Title: New Developments in AERONET aerosol retrievals
1New Developments in AERONET aerosol retrievals
Oleg Dubovik (Code 614.4)
- Outlines
- Improving operational retrieval software
- Aerosol particle non-sphericity
- Inversion of combined AERONET/satellite
observations -
2INPUT of Forward Model
Aerosol characterization form AERONET retrievals
Complex Refractive Index at l 0.44 0.67
0.87 1.02 mm
Particle Size Distribution 0.05 mm R (22 bins)
15 mm
Desert Dust
3AERONET Inversion 2
- Flexibility and refinements of the algorithm
- - any number of spectral channel (from 0.34
to 1.64 mm) - - any measurements geometry (almucantar,
principle plane, etc.) - - dynamic error estimates for all retrieval
products - - improved assumptions about surface
reflectance (Moody et al. 2005) - - utilizing measurements of polarization
(not operational yet) - New products from retrievals
- - particle non-sphericity
- - direct aerosol radiative forcing
computations - - degree of polarization, phase function,
etc. -
- New concepts in the retrieval
- - non-spherical aerosols
- - using co-incident satellite observations in
the retrievals
4AERONET model of aerosol
AERONET model of aerosol
Randomly oriented spheroids (Mishchenko et al.,
5Single Scattering using spheroids
spheroid kernels data basefor operational
modeling !!!
Input wp (Np 11), V(ri) (Ni 22 -26)
K - pre-computed kernel matrices Input n and k
- Basic Model by Mishchenko et al. 1997
- randomly oriented homogeneous spheroids
- w(e) - size independent shape distribution
Time lt one sec. Accuracy lt 1-3 Range of
applicability 0.15 2pr/l 280 (26 bins) 0.4
e 2.4 (11 bins) 1.33 n 1.6 0.0005 k 0.5
Output t(l), w0(l), F11(Q), F12(Q),F22(Q), F33(Q
6NEW CONCEPT - retrieving degree of non-sphericity
as an additional parameter
The retrieval is possible for aerosols with
pronounced coarse fraction, i. e. desert dust and
maritime (a lt 1.2)
Retrieved aspect ratio
Non- spheres
7AERONET-MSP(multispectral polarization)
- Spectral Percent linear Polarization hourly
- Standard Products
- L(nm) 340, 380, 440, 500, 675, 870, 940, 1020,
1640 - AERONET testing (Feb. to May 2006)
- Operational products June 2006
Dual filter wheel, top for polarizers bottom for
IAD filters
B.N. Holben
8Sensitivity of polarization to particle shape
Coarse aerosol
-P12(Q)/P11 (Q)
-P12(Q)/P11 (Q)
9e(spheroids) 5 e(spheres) 10
e(spheroids) lt 0.01 e(spheres) 0.05
10Simultaneous Inversion of intensity and
Polarization measured in principle plane at 5
channels (0.44 0.5 067 0.87 1.02)
Maarco, August 8, 2004
11Combining of observations satellite,
ground-based and aircraft
- Size Distribution
- - Real Refractive Index
- Absorption
- Vertical variability
- Albedo
- - Bi-directional reflectance
12Simultaneous fitting
August 9, 2003 t(0.44) 0.3
13Comparisons of Surface Retrievals (with improved
vertical profile)
Surface Albedo
Surface BRDF
14Surface Effect on Retrievals of the fine mode
aerosols (low aerosol loading)
POLDER June 24, 2003 t(0.44) 0.26 , SZA470
15- Version 2 operational retrieval
- More robust, more accurate and better
characterized results - Utilize new types of measurements (polarization,
principle plane, etc) -
- Provide new retrieval products particle shape,
forcing, etc. - Plans
- Using co-incident observations of MODIS, MISR and
POLDER - Including Lidar information into retrievals