Title: Thorie Financire 20052006 2' Valeur actuelle
1Théorie Financière2005-20062. Valeur actuelle
2Present Value general formula
- Cash flows C1, C2, C3, ,Ct, CT
- Discount factors DF1, DF2, ,DFt, , DFT
- Present value PV C1 DF1 C2 DF2
CT DFT - An example
- Year 0 1 2 3
- Cash flow -100 40 60 30
- Discount factor 1.000 0.9803 0.9465 0.9044
- Present value -100 39.21 56.79 27.13
- NPV - 100 123.13 23.13
3Using prices of U.S. Treasury STRIPS
- Separate Trading of Registered Interest and
Principal of Securities - Prices of zero-coupons
- Example Suppose you observe the following prices
- Maturity Price for 100 face value
- 1 98.03
- 2 94.65
- 3 90.44
- 4 86.48
- 5 80.00
- The market price of 1 in 5 years is DF5 0.80
- NPV - 100 150 0.80 - 100 120 20
4Present value and discounting
- How much would an investor pay today to receive
Ct in t years given market interest rate rt? - We know that 1 0 gt (1rt)t t
- Hence PV ? (1rt)t Ct gt PV Ct/(1rt)t
Ct ? DFt - The process of calculating the present value of
future cash flows is called discounting. - The present value of a future cash flow is
obtained by multiplying this cash flow by a
discount factor (or present value factor) DFt - The general formula for the t-year discount
factor is
5Spot interest rates
- Back to STRIPS. Suppose that the price of a
5-year zero-coupon with face value equal to 100
is 75. - What is the underlying interest rate?
- The yield-to-maturity on a zero-coupon is the
discount rate such that the market value is equal
to the present value of future cash flows. - We know that 75 100 DF5 and DF5
1/(1r5)5 - The YTM r5 is the solution of
- The solution is
- This is the 5-year spot interest rate
6Term structure of interest rate
- Relationship between spot interest rate and
maturity. - Example
- Maturity Price for 100 face value YTM (Spot
rate) - 1 98.03 r1 2.00
- 2 94.65 r2 2.79
- 3 90.44 r3 3.41
- 4 86.48 r4 3.70
- 5 80.00 r5 4.56
- Term structure is
- Upward sloping if rt gt rt-1 for all t
- Flat if rt rt-1 for all t
- Downward sloping (or inverted) if rt lt rt-1 for
all t
7(No Transcript)
8Using one single discount rate
- When analyzing risk-free cash flows, it is
important to capture the current term structure
of interest rates discount rates should vary
with maturity. - When dealing with risky cash flows, the term
structure is often ignored. - Present value are calculated using a single
discount rate r, the same for all maturities. - Remember this discount rate represents the
expected return. - Risk-free interest rate Risk premium
- This simplifying assumption leads to a few useful
formulas for - Perpetuities (constant or growing at a constant
rate) - Annuities (constant or growing at a constant
9Constant perpetuity
Proof PV C d C d² C d3 PV(1r) C C
d C d² PV(1r) PV C PV C/r
- Ct C for t 1, 2, 3, .....
- Examples Preferred stock (Stock paying a fixed
dividend) - Suppose r 10 Yearly dividend 50
- Market value P0?
- Note expected price next year
- Expected return
10Growing perpetuity
- Ct C1 (1g)t-1 for t1, 2, 3, .....
rgtg - Example Stock valuation based on
- Next dividend div1, long term growth of dividend
g - If r 10, div1 50, g 5
- Note expected price next year
- Expected return
11Constant annuity
- A level stream of cash flows for a fixed numbers
of periods - C1 C2 CT C
- Examples
- Equal-payment house mortgage
- Installment credit agreements
- C Annuity Factor
- Annuity Factor present value of 1 paid at the
end of each T periods.
12Constant Annuity
- Ct C for t 1, 2, ,T
- Difference between two annuities
- Starting at t 1 PVC/r
- Starting at t T1 PV C/r 1/(1r)T
- Example 20-year mortgage
- Annual payment 25,000
- Borrowing rate 10
- PV ( 25,000/0.10)1-1/(1.10)20 25,000 10
(1 0.1486) - 25,000 8.5136
- 212,839
13Growing annuity
- Ct C1 (1g)t-1 for t 1, 2, , T r ? g
- This is again the difference between two growing
annuities - Starting at t 1, first cash flow C1
- Starting at t T1 with first cash flow C1
(1g)T - Example What is the NPV of the following project
if r 10? - Initial investment 100, C1 20, g 8, T 10
- NPV 100 20/(10 - 8)1 (1.08/1.10)10
- 100 167.64
- 67.64
14Useful formulas summary
- Constant perpetuity Ct C for all t
- Growing perpetuity Ct Ct-1(1g)
- rgtg t 1 to 8
- Constant annuity CtC t1 to T
- Growing annuity Ct Ct-1(1g)
- t 1 to T
15Compounding interval
- Up to now, interest paid annually
- If n payments per year, compounded value after 1
year - Example Monthly payment
- r 12, n 12
- Compounded value after 1 year (1 0.12/12)12
1.1268 - Effective Annual Interest Rate 12.68
- Continuous compounding
- 1(r/n)n?er (e 2.7183)
- Example r 12 e12 1.1275
- Effective Annual Interest Rate 12.75
16Juggling with compounding intervals
- The effective annual interest rate is 10
- Consider a perpetuity with annual cash flow C
12 - If this cash flow is paid once a year PV 12 /
0.10 120 - Suppose know that the cash flow is paid once a
month (the monthly cash flow is 12/12 1 each
month). What is the present value? - Solution 1
- Calculate the monthly interest rate (keeping EAR
constant) - (1rmonthly)12 1.10 ? rmonthly 0.7974
- Use perpetuity formula
- PV 1 / 0.007974 125.40
- Solution 2
- Calculate stated annual interest rate 0.7974
12 9.568 - Use perpetuity formula PV 12 / 0.09568
17Interest rates and inflation real interest rate
- Nominal interest rate 10 Date 0 Date 1
- Individual invests 1,000
- Individual receives 1,100
- Hamburger sells for 1 1.06
- Inflation rate 6
- Purchasing power ( hamburgers) H1,000 H1,038
- Real interest rate 3.8
- (1Nominal interest rate) (1Real interest
rate)(1Inflation rate) - Approximation
- Real interest rate Nominal interest rate -
Inflation rate
18Bond Valuation
- Objectives for this session
- 1.Introduce the main categories of bonds
- 2.Understand bond valuation
- 3.Analyse the link between interest rates and
bond prices - 4.Introduce the term structure of interest rates
- 5.Examine why interest rates might vary according
to maturity
19Zero-coupon bond
- Pure discount bond - Bullet bond
- The bondholder has a right to receive
- one future payment (the face value) F
- at a future date (the maturity) T
- Example a 10-year zero-coupon bond with face
value 1,000 -
- Value of a zero-coupon bond
- Example
- If the 1-year interest rate is 5 and is assumed
to remain constant - the zero of the previous example would sell for
20Level-coupon bond
- Periodic interest payments (coupons)
- Europe most often once a year
- US every 6 months
- Coupon usually expressed as of principal
- At maturity, repayment of principal
- Example Government bond issued on March 31,2000
- Coupon 6.50
- Face value 100
- Final maturity 2005
- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
- 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 106.50
21Valuing a level coupon bond
- Example If r 5
- Note If P0 gt F the bond is sold at a premium
- If P0 ltF the bond is sold at a
discount - Expected price one year later P1 105.32
- Expected return 6.50 (105.32
106.49)/106.49 5
22When does a bond sell at a premium?
- Notations C coupon, F face value, P price
- Suppose C / F gt r
- 1-year to maturity
- 2-years to maturity
- As P1 gt F
23A level coupon bond as a portfolio of zero-coupons
- Cut level coupon bond into 5 zero-coupon
- Face value Maturity Value
- Zero 1 6.50 1 6.19
- Zero 2 6.50 2 5.89
- Zero 3 6.50 3 5.61
- Zero 4 6.50 4 5.35
- Zero 5 106.50 5 83.44
- Total 106.49
24Law of one price
- Suppose that you observe the following data
What are the underlying discount factors?
Bootstrap method
100.97 DF1 104105.72 DF1 7 DF2
107101.56 DF1 5.5 DF2 5.5 DF3
25Bond prices and interest rates
Bond prices fall with a rise in interest rates
and rise with a fall in interest rates
26Sensitivity of zero-coupons to interest rate
27Duration for Zero-coupons
- Consider a zero-coupon with t years to maturity
- What happens if r changes?
- For given P, the change is proportional to the
maturity. - As a first approximation (for small change of r)
Duration Maturity
28Duration for coupon bonds
- Consider now a bond with cash flows C1, ...,CT
- View as a portfolio of T zero-coupons.
- The value of the bond is P PV(C1) PV(C2)
... PV(CT) - Fraction invested in zero-coupon t wt PV(Ct) /
P -
- Duration weighted average maturity of
zero-coupons - D w1 1 w2 2 w3 3wt t wT T
29Duration - example
- Back to our 5-year 6.50 coupon bond.
- Face value Value wt
- Zero 1 6.50 6.19 5.81
- Zero 2 6.50 5.89 5.53
- Zero 3 6.50 5.61 5.27
- Zero 4 6.50 5.35 5.02
- Zero 5 106.50 83.44 78.35
- Total 106.49
- Duration D .05811 0.05532 .0527 3
.0502 4 .7835 5 - 4.44
- For coupon bonds, duration lt maturity
30Price change calculation based on duration
- General formula
- In example Duration 4.44 (when r5)
- If ?r 1 ? 4.44 1 - 4.23
- Check If r 6, P 102.11
- ?P/P (102.11 106.49)/106.49 - 4.11
Difference due to convexity
31Duration -mathematics
- If the interest rate changes
- Divide both terms by P to calculate a percentage
change - As
- we get
32Yield to maturity
- Suppose that the bond price is known.
- Yield to maturity implicit discount rate
- Solution of following equation