raising
- Three Gs
- Give
- Get
- Get Off
7The Boards Role in Fund Raising
- Three Ws
- Work
- Wealth
- Wisdom
8The Boards Role in Fund Raising
- Three Ts
- Time
- Talent
- Treasure
9Minimum Board Requirements
- Belief in Mission
- Attendance and Participation at Meetings
- Financial Commitment
- Committee Participation
- Willingness to Use Expertise Connections
- Willingness to be a Roaring Advocate
10Conflict of Interest
- Clear Policies
- Sign Conflict of Interest Statement
- No control over decisions that could be conflict
of interest - Abstain from voting on issues where potential
conflict occurs
11Thank You
CAPITAL VENTURE www.cvfundraising.com